« The Guessing Game »
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| Disc One:
 | 1 | Immaculate Misconception
 | 2 | Funeral Of Dreams
 | 3 | Painting In The Dark
 | 4 | Death Of An Anarchist
 | 5 | The Guessing Game
 | 6 | Edwige's Eyes
 | 7 | Cats, Incense, Candles & Wine
 | | Disc Two:
 | 1 | One Dimensional People
 | 2 | Casket Chasers
 | 3 | La Noche Del Buque Maldito (aka Ghost Ship Of The Blind Dead)
 | 4 | The Running Man
 | 5 | Requiem For The Voiceless
 | 6 | Journeys Into Jad
 | | Total playing time: 01:24:48 |
   Lee Dorian - vocals, samples
Garry Jennings - guitars, percussion
Leo Smee - bass, mellotron, flute, synthesizers, auto harp
Brian Dixon - drums |
 | 2. Funeral Of Dreams
[Jennings / Dorrian]
As I walked through fields of innocence
My dreams were distorted with no defense
Earth's creatures beside me, what a joy to be
Bright flowers, gay sunshine, sweet destiny
Then one day scarecrow greeted me
My mind began to see truths unfolding
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 От простого к сложному. Через 5 лет после фееричного "Сада неземных наслаждений" Cathedral родили нечто. Почти на полтора часа. Эталонный стоунер. Они - вторые отцы-основатели! - дистиллировали дум, сублимировали джаз и создали... почти шедевр.
Это адская смесь King Crimson и Black Sabbath с лёгким налётом исконной психоделии Cathedral. Музыка, зачатая в 70-е и рождённая только сейчас. Короткие, синкопированные риффы, чудовищно навороченные аранжировки, а над ними - истеричный вокал Ли Дориана. Мелодический сюрреализм. И если Mekong Delta - апологеты интеллектуального, прогрессивного трэша с тем же влиянием "Короля Червей", то Cathedral идут дальше, замешивая свой альбом на... элегичной нежности. Здесь нет минора как такового, потому что они уже избавились от оков дума - здесь минор в настроении, в глазах музыкантов, записывавших эту музыку.
Это истинный трип, это путешествие за белым кроликом, эти композиции выворачивают тебя наизнанку - и оставляют после себя не ужас, нет. Они целительны. Они волшебны - переливающиеся друг в друга риффы уносят в галлюцинирующее пространство, гитарные синтезаторы и басовый фидбэк раскачивают сознание, сплетая паутину причудливейших звуков, когда уже не ясно, что за инструмент их издаёт. Ты вне себя - и безо всяких веществ.
Что-то порознь очень сложно выделить - песни различаются настолько же сильно, насколько неразделимо они соединены в общий организм. "The Guessing Game" нельзя остановить - ты его слушаешь, слушаешь, а потом ставишь на повтор. И в этом - его магия. Сродни флойдовской. Да ведь она оттуда же - из сказочных 60-х. |
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просмотров: 26883 |
To view reality and began observing
From there I saw an abattoir for minds
A system of lies man is enslaved in
Murdered thoughts, human machinery
In life's factory keep the wheels turning
Now that the sun sets upon this magic land
My eyes are wide open to the ill fate of man
They put me in a place to educate
Instead my mind was raped, not yet turned eight
Stories of crucifixion and moral codes to live life by
Force-fed lies, defiled, brainwashed and blind
Then a priest with fire in his eyes
Warned me of my demise if I stopped believing
He said young man you'll burn in hell you see
Christ is your sanctuary, so just be subservant
Stand up and fight, defend your country
Kiss feet of the elite and you shall inherit
Your wealth up in the sky but first you have to die
And live in poverty - keep the wheels turning
Now that the sun sets upon this fated land
My eyes are wide open to the ill deeds of man
Where is this place, I once wondered free?
A funeral of dreams became reality
Grey concrete, human cage - society
Joys butchered, blind envy, bleak destiny
Killing yourself to get by in this murdered world
Words, music on black plastic; the truth!
