« Rabid Death's Curse »
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1 | The Limb Crucifix 04:21
 | 2 | Rabid Death's Curse 05:21
 | 3 | On Horns Impaled 02:35
 | 4 | Life Dethroned 05:45
 | 5 | Walls of Life Ruptured 04:21
 | 6 | Agony Fires 05:22
 | 7 | Angelrape 03:40
 | 8 | Mortem Sibi Consciscere 07:02
 | | Total playing time: 38:27 |
   C. Blom - Guitar
E. Danielsson - Bass, Vocals
P. Forsberg - Guitar
H. Jonsson - Drums |
Artwork & Layout by Dauthus
Lyrics by - E. Danielsson (tracks1 to 7), K. v Bonsdorff (track 6), Elizaveat
(track 8).
All music by Watain except track 8 by Elizaveat.
Produced & mastered by Tore Stjerna. |
 | 1. The Limb Crucifix
Show me the face of uttermost madness
Reveal the mystery of time reversed
For in chaos lies mights forgotten
From which we all have emerged
Crawling from wombs - a vast reflection
A rupturing from deformed flesh
Yet a false revelation, a pointless effort
For the trut |
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 Как-то не очень заметно, за обсуждениями и разочарованиями, которые породили «отцы» первой волны северного black metal, подросло новое поколение групп, достойных принять богохульное пламя этой нечестивой музыки. Взяв все самое лучшее, что взросло на нечестивой ниве black’а, молодая поросль умножила это на неподдельную искренность и некоторую разочарованность от последних работ корифеев жанра, тем самым доказав, что традиционный black все еще таит в себе массу возможностей.
Одними из таких талантов являются шведы Watain. Название их первого альбома «Rabid Death’s Curse» говорит само за себя и прекрасно отражает гнетущую ярость, скрытую на круглом куске пластика, называемом компакт-диск. Это не музыка, это преисполненные мрачной силы демонические гимны, приоткрывающие самые темные чувства человеческой природы. «Rabid Death’s Curse» - это миазмы преисподней, которые подобно наркотику погружают сознание во власть мрачных видений, навеянных вечной тьмой! Мрак, ярость и ничего человеческого. Первый же трэк врывается шквалом адской какофонии, которая звучит непрерывно, на протяжении всего альбома. Местами создается впечатление, эти черти используют в своей музыке только две скорости: забой и полный угар! Грязнейшее по своей внутренней сути, яростное звучание нагнетает такой ярости, что впору забиться в припадке богохульного экстаза. На протяжении всего альбома дьявольская музыка не отпускает вас ни на миг, с маниакальным упорством пробиваясь к самым основам вашего сознания. Отдельные треки уже не различимы, превращаясь в нечто единое, темное и размытое, подобное клочьям ночного тумана.
Если быть более точным, то мы имеем чудовищный сплав из Dark Funeral, Mayhem, первых трех альбомов Immortal и Emperor периода «In the Nightside Eclipse» (только без клавиш), возведенный на фундаменте ревущего звучания Sodom’овского «Persecution Mania» (!). Плюс сделайте поправку на дьявольский цинизм, с которым исполняется все это темное великолепие. Впечатляет? Особенно стоит выделить одноименную «Rabid Death’s Curse», содержащую отменный проигрыш, порождающий черную меланхолию. Также можно отметить гнетущую «Life Dethroned», совершенно жуткую «Agony Fires» и суровую «Mortem Sibi Consciscere», которая завершает альбом. Благодаря представленному в равных пропорциях миксу из среднего темпа вперемежку с забойными партиями, данные композиции подобны ритуальным заклинаниям.
