 Альбом, который понравился абсолютно сразу же и гораздо больше предыдущего «Catfish Rising» или «Crest of a Knave». Саунд стал более тяжелым, временами почти металлическим, но в то же время более лиричным. Появились восточные мотивы, которые слышны почти в каждой теме, блюза тоже стало меньше и, слава Богу, исчезла та несерьезность, из-за которой я не люблю «Всплытие сома». Ну а тексты – это лучшее, что было у Андерсона за много лет. 1) «Roots to Branches». Отличное сочетание жесткости и лиричности. Гитара запоминается сразу, а игра на флейте просто разрывает сердце. Текст сложный (пение Иэна здесь можно назвать мистическим) и посвящен современным религиям: «Крестовые походы и символы веры опускаются, словно огненные снежинки». Он пытается сказать, что последователи древних религий исказили первоначальное послание, оставив лишь внешнюю традиционность. 2) «Rare and Precious Chain». Размеренная вещь с четко выраженными индийскими мотивами. Снова отличная игра гитары и флейты. Лирика посвящена любви, символом которой становится «редкая и ценная цепочка». 3) «Out of the Noise». Худшая песня на альбоме, но не потому, что плохая, а потому, что менее всего запоминается, хотя и отлично аранжирована. Текст повествует о старом псе, рыщущем по восточному городу в поисках еды (метафора это или нет, решать слушателю). 4) «This Free Will». Снова отличная вещь, в которой помимо запоминающегося тандема гитары и флейты есть еще скрипки. Лирика посвящена воспоминаниям об одной девчонке и желанию снова с ней встретиться после долгих лет: «Не вздумай поколебать мою веру в (то, что у человека есть) свободный выбор». 5) «Valley». Начало – эмоциональная флейта и взрыв тяжелых ударных, затем акустическая гитара, дополняемая клавишными и перкуссиями. Чувствуется влияние кантри. Припев довольно жесткий. Текст представляет собой монолог человека, живущего неподалеку от долины, в которой обитают «плохие люди». Основная тема – отсутствие взаимопонимания, когда все, что непонятно, считается плохим. 6) «Dangerous Veils». Во вступлении отличная флейта, потом жесткие перкуссии и гитара. Завершается она хардовым инструменталом с гитарным соло и мощными ударными в конце. Лирика довольно сложна и снова посвящена религии – как мне кажется, Иэн дает понять, что в христианстве главным стала внешняя атрибутика, а не внутренняя вера человека. 7) «Beside Myself». Просто великолепная вещь. Истинная жемчужина. Начало – акустическая гитара, сначала отрывисто звучащая, потом мелодичная. Потом вступает флейта, подменяемая гитарой во время вокала. Инструментальная часть здесь просто отличная – особенно там, где флейта и тяжелые гитара и ударные звучат вместе, прекрасно дополняя друг друга и создавая абсолютно неповторимую атмосферу. Текст – о том, что человек не может в одиночку бороться с мировым злом, и от этого герой чувствует себя «не в себе». 8) «Wounded, Old and Treacherous». Начало – флейта и фортепьяно, затем нечто маршевое под флейту. Явственное джазовое влияние. Жесткая тревожная гитара. Отличное хардовое завершение. Вокал намеренно почти бесстрастный: «Я раненый, старый и вероломный». В лирике проводится сравнение современной жизни с джунглями. 9) «At Last, Forever». Великолепная баллада. Еще одна жемчужина. Гитара, флейта, клавишные, ударные – аранжировка просто потрясающая. Впечатляют перекличка струнного оркестра и флейты под жесткий размеренный стук ударных. Песня о вынужденном расставании. Прекрасная лирика: «Почему ты держишь меня за руку? Я не собираюсь уходить далеко. Я просто проскользну в соседнюю комнату, я буду посылать письма почти каждый день. Кто я такой, чтобы жить вечно?… Не в этой жизни, но мы будем вместе, ведь рай написан на твоем лице». 10) «Stuck in the August Rain». Грустная вещь, посвященная надвигающейся осени. Флейта бесподобна. Атмосферу грусти дополняет оркестр. 11) «Another Harry’s Bar». Грустное фортепьяно, грустная флейта, грустная атмосфера. Воспоминания об ушедшей молодости и покинувших этот мир друзьях – например, бармене Гарри. Однако герой верит, что дух Гарри по-прежнему витает где-то поблизости. Заканчивается песня отличным инструменталом. Альбом действительно очень хорош. Можно выделить лучшие треки и худший, но все-таки он воспринимается как единое целое. Возможно, не всем по душе придется наполняющая его грусть человека, прошедшего уже половину своего жизненного пути, но тут уж ничего не поделаешь – Андерсон всегда писал о том, что бередило его душу в то или иное время. Не верьте тем людям, которые говорят, что этот альбом скучный. Видимо, они просто не понимают красоту осени и не знают о том, что есть прелесть и у грусти. |