Black towers over you and me authority
Destroy your will to be if you let them own you
Reclaim your mind, view life through your own eyes
You soon may realise your own true meaning
Fuck their wars, religious lies and laws
Guilt trips you're not the cause, don't just accept them
A life of misery they want for you and me
Just drink and be merry - stop the wheels turning
Now that the sun sets upon this magic land
My eyes are wide open to the ill fate of man
3. Painting In The Dark
[Jennings / Dorrian]
City streets are filled with crime, politician's laugh and dine
Pubic stare of murdered eyes, living statues, souls have died
Concrete cancer setting in, another war about to begin
In freedom's coffin life rotting, release me from this social din
Mythic places only I can see
Painting pictures in the dark of a place less stark
Spiral staircase in my mind after midnight sense climb
Building castles in the sky, gateways to another life
Stallions of destiny take me to celestial seas
Aphrodite waits for me, we swim into eternity
Epic places only I can see
Painting pictures in the dark of a place less stark
Wealth of minds in poverty, dying world, what's left for me?
Outcast of reality, close my eyes so I can be
In mythic places only I can see
No murdered faces of reality
Painting pictures in the dark of a place less stark
4. Death Of An Anarchist
[Jennings / Dorrian]
I wear a mask, oh yes I do, it may seem harsh but it hides the truth
See I am pained by what I see in this life this reality
The word love people say with shame but in this heart there's a burning flame
I take a look at society, a misfit, I guess that's me
Can't take this blind hatred
From myself escaping
Awake again I face the truth
Sober now with all the proof
We're burned in reality,
Dying to live but cannot feel
Emptiness of this world is real
All trust in mankind envy steals
Win or lose, in death I choose to live this life by my own rules
They steal faith in your fellow man, led to believe he has a plan
Subservant in invisible chains we live our lives as the system slaves
I only wish that you could see there is no God just you and me
I got out there to get here
My way of thinking is just too cleat
I'll live again with my disguise
Camouflaged in life of lies
A mirrored wall in front of me
I'm a vampire cos I can't see
The jester that guides my destiny
Is the same one I refuse to be
Why can't I see, I am not me?
When will you see, you can be free?
5. The Guessing Game
6. Edwige's Eyes
[Jennings / Dorrian]
My mind is a locked room and she has the key
Five dolls for an August moon, on this island I await my doom
Seeing through cat's eyes everything's black
Colours of darkness peer through the cracks
Escaping from death row, is easier I know
Edwige's eyes cast a spell on me
Edwige's eyes queen of Giallo movies
Black spider prophecy she cast her spell on me
Demons of the dead run riot in my head
Pleasure and torment all in one place
Desire covered in blood and black lace
Investigate this crime release me from death's chime
Edwige's eyes cast a spell on me
Edwige's eyes queen of Giallo movies
Escaping from death row, yes it's easier and I know
The demons of the dead run a riot, they're in my head
Seeing through cat's eyes everything's black
Colours of darkness peer through the cracks
Release me from death's chime, investigate this crime
Edwige's eyes cast a spell on me
Edwige's eyes queen of Giallo movies
7. Cats, Incense, Candles & Wine
[Jennings / Dorrian]
Stillness of the darkest night
Flickering candle burning bright
Smoking incense elevates
The senses from life's worldly weight
Aroma's drift from heaven's leaves
Guiding thoughts across astral seas
A purring cat sits next to me
To share this oh so wondrous eve
Flickering candles, midnight sky
Feline presence senses high
Deep red wine of natures vine
Stimulates thy tortured mind
Away from violence here I find
A sanctuary of peace sublime
A full moon glows above the sea
It's shimmering light of mystery
A cosmic wilderness to see
Beyond the stars I yearn to be
Midday Sun, violence breeds
Wealth competition, mankind's disease
I get up in the morning to face another day
A world obsessed with money, I gotta get away
So tired of people fighting everywhere I go
Too many faces frowning for no reason they know, no
