 Однозначно, один из крутейших альбомов трэш-спид-метала. А на тот момент, думаю, так вообще лучшее творение в этом стиле.
Вот почему-то принято за таковой считать «Reign in Blood». Бесспорно, то был и есть отличный альбом – классика жанра, без каких-либо сомнений. Но все то, чем блещет этот слэйеровский диск, без труда можно найти и на немецком «Release from Agony». При этом тут еще есть и много чего такого, чем «Reign in Blood» явно не блещет.
А именно. Альбом потрясающе разнообразен. На общем фоне тотального однообразия и вполне понятного для тех времен примитивизма трэш-спида середины 80-х, «Release from Agony» выделяется самым ярким образом. Здесь настолько все интересно и продумано и отработано, что мне совершенно непонятно, почему ярлык «трэш-альбом №1 в мире» навесили вовсе не на этот альбом?
Музыка в целом такая же скоростная, как и типичный трэш того времени, но ребята явно не ставили себе цель (на мой взгляд, весьма сомнительной ценности) достичь рекордной скорости. Здесь до половины материала среднетемпового, местами даже медленного… Но самое главное, на альбоме все вещи – хиты. Нет ни одного трека, который не обладал бы запоминающимся сильным риффингом и мелодикой, интересными вокальными партиями, красивейшими гитарными соло, наконец.
Вокал мне лично очень нравится. Будучи довольно брутальным для стиля, он совершенно не скован, не однообразен, разбавлен прикольными повизгиваниями. Но главное, у вокалиста вообще оригинальная манера пения – как будто он не поет, а выдавливает из себя звуки.
Игра также без претензий – четко, слаженно, и при этом красиво. Ударник запоминается узнаваемой манерой и оригинальным мягким звучанием. И композиционно все просто здорово: вещи довольно сложны, но без явного перебора. Чисто скоростных композиций нет, все построено на сочетаниях смен ритма (по 3-4 в каждой вещи), но сыграно все это, как единый монолит.
Думаю, ничего даже близко похожего на это произведение по уровню, как ранее, так и впоследствии группа не сотворила. Ну и ладно… И на том огромное спасибо! Ибо значение этого альбома в рамках стиля такое же, что и у «Spiritual Healing» в рамках дэта.
В любом случае, для меня DESTRUCTION – это «Release from Agony»! |
Release from Agony
Release from Agony
This nightmare surrounds me
I am prepared for the worst
Captured timeless in the darkness
one second seems like eternity
It will get me. It will choke me.
Screaming in my bed in agony
when I hear the clock
I have got to wake up
cause falling back asleep
means to get in his trap
Release from Agony
Release from Agony
Getting in state of panic
this can't be just imagination
Iam praying to be awake
I don't want to face this vicious circle
I know this nightmare will revert
it is driving me to despair
My refuge will be reality
Release from Agony!
It will get me. It will choke me.
Screaming in my bed in agony
when I hear the clock
I have got to wake up
cause falling back asleep
means to get in his trap
Release from Agony
Release from Agony
2. Dissatisfied Existence
In my Life I never asked
for anybody's assistence
I'd rather go about my own affairs
than to deal with other persons problems
Dissatisfied existence
What's the meaning of my life?
Dissatisfied existence
Is it worth to be alive
If I ever want to attract attention
it won't be for your affection
I don't know what I really want in my Life
and I don't remember whom I once believed
Dissatisfied existence
What's the meaning of my life?
Dissatisfied existence
Is it worth to be alive
What do you really want in life?
What's the meaning of my life?
Is it worth to be alive?
Where's the answer for my searchin??
Dissatisfied existence
What's the meaning of my life?
Dissatisfied existence
Is it worth to be alive
I live my boring life
and no one takes notice of me
Happiness is not what I feel
Is there any sense for my searchin??
3. Sign Of Fear
Gettin'scared by every chance to love
look careful which people you meet!
Almost being caught when you cheat
Why do people call it sign of the gods?
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear
It's getting on a bigger stage
spreading like the black pest
When you've realized it, there's no time left
No way to pass through
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear
Unfair punishment of free lifestyle?
Will we return to the middle-ages?
You? ll get distrustful of your friends
Carelessness and indiference will lead to death
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear - ungracious condemnation
sign of fear
4. Unconscious Ruins
All the faces, all the voices
seem to fade in the crowd
Neurotic minds realize the danger
expect their destiny, fear the future
Past never changes
running into unconscious ruins
future can't be hidden
starring at unconscious ruins
The mor they know, the less they talk
one day apprehensions will com true
Human beings blown out like candles
Mankind executed by itself
Past never changes
running into unconscious ruins
future can't be hidden
starring at unconscious ruins
It's not too late to realize
why people fake ignorance
inside they are scared to death
but too weak to react.
Past never changes
running into unconscious ruins
future can't be hidden
starring at unconscious ruins
Death is knocking at your backdoor
don't turn your back
in this the fall of humanity
nuclear holocaust our imminent fate?
Past never changes
running into unconscious ruins
future can't be hidden
starring at unconscious ruins
5. Incriminated
It began about half a century ago
with the foundation of the hopeless empire of 1000 years
Commanded by a ruler of cruelty
a nation captivated by idealism
Why do we take the reponsibility
of his insanity
although we've never asked for that legacy?
Incriminated - no forgiveness
Incriminated - no forgiveness
Indescribeable, inhuman greed for power
supported by fanatics under his spell
Obsessed by his aim to wipe out non-arayans
he rushed millions of people into desaster
Why do we take the reponsibility
of his insanity
although we've never asked for that legacy?
Incriminated - no forgiveness
Incriminated - no forgiveness
More than 40 years after his predestined fall
we still got to take the responsibility
For those events we know from the history book
Why should we feel guilty for deeds
done in the past?
It began about half a century ago,
with the foundation of the hopeless empire of 1000 years
Commanded by a ruler of cruelty
a nation captived with idealism
Why do we take the reponsibility
of his insanity
although we've never asked for that legacy?
6. Our Oppression
Illogical laws and rules without a meaning
only created to be an obstacle in our life
Democracy to live free, stupid to believe
'cause the government watches every step of us
Corrupt politicians, easy to buy
makin' decisions without asking for our opinion
Blinded by lies, hypnotized by illusions
They cheat us out of our freedom
Our Oppression - There's no discussion
Our Oppression - There's no discussion
Why is this called democracy?
We think that the power of decision is in our hands
But those who rule are not the ones we chose
Our Oppression, a legal requirement?
Our Oppression - There's no discussion
Our Oppression - There's no discussion
Our Oppression - There's no discussion
Our Oppression - There's no discussion
7. Survive To Die
Death and destruction rule on this planet
you know life is valid for a limited time
You live with the idea to die
there's no FUCKIN' chance for mercy
Survive to die
Survive to die
Survive to die
You take advantage of every moment
? cause death hits without exception
There is no challenge? cause we always loose
Why don't you stop livin??
Survive to die
Survive to die
Survive to die
No prospect of reprieve
when your time is over
Your destiny follows you like your shadow
Future plans and projects, just a waste of time
Our solution is to live day by day
Hazard seems to be mor fair this way.
Survive to die
Survive to die
Survive to die