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После весьма странного по звучанию "Nightcap" группа действительно принялась за серьёзную работу. Это вершина творчества Jethro Tull! Гениальный шедевр современной популярной этнической музыки. Многие считают лучшим альбомом группы "Aqualung", но по мне это не так. Именно на этой работе сформирована вся професиональность и качество, к которым группа шла 20 лет. Вокал Андерсона стал сильным, окрепшим, не то что наполненный хрипами и вздохами в 70-ых. Песни построены совершенно нестандартно. Нет куплетов, припевов, проигрышей, но есть какая-то закономерность, и она так бесподобно вливается в мелодию, что её сложно уловить. Использовано много новых инструментов, которые раньше были для Jethro Tul не свойственны. Сложно даже выделить какую-то песню в альбоме, он слушается на удивление легко и восприниматься должен как цельная работа. Как и всегда на флейте играет сам Ян, только теперь, вместе с классической, появляются различные этно-флейты, добавляющие определённую атмосферу. В-общем, "Roots To Branches" является абсолютным шедевром и первым альбомом в трилогии увлечения Андресона старинной музыкой. Последущие "J-Tull Dot Com" и "Christmas Album" не имели такого успеха. |
True disciples carrying that message
to colour just a little with their personal touch.
Home-spun fancy weavers and naked half-believers
Crusades and creeds descend like fiery flakes of snow.
Bad mouth on a prayer day, hope no one's listening.
Roots down in the wet clay, branches glistening.
In wet and windy priest-holes. Grand in vast cathedrals.
High on lofty minarets or in the temples of doom.
I hope the old man's got his face on.
He'd better be some quick change artist.
Suffer little children to make their minds up soon.
Bad mouth on a prayer day, hope no one's listening.
Roots down in the wet clay, branches glistening.
Rare And Precious Chain
Rare and precious chain
Do I have to tell you, tell you once again?
Under red lights, on soft nights, it all comes back to you.
Rare and precious chain
Binds me to your soul round gently pulsing veins.
Shackled tight, feel love's bite coming back to you.
No gold of fools.
No hostage taking.
No engagement rules.
To leave you forsaken.
Tiny beads of sweat
thin diamond glistening, glistening around your neck,
forgotten rooms, dark catacombs
they all come back to you.
No crock of glittering prizes.
No sharply worded telegram.
No excuses for the word-weary.
No excuses for who I am.
It's a rare and precious chain.
Around your neck I place it, place it once again.
Drawn finger tight, feel love's bite coming back to you.
Under red lights, on soft nights, it all comes back to you.
Rare and precious chain.
Out Of The Noise
Glued to the kerbstone, staring.
Frozen at the stop-sign too.
See that crazy suicide mongrel.
He's going to try to cross that avenue.
Old dog of experience,
ripping through the black and yellow cabs,
dodging rickshaws and the bicycle boys.
He's got his mind on someone else's dinner
Over the road, round the corner, out of the noise.
Lives down in some cool, cool basement
Sharing with a family of bouncy, ratty little guys
Works to a discipline of ritual undertakings
Sleep, eat, and gentle exercise
Old dog of experience,
ripping through the black and yellow cabs,
dodging rickshaws and the bicycle boys.
He's got his mind on someone else's dinner
Over the road, round the corner, out of the noise.
Some towns I know, he could end up in a restaurant
wrong side of a table for two.
It's enough to send him running, running for cover.
Back into traffic, what's a poor dog to do?
Old mutt of experience,
ripping through the black and yellow cabs,
dodging rickshaws and the bicycle boys.
He's got his mind on someone else's dinner
Over the road, round the corner, out of the noise.
This Free Will
She peeled from a stretch black snake
which slipped up to the hotel door.
Darting looks from piercing eyes
The stir of memory and then no more.
Well, you know how I have to believe
She can almost remember my name.
