Gamma Ray
« Powerplant »
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1 | Anywhere in the Galaxy 06:37
 | 2 | Razorblade Sigh 05:01
 | 3 | Send Me a Sign 04:07
 | 4 | Strangers in the Night 06:04
 | 5 | Gardens of the Sinner 05:57
 | 6 | Short as Hell 03:57
 | 7 | It's a Sin (Pet Shop Boys cover) 04:58
 | 8 | Heavy Metal Universe 05:25
 | 9 | Wings of Destiny 06:26
 | 10 | Hand of Fate 06:12
 | 11 | Armageddon 08:48
 | | Total playing time 01:03:32 |
   Kai Hansen - guitars, vocals
Henjo Richter - guitars, keyboards
Dirk Schlachter - bass
Dan Zimmerman - drums |
Recorded & mixed at: Hansen Studio Hamburg
Produced by: Kai Hansen & Dirk Schlachter
co-produced by: GammaRay
Artwork & Booklet-design by: Hanjo Richter
Cover Painting & illustrations by: Derek Riggs |
 | Anywhere in the galaxy
Staring out the window
At places in the starlit horizon
I'm waiting in the darkness for arrival
But the sands of my time are running low
Lost and stranded, far away from home
Peeping through window in the darkness, parted our hearts
Glowing turning cir |
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 Шестой альбом немецких мастеров мелодичного пауэр металла развивает идеи, начатые ещё на предыдущем студийном диске «Somewhere Out In Space». Здесь также покорный слушатель может услышать большое количество скоростных гипер позитивных и весёлых вещей, наткнутся на захватывающие душу гитарные соло партии и иногда даже на зубодробительные риффы. В целом, диск обладает одной некой объединяющей концепцией, хотя может слушаться и в отрыве от неё. Тематика некоторых песен колеблется от, так полюбившейся Каю Хансену, научной фантастики, и даже до небольших экскурсов в библейские чтения и то, что можно назвать «мановаровщиной», то есть – мастера ветра, металла и огня. Качество записи на альбоме, несомненно, замечательное, хотя поднять звучание вокала над самим саундом не помешало бы. Из песен заслуживающих самого пристального внимания я бы выделил открывающую «космическую» «Anywhere In Galaxy», следующую за ней не совсем вписывающуюся в счастливую атмосферу диска, композицию, наполненную хэви металлическим мраком и драйвом «Razorblade Sigh». Очень хорошее впечатление оставляет оригинальный боевик с прекрасными партиями клавиш «Send Me A Sign». Вообще, альбом получился удивительно неровным и неоднородным. В особенности кавер на Pet Shop Boys «Its A Sin» вышел просто замечательно, резко отличаясь на уровне всего остального материала своим драйвом и цепляющими соло партиями. Никак нельзя обойти стороной сильную композицию «Heavy Metal Universe», которую можно было бы обозвать стёбом, если бы она не звучала так серьёзно и так мощно. Хотя стараниями Хансена петь в манере Эрика Адамса из Manowar, песенка эта стала довольно-таки подпорченной. Так и есть – Каю лучше, получается, исполнять «свои» песни, поскольку только так он может правильно настроить инструментальную часть и придумать мелодическую линию под свой голос. Думая так поначалу прослушивания альбома, в его конце вдруг начинаешь понимать, что это всё ошибка и вот уже в кавере, который идёт бонусом, на песню Rainbow «Long Live Rock-n-Roll» - Хансен даёт такого жару что может сгореть всё на расстоянии километра, и если раньше эта вещица казалась вам простенькой и забавной хард рок темой