Trail of Tears
« Profoundemonium »
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1 | Countdown To Ruin 02:31
 | 2 | Driven Through The Ruins 05:48
 | 3 | Fragile Emotional Disorder 06:41
 | 4 | Profoundemonium 04:55
 | 5 | Sign Of The Shameless 04:08
 | 6 | In Frustration's Preludium 01:59
 | 7 | In Frustration's Web 05:04
 | 8 | Released At Last 06:01
 | 9 | Image Of Hope 03:51
 | 10 | Disappointment's True Face 07:30
 | 11 | The Haunted 05:01
 | | Total playing time 53:29 |
   Ronny Thorsen - vocals
Helena Iren Michaelsen - female vocals
Runar - guitars
Terje - guitars
Frank - keyboards
Kjell - bass
Jonathan - drums
Guest musicians:
Jan Vigeland - saw, accordion
Kjetil Nordhus - clean vocals on "Fragile Emotional Disorder" |
Recorded in Jailhouse Studio, Norway, January 18th - March 5th. 2000
Produced by Hans Eidskard and Trail of Tears
Mixed in Studio RS 29, The Netherlands, April 2000 by Oscar Holleman, Ronny Thorsen, Terje Heiseldal and Runar Hansen
Cover design and layout by Travis Smith
Photos by Jack Tillmanns
All music written and arranged by Trail of Tears
All lyrics written and arranged by Ronny Thorsen and Helena I. Michaelsen, except "Profoundemonium" and "Fragile Emotional Disorder" by Ronny Thorsen |
 | 2. Driven (Through The Ruins)
You were the source to my deepest figments.
Yet a repentant deceiver, who surrendered to
the uttermost ridiculous ways.
I still scream in woe.
The evil in your soul, the demons playing with your thoughts,
will not disappear until you have let go of the past |
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 Второй альбом думовой группы, не имеющий ничего общего с дебютом. Все чудесным образом изменилось - начиная от музыки, заканчивая вокалом. Вокалистка, кажется, научилась петь и попадать в такт музыке, ее вокала стало заметно меньше и появилось много разных эффектов с голосом - типа наложений вокалом, и пр.. На первом плане теперь мужсокй ведущий вокал. Музыка стала более красивой и мелодичной. При прослушивании, у меня складывалось впечатление, что я слушаю не Trial of Tears, а Tristania - настолько они стали похожи. Вообщем, если вам нравится Тристания - послушайте обязательно этот альбом. |
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Перед нами второй полноформатный альбом норвежского коллектива, заслуживающий самой положительной оценки. При всей кажущейся "однообразности" песен (если так можно сказать), каждая из них облладает своим неповторимым настроением и атмосферой. В меру агрессивная, местами меланхоличная, с запоминающимися мелодиями музыка, исполненная на очень высоком уровне. Очень удачно используется женский вокал в сочетании с жестким гроулингом, именно там, где он необходим, чтобы добавить эмоциональности в музыку. Одним словом, "Profoundemonium" можно слушать сколь угодно долго вновь и вновь! |
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Отличный альбом при очень существенной перемене стиля по сравнению с "Disclosure in Red". Первый альбом был по-своему очень хорош, но в нем было слишком много всего - нагромождение музыкальных идей, многие из которых не были как следует развиты, из-за этого создавалось впечатление перегруженности, и вообще альбом воспринимался не сразу. Здесь все просто, мощно и динамично, многие из композиций, например заглавная или "Message of Hope" - настоящие металлические хиты. На Tristania это конечно похоже, но, во-первых, сейчас все gothic-doom-овые группы похожи на Tristania, это ведущая группа стиля, а во-вторых, как раз сейчас у Trial of Tears появилось свое лицо, кажется никто не играет gothic-doom в таком темповом, динамичном варианте, и это уже не похоже на Tristania. При прослушивании альбома у меня появилась странная мысль, что так, скорее, сегодня могли бы звучать Metallica, если бы продолжали развиваться и не скатились в коммерческий хард. В общем, один из лучших альбомов года. |
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Очень качественный продукт. Радует, что эта молодая группа пошла в своем развитии в нужном направлении, а не вдарилась в отстойные индустриальные эксперименты вроде ТОТ. Музыка на этом альбоме достаточно мрачная и тяжелая с темными атмосферными вставками. Лидирующий вокал - мужской гроулинг, в небольших количествах присутствуют чистый мужской и женский. Правда женский вокал достаточно посредственный, да куда уж ей до Лив Кристин из незабвенного старого ТОТ образца 94-97 (правда в последних я разачаровался всвязи с их последней индустриальной пургой). Ну что ж пора и оценку ставить - думаю 10 - молодцы ребята, держать так и дальше ! |
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Незнаю, но почему-то все клоны сначала ТОТ, а потом и Тристании невыносимо скучно слушать. Вроде бы все на месте...и девочка писки издает влад с музыкой, и вокал порыкивает слаженно, гитарки не лажают, и даже можно расслышать что играют и те и другие музыку....вот только ближайшая аналогия, которая лезет на ум при их прослушивании, это "Музыкальная газовая камера". Группе нехватает хитовости ! А ТОТ хоть и опопсели, но удачных темок у них на годы вперед еще хватит. Насчет же профундемониума можно четко сказать одно - крепкий средний альбом средней группы, второй лиги. |
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Абсолютно согласен с предыдущим рецензентом. Trail Of Tears (в частности, альбом "Profoundemonium") - очередной мэйнстримовый середнячок. Послушать можно, но не более того.
Мужской гроул надоедает своей монотонностью, редкое женское сопрано очень напоминает After Forever и также режет слух. А в целом, получилось жалко подобие Tristania "Beyond The Veil". Но уж ооочень жалкое. Такое впечатление, что группа вобрала в себя худшее, а не лучшее, но просто попала в струю и стала более-менее известной.
Рекомендую лишь тем, кому нечего слушать. Этот альбом сгодится, чтобы скоротать время до выхода чего-нибудь интересного на металлическом рынке музыки. |
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Очередной готик-дум норвежского происхождения, на этот раз довольно быстрый и жесткий. Собственно, "готик-дум" здесь - по сути только стереотип, поскольку готическую атмосферу (в отличии от той же Тристании) эта музыка почти не создает. Вокальная линия представляет собой добротный монотонный мужской гроул, разбавленный не очень красивым женским голосом. Тексты меня сильно не впечатлили; мелодии, в общем-то, тоже. Однако, есть несколько хитов. Короче, очередной мэйнстримовый середнячок. |
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просмотров: 12425 |
This moment is crucial...
All that matters is the size of the terror.
All that matters is the size of the terror!
To proceed I must know why you're still here.
Although I drudge to endure.
Mystery fog surrounds the trees.
This is the night of the beloved.
No! Don't leave me now!
Blow away the fragments of your own imagination.
The tension strikes me, though I shall fear no such thing.
For I am the peace that shall forever cause unrest.
You were the source to my deepest figments.
Yet a repentant deceiver, who surrendered to
the uttermost ridiculous ways.
3. Fragile Emotional Disorder
I will persuade you to believe me when i say
that everything you hoped for is declined in every way.
I am responsible for your fragile state of mind,
and yet you refuse to see the only thing that's clear.
Namely that there's nothing left for you to treasure here.
I am responsible for your fragile state of mind.
So why don't you come with me,
and adapt to what I see?
Help me change into my other shell.
It may seem odd, but still it suits me well.
You never thought that you would feel such relief,
but thanks to me now you're finally at peace...
...with your fragile emotional disorder!
So why don't you come with me...
Your eyes sparkle with grief,
yet I shall close them without regret.
The optimism in your face has turned somber yet again.
I shall withdraw all mercy,
and multiply the feeling that sends shivers down your spine.
Open up and see.
Enter the image of all that you have feared.
I hold the key to slaughter your thoughts with ease.
I hold the dagger that'll cut you off from all your dreams.
So let it all come through the way that I have seen,
and let me watch you drown in reversed prosperity.
Never again shall you rise!
4. Profoundemonium
Profoundemonium. Leave me not tonight.
You know the damage caused when treading hard my path.
We've tried to run, we've tried to hide,
but what we always feared is tearing us apart.
This is the place where frustration grows.
This is the place where damnation seeds get hold.
And even though the guilt will never take my hand,
I'll chase the visions so that we will shine again.
Profoundemonium, leave me not!
Profoundemonium, leave me not.
Take my hand, let's head for damnation's land.
Profoundemonium. Leave me not tonight.
You know the damage caused when treading hard my path.
We've tried to run, we've tried to hide,
but what we always feared has torn us all apart.
Sink down, seems brighter now.
United on the other side.
Forthcoming, couragous...
I'll rule these thoughts again.
Again and again
5. Sign Of The Shameless
How can we escape the insanity
that lurks within?
However, strange it might appear,
it's back to torture me again.
You should know that I have tried before,
to complete the pieces long ago.
Yet when you found me truly lost
I understood your precious cause.
Don't give up even though it's hard. Give it a try, just don't ask why.
My second voyage has begun.
On separate lines, and with all that follow.
Uncertain, though I'll try again.
So shameless, though still so real.
Lay beside me, don't think I'll wake again.
So shameless, though still so real.
Flow with the river and it leads you the way.
Tomorrow is going to be a better day.
You'll see the sun, you'll see the light.
It warms your soul, deep inside.
You'll feel the battle in your mind,
but you will win and survive.
There'll be no questions, no why,
'cause you'll see the answer is not a lie.
You'll see the sun, you'll see the light.
It warms your soul, deep inside.
6. In Frustration's Preludium
7. In Frustration's Web
Cross my bridge of thoughts,
in order to explore.
Confront the lost intentions,
in order to behold the multitude of anguish
that dwell inside of me.
Just turn your head this way
and hopefully you'll see.
Break your wall and make yourself see,
what's behind is strong enough to break free.
But you know what you have and not what you get,
so I know how you feel.
I struggle to decide
which agony to choose.
For better or for worse...
No matter, I still lose.
Their smiles, deceiving...
No point to run away.
In my final hour it makes no difference what I say.
I am entangled within Frustration's web.
Deprived by reason, deprived by common sense.
Grant me at least a fraction of your stupendous grace,
and I'll be waiting...
Confront the lost intentions,
in order to behold the multitude of anguish
that dwell inside of me.
Just turn you head this way,
and hopefully you'll see.
You should have swallowed your pride,
and I would drip essence of my strength through love.
But now it's too late, now it's too late...
8. Released At Last
It is not how you think it is.
Believe in me.
No, strangled yet released.
Of all your victims, you had to choose me.
You stole my glow, you stole my all...
But turn your back once more and you'll regret it forevermore.
They are the victims, not you.
That's why I released you.
You stole my glow to a crime that's the way of living.
To give and take, without break, like a flower needs water.
No, strangled yet released.
Of all your victims, you had to choose me.
Strange it seems, that in all my clearness
I was unable to foresee the thing that should not grow in me.
Don't know how to love, before you have hated.
Don't know how to give, before you have taken
And if you heard the story of my tears, you would be understanding.
Strange it seems, that in all my clearness
I was unable to foresee the thing that should not grow in me. Now take aim at the centre, for you to understand.
Just how much I ache to release the trace of anger inside of me.
And you'll never feel strangled again.
Just heading forward with your all and everything...
Yes, released at last!
Of all your victims, you still did choose me.
Release your fears, release yourself!
'Cause then and only then you'll be my all and everything.
And you'll never feel strangled again.
Just heading forward with your all and everything...
9. Image Of Hope
Lightly walking on clouds on a sunny day.
Doesn't feel any pain 'cause it's gone with the rain.
Prepare the lifetime seekers,
hidden in our past.
Prepare the new sensation,
that will leave us high.
The wall around my heart's been defeated by you.
You haunted my tomb.
All I needed was to believe in life.
Prepare the lifetime seekers,
hidden in our past.
Prepare the new sensation,
that will leave us high.
And now it strikes me...
Now that the image of hope has ceased to exist.
And now it strikes me...
Now that there's no way that I can resist.
10. Disappointment's True Face
You destroyed the honour.
You destroyed the essence once known as pride.
So rejective, deceiving...
...but can you stand the feeling
of being caught within yourself?
Of being blamed for nothing even though you did so much harm?
I condemn your presence,
I condemn your being.
The situation does suggest that I turn my face
only to find that everything is crystal clear.
Everything is hopeless as I have come to see.
Disappointment blossoms,
Disappointment blossoms, so please set me free.
So that I never become,
so that I never become anything like you.
I would never have managed,
I would never have managed to be what you are.
You destroyed the honour,
You destroyed the essence once known as pride.
So rejective, deceiving...
...but do you know the damage
that has been caused by your ignorance?
And do you know the truth to all the lies in circulation?
Everything is crystal clear.
Everything is hopeless as I have come to see.
Disappointment blossoms,
Disappointment blossoms, so please set me free.
So that I never become,
so that I never become anything like you.
I would never have managed,
I would never have managed to be what you are.
You know that you can see the truth,
'cause it's coming straight to you.
Walking through streets, look at the sun.
No meaning to run.
It will reach you anyway, someday.
Along your way, someday.
Walking through streets, look at the sun.
No meaning to run.
It will reach you anyway, someday.
From your eyes I see the confusion dwell.
I condemn your presence,
I condemn your being.
The situation is at hand.
You destroyed the honour, you destroyed the essence.
But do you know the damage,
do you know the damage?
11. The Haunted
As you approach me you want to compromise.
You wish me dearly to surrender to the lies.
I praise the symbols of your deepest misery
rather than to live by your random theory.
(Beyond I fall, I feel the cold)
I will prevail, relentlessly
and shine on though with a distant inner scream.
I praise the symbols of your deepest misery
rather than to live by your random theory.
(beyond I fall, I feel the cold)
They are out there, they are everywhere.
Prevail now, little one...
Prevail with me and watch the haunted burn.
Let's praise the symbols of their deepest misery.
Together we lay here in total ecstasy!