It's been a long time coming, babe
Long time loose amongst foreign hills
Shaking my faith in this free will.
Years ago in a coastal town,
mosquitoes buzzed in her hair.
Schooldress torn and bare feet brown
Then the rains came and she wasn't there.
You're closing your doors on me
when you had almost remembered my name.
It's been a long time coming, babe
Long time loose amongst foreign hills
Shaking my faith in this free will.
Sharp points in an ink black sky
Faint words collide, then are lost.
I'll follow you beneath this dome
Win you back at any cost.
I know we were children then,
but you can almost remember my name.
It's been a long time coming, babe
Long time loose amongst foreign hills
Well, let's be children still
Don't shake my faith in this free will.
Don't shake my faith in this free will.
Wake hard in the morning.
See the young girl milking.
Stream rushing by on a bed of stone.
Old goats and sandstone cracking
All containing
Squeezing that river like it squeeze your bones.
In the long red, red valley people live here too long.
In the long red, red valley they only sing the valley song.
Some bad people living further down the valley,
Not easy for us to do good trade.
We got snowmelt, snowmelt sweet water.
They got that valley road that they made.
In the long red, red valley people dying here too long.
In the long red, red valley they only sing the valley song.
Holding hands on the hillside.
Showing love to your brother
your sister and your mother
but we hate those people down the valley.
Has anybody seen Moses?
Get him off that mountain.
Bring back the tablets of stone.
It's a wise, wise prophet who keeps his own council.
Yeah, leave the other man's wife alone.
In the long red, red valley people live here too long.
In the long red, red valley they only sing the valley song.
Wake hard in the morning.
See the young girl milking.
Stream rushing by on a bed of stone.
Old goats and sandstone cracking
All containing
Squeezing that river like it squeeze your bones.
In the long red, red valley people living here too long.
In the long red, red valley they only live the valley song.
In the long red, red valley people dying here too long.
In the long red, red valley they only know the valley song.
Dangerous Veils
Desert candle in a tented space
throwing softer shadows on a covered face.
Sister, silent to the likes of me
Pay my respects to her propriety.
Is this some crazy woman here,
dancing behind her thin black veil?
Am I misreading those mysterious eyes?
Duet impossible to harmonize.
I'm not inviting any stiff reaction.
I'm not one for naming holy names.
And I won't peek behind those dangerous veils.
Though you might hate me just the same.
Name of the Father ringing in her head
Thinking over what the prophet said.
Words and tradition bind her in their spell.
Don't drink the water from this holy well.
I'm not inviting any fierce reaction
and I'm not one for naming holy names.
I won't peek behind those dangerous veils.
Though you might hate me just the same.
Desert candle in a tented space
Softer shadows on a covered face.
Sister, silent to the likes of me
I tip my hat to her propriety.
I'm not inviting any fierce reaction
and I'm not one for naming holy names.
I won't peek behind those dangerous veils.
Though you might hate me just the same.
Beside Myself
Small child messing down, messing down.
in the streets of Bombay.
Cities like this have no shame, no shame;
indeed, why should they?
Out in the middle distance, several tragedies are playing.
I'm beside myself.
Big sister, can you hear him, can you hear him?
I'm beside myself.
Big sister, can you see him cry, see him cry?
I'm beside myself.
I saw you taking money in the shadows
in the shadows by the station there.
I'll wish you up a silver train
to carry you to school, bring you home again.
Strip off that work paint and put a cleaner face on.
I'm beside myself.
Hollow faced mother with her babe in arms,
babe in arms-looks through me.
Behind forgotten charms,
forgotten charms to soothe me.
Between the guilt and charity
I feel the wimp inside of me.
I'm beside myself.
Out in the middle distance, still more tragedies are playing.
I'm beside myself.
I'm so proud of you
Swimming up from the deep blue.
Which one of me do you run to?
I'm beside myself.
Small child messing down, messing down.
in the streets of Bombay.
Cities like this have no shame, have no shame;
indeed, why should they?
Out in the middle distance, several tragedies are playing.
I'm beside myself.
Wounded, Old And Treacherous
A walk on the quiet side, late in the day
Don't mean to get in anybody's way.
The Gods seem willing: sun's in the sky.
Old crows cawing as the straight crows fly.
There was a time when love was the law.
There was a time for the tooth and the claw.
Last rites given, no holds barred.
Heaven Express on my credit card.
Now let me draw the jungle line
I won't cross yours if you don't cross mine.
Won't make trouble, I don't need no fuss.
But I'm wounded, old and I'm treacherous.
Allow me to draw the jungle line
you cross it once, you cross some friends of mine.
They won't make trouble, they don't need no fuss
but they're wounded, old and they're treacherous.
In the crisp of evening, on sacred ground
Ghosts of fathers pushing moonbeams round.
Big cats prowling inside your head
They left for China; better left for dead.
Let me draw the jungle line
I won't cross yours if you don't cross mine.
Won't make trouble, I don't need no fuss.
But I'm wounded, old and I'm treacherous.
A walk on the quiet side, late in the day
Don't mean to get in anybody's way.
The Gods seem willing: sun's in the sky.
Old crows cawing as the straight crows fly.
There was a time when love was the law.
There was a time for the tooth and the claw.
Last rites given, no holds barred.
Heaven Express on my credit card.
living mountains going to shake that town
big mother calling you from underground.
She don't want trouble, she don't need no fuss.
But she's wounded, old and treacherous.
At Last, Forever
So why are you holding my hand tonight?
I'm not intending to go far away.
I'm just slipping through to the back room
I'll leave you messages almost every day.
And who was I to last forever?
I didn't promise to stay the pace.
Not in this lifetime, babe
but we'll cling together:
some kind of heaven written in your face.
So why are you holding my hand tonight?
Well, am I feeling so cold to the touch?
Do my eyes seem to focus
on some distant point?
Why do I find it hard to talk too much?
And who was I to last forever?
I didn't promise to stay the pace.
Not in this lifetime, babe
but we'll cling together:
some kind of heaven written in your face.
So why are you holding my hand tonight?
I'm not intending to go far away.
I'm just slipping through to the back room
I'll leave you messages almost every day.
And who was I to last forever?
I didn't promise to stay the pace.
Not in this lifetime, babe
but we'll cling together:
some kind of heaven written in your face.
Stuck In The August Rain
Brings jasmine tea on a painted tray
and bends to kiss my frown away.
But I'm still still stuck in the August rain;
stuck out in the cloudburst once again.
The cover's on, the coast is clear.
We're all battened down, only us here.
But I'm still still stuck in the August rain;
stuck out in the cloudburst once again.
She walks between the lines
and she can read my signs.
Stuck out in the August rain:
Out in the cloudburst once again.
Single-minded in my gloom.
I appear to revel in this darkened room.
But I'm still still stuck in the August rain;
stuck out in the cloudburst once again.
She walks between the lines
and she can read my signs.
Stuck out in the August rain:
Out in the cloudburst once again.
Another Harry's Bar
Wet wind on the sidewalk: I'm staring at the rain.
Walking up the street, yeah, and walking down again.
And my feet are tired and my brain is numb.
See that broken neon sign saying, hey, in you come.
Got the scent of stale beer hanging, hanging round my head.
Old dog in the corner sleeping like he could be dead.
A book of matches and a full ashtray.
Cigarette left smoking its life away.
Another Harry's bar -- or that's the tale they tell.
But Harry's long gone now, and the customers as well.
Me and the dog and the ghost of Harry will make this world turn right.
It'll all turn right.
God's tears on the sidewalk: it's the mother of all rain.
But in the thick blue haze of Harry's, you will feel no pain.
And you will feel no soft hand slipping on your knee.
You don't have to pay for memories, they will all come free.
Another Harry's bar -- or that's the tale they tell.
But Harry's long gone now, and the customers as well.
Me and the dog and the ghost of Harry will make this world turn right.
It'll all turn right.
Now when Harry was a young man, Harry was so debonair.
He walked a bouncy step in his shiny shoes.
And when Harry was a young man, well, Harry could walk on air.
He mixed a mean cocktail and he talked you through the late news.
You want to hear some great news?
Harry's still here.
Wet wind on the sidewalk: I'm still staring at the rain.
Walking up the street, and I'm walking down again.
And my feet are tired and my brain is numb.
See that broken neon sign saying, hey, in you come.
Another Harry's bar -- or that's the tale they tell.
But Harry's long gone now, and the customers as well.
Me and the dog and the ghost of Harry will make this world turn right.
It'll all turn right.
Another Harry's bar.
And another Harry's bar.
And another, and another Harry's bar.