As twilight comes the evening sets majestically
At one with the cosmos my thought wander free
Physical prison, chains of time,
In life's gallery of order signs
Restricted curfews of the mind,
Switch it off leave them all behind
8. One Dimensional People
9. The Casket Chasers
[Jennings / Dorrian]
Question marks of life, answers we must find
Where did we come from, where do we go
Rats are running faster racing against time
Desperate to get past his life and be with God divine
Take your time - oh yeah - take your time
Casket chasers
Told what to believe, eyes cannot see
Obsessed with afterlife, I'll live this one first Christ
Rats are running faster racing against time
Desperate to get past this life and be with God divine
Take your time - oh yeah - take your time
Casket chasers
Soon we'll face cold ground, no longer be around
Until worms must feast, just let me live in peace
Rats keep running faster racing against time
Desperate to get past this life and be with God divine
Take your time - oh yeah - take your time
Casket chasers
10. La Noche Del Buque Maldito (Aka Ghost Ship Of The Blind Dead)
[Jennings / Dorrian / Smee]
Ghost Galleon on a spectral sea
Shipwreck of lost centuries
Crypts of Knights Templar awakened sleep
Young beauty meets a terminal destiny
Ghost ship - of the blind dead
Brute sacrifice and ancient blasphemy
Through drug ritual we dominate mortality
Here with our treasures on young flesh we feed
In foggy, murky waters, no one hears your screams
Ghost ship - of the blind dead
Blood sacrifice on our shipwreck
Young beauty slayed upon the deck
In our Sarcophagus far out at sea
Yes we have slept for centuries
Red lights in the horned skull's eyes
Signal ships imminent demise
From rotten coffins we rise out from the sea
Invade your shores on humanity we feast
Ghost ship - of the blind dead
11. The Running Man
Black wings wrapped around the sun
Darkness guides your marathon
Icy people everywhere
Cold love and cold thoughts they share
Live your life in a coffin
How much death can you cram in
Greedy man is wealth hungry
Orgasms at other's misery
A brand new watch to tell the time
See the hours passing by
Your castle is your golden dream
Living a lie with your bought queen
Possessions own your shallow mind
Plastic goods you'll leave behind
Humoured by your garden gnomes
Soon you'll rest beneath their thrones
12. Requiem For The Voiceless
[Jennnings / Dorrian]
They've caged me here in this circus hell
That human audience I know so well
Thrash my bones so the act may please
Your jeers and laughter too loud to hear my pleas
Set me free humanity
My eyes bleached out I cannot see
You wear my fur for vanity
Chew on my flesh then excrete me
I am imprisoned in your death camp farm
Until my limbs are butchered one by one
Scattered random in your supermarket fridge
As for my children, well they're probably in tins
Set me free humanity
My eyes bleached out I cannot see
You wear my fur for vanity
Chew on my flesh then excrete me
Shoot me out of the sky
Slaughter me at sea
Hunt me in the fields
Why not let me be?
You live a life of death you ignorant fools
For mistakes you make use us as your tools
Inject my body with your wretched disease
I cannot hate you, I have not energy
Set me free humanity
I have no voice, won't you please help me
13. Journey Into Jade
In 1989 the idea came to be
In Memoriam as recorded back in '90
We walked into the Forest Of Equilibrium
Saw an Ethereal Mirror next in '93
Twenty years it's been - what does the future bring?
Two years it's been of hell spent waiting is silence
Until Carnival Bizarre came in '95
Supernatural Birth Machine was shaky
Then the Caravan came to take us far away
Twenty years it's been - what does the future bring?
In twenty years time how will our music seem?
We came back to reality in 2000
With Endtyme we were born again
Number seven was our second coming
The Garden of Delights was so unearthly
Twenty years it's been - what must the future bring?
In One hundred years time - how will our music seem?
Today we are here playing the Guessing Game
Uncertainty with what tomorrow may bring
Will our vinyl be rare and collectable
Will we be the in thing?
Twenty years it's been - how will the present seem?
In one thousand years time - what will be of mankind?