Что больше всего удивляет, так это то, что подобная глубоко анти-коммерческая музыка завоевывает в последнее время все большую аудиторию, мелькая рядом со всевозможными Dimmu Borger, Cradle of Filth, Graveworm и прочими «trend people». Данное явление лишний раз доказывает, что продуманно и неуклонно следуя избранному курсу, без крайностей нелепых «экспериментов», трудолюбием и дьявольской преданностью любимому делу можно добиться многого. И подобные группы никто и никогда не упрекнет в продажности и легкомыслии. Так держать! |
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Название шведского дивизиона Watain происходит от названия одноимённой песни культовой команды Von. Лирика этой песни просто источает дъявольщину и мистицизм. Вот перевод небольшого отрывка: «Грешное дитя лежит в переполненной могиле / В этом нечестивом месте происходят чёрные приношения / Здесь Он убивает…»
На рассматриваемом первенце шведов всё чертовски серьёзно и дъявольски убедительно. Скоростные прострельные композиции трамбуют сплошным удушающим навалом. Не передохнуть. Мощнейшая энергетика сносит башку, брутальные, несколько даже дэтовые риффы долго ещё отдаются под глухим сводом черепа, а достойная лирика заставляет с ещё большей серьёзностью относиться к творчеству шведов. Лаконичный антураж и последовательная позиция коллектива привлекли (и продолжают привлекать) множество воодушевлённых адептов под их чёрные крылья. Этот релиз обречён стать классикой метала - одержимое и талантливое творчество. Чернь и мгла... |
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просмотров: 19647 |
For your bodies form a giant shape
That cast shadows across all lands
Filled with the greatest of emptiness
Falling as it stands
A crucifix of flesh and bones
Lifeless, yet trembling in fear
For as sulphurflames are it's conscious
And the smothering is near
Emptiness spawn, pale stillborn breed
Blinded at birth and forever to be
His tusks pierced through eyelids and tongue
Not even Death can set you free
..sense the smell of burning flesh
A titanic symbol of death's overture
Impaled on behorned pain
The limb crucifix, built on remains
Of the cursed breed of Cain
It cries and it suffers, burning within
Reaching towards the sky
Anguish shaped by bloodstained flesh
A shadow of Satan, longing to die
2. Rabid Death's Curse
Born into a fatal illness
Ascension unto a graceless sphere
Yet the chain forged in sulphurfires
Emerges with them through labias lair
The stench, the curse, the sacrilege divine
The enduring of rupturing cold
Brought to life, crushed to dust
By an impenetrable presence of dark
Incarnation of plagues and of longdead pests
Fornication of all brought to life
Shadow majestic, spell infernal
At the core of mankind as a lifefeasting tumor
This curse if to haunt and to kill and to crush
For it's claws are the flesh of all life
It's eyes are the souls that burns at hell's heart
The ones who are blessed from it's strife
This plague is to die and again to be reborn
Through eternity and beyond
For it is life, the rabid death's curse
Cast by the firstborn, never to be gone
Of sharpened steel and of hanging ropes
Is the cure of this illness made
For all lives that walk are possessed by a curse
And in the end it all shall fade
Blessed from the filth
Touched by the mystery
Caressed by the dark
Left as a snake to crawl and to curse
May the seas they boil
And the napalm rain
Let mankind fade
For still it shall reign
Behold the burning of earth
And your feeble creation
Still cosmos shall tremble
Beneath his domination
3. On Horns Impaled
Bow for me, inferior
I demand you in the name of the horns
For I am the one
To bring the demise of the bearer of thorns
You who's father
so pitiful upon the cross died
Behold it inverted
And burning under the nightsky
Inferior lord of heaven
Your might shall fade
Jesus has wept
On goathorns impaled
Unclean vermins, scum of the earth
Blow your heads for the dark ages birth
Black fire cast your flames high
Above the realms of light
Behorned father Satan
Show them all your might
Taste the blood
And the decayed flesh of his sons
Behold the desecration
Of the weaker and feeble ones
A cross burned black
Soaked in sacred blood
From all of us to all of you:
Go fuck your Jewish god
Inferior lord of heaven
Your might shall fade
Jesus has wept
On goathorns impaled
Black fire cast your flames high
Above the realms of light
Behorned father Satan
Show them all your might
4. Life Dethroned
A pallid shape is floating
A lurid shroud of fading life
What ones was a place so glimmering and bright
Has ignited itself and burnt out of light
I canonize thee, lord of the odious
For enlightening the path to perpetual might
For guiding me on this voyage
With nothing but scornful mirages in sight
Devour me, oh immense shadow
This locus is cursed, shroud me forever
Damnation be my lodestar
For humanity carves my veins
I've been nailed to a cross of anguish
Crucified above to behold
The blind, the loathsome's strife in vain
The holiness of those who should suffer my pain
Lunar strains of morbid grace
Reflections of nocturnal mysteries
Eternally hidden for their eyes
As what awaits behind...
Branded by the unpure light
But still, You like I
Reaches for the dark
And even further...
As symbols of life we are fading
To were this twilight reaches night
A pallid shape is strangled
As my soul and his darkness unite
It wont shine through
Believe it, you're never to see
That my flesh is carved with spells
Of mankinds destiny
Blessed with contempt
For what has edged my strife
And through sacrilegious veils
I dethrone life
5. Walls of Life Ruptured
Spawn of the darkest evil divine
A creation of the holy womb
Step aside for lord Sathanas
His fist so deep within
A servant am I and in flesh am I captured
Holy flesh and holy sin
Oh, the strength it does not take
To deny life's lying pleasure
Their wars stills my hunger
The tears in their eyes still my thirst
Yet their life's feeds my despite
...eternally to be cursed
As it opens for me
In darkest desolation I behold
My blood runs cold through my veins
Running in vain
Lands fall behind my eyes
And humanity is bleeding
And in my hand I hold the key
To all living holy glory
...and all that is evil
The womb of life is rotten black
The seed of light dried dead
The fist of Satan deep within
Behold the cunt of life in sin
Behold the purest evil
The creation of a higher force
Lurking within all of man
Stronger than every life and lie
6. Agony Fires
Beyond gods pestilent grace
Obscured by light his spawner dwells
Hidden but soon to be found
Beyond shrouds of fading life
All fires leave reeking ashes
Not only glow that shines
And the dawns you've blessed shall be cursed
A thousand times
Clean the mirrors from the dust of God
And nothing shall be there
For you are to weak to turn the key
Chained to life by fear
Oh, as solitude awakes
Razorsharp it shines
Reflections in your gazing eyes
For the first time burnt by sun
Each dawn rising in plaugeous glory
And touches the withering ground
Shall feed your agony fires
For your truth has now been found
(Feel the power
Bow down like the servant you are
For great evil flows through your shells)
A fall from grace
Yet a rising in glorious ashes
The gate lies crushed
And the key to life has melted
(A path will open
And wrath will enter
I rejoice in silence
Suffering is the key to the world of the beast)
Each dawn rising in plaugeous glory
And touches the withering ground
Shall feed your agony fires
For your truth has now been found
7. Angelrape
Feel the coming of a storm
Of wrath burning red as blood
Thundering forth
With poison in veins and death in the eyes
Under banners as mirrors reflecting
The darkness above and below
And the eye...
The eye that is him
Bonecrush, bloodlust
Behold the remains of Jehovah in the dust
Suffocate, Desecrate
For Satan's return - Angelrape
Warlust fill my veins
As bullets in the heart of humanity
Darkness drown me
As carnal shreds of light soaked in blood
Cursed to wander
And to eternally despise
Forever to stride
For evil never dies...
The beauty of destruction
The passion of death
In your ashes
Bonecrush, bloodlust
Behold the remains of Jehovah in the dust
Suffocate, Desecrate
For Satan's return - Angelrape
8. Mortem Sibi Consciscere
Created by them
Yet reborn through Him
Blessed from life and lie
For the cunts that are licked
By your gentle tongues
Are raped and cursed to die
So far beyond
Your rottening grace
Yet trapped in smelling chains
For the bodies you caress
I have cursed
And put cancer in their veins
The blazes in the night called stars
Are reflections of your kind
Pallid and fading lives
Spawned and guarded by darkness behind
For what dwells behind those flames
Is hidden for your eyes
And just one single glance
Would transform your smiles into cries
There is a war in my heart
While yours is thorned by my nails
For you are nothing but dead
Beneath those carnal veils
Rejoice as emptiness grow thicker
Feel it's grasp around your neck
The hour has come to release
And to welcome the razorsharp fate
Feel the jaws of the snake
Slaves under cosmic contempt
Mortem sibi consciscere
Your key to achievement
9. The Essence Of Black Purity
[2008 Reissue bonus track]
To reach the point in this desolation
When it all unveils
The revelation of a mysterious light
Was yet another dismal mirage
And I beheld another gate open
To a wound where dead flesh crawls
A loathsome spawn of what is feigned
By feeble minds, a thin veil that shines
Strong and Luminious
yet suffering from life's malady
Immense, yet chained
burning for Him
but trapped inside life's malediction
Yet slowly fading away
Beyond carnal perdition
Succumb, bearers of his plague
For his evil eats from within
Behold the falseness in the greatest of riddles solved
Life is a cold and empty lie
Born into a twilight
A mighty yearning to ignite
A voyage across black waters
Still aiming for his paradise.....
Falling into slumber
A departure swept in mist
Embraced by a higher force
Of supreme evil glory
Strong and Luminious
Yet suffering from life's malady
Immense, yet chained
burning for him
A watcher
Of your pallid and fading grace
For I can see a dawn
Swept in darkest haze
Burns in my eyes
Gaze into the barrel
And taste the wonders of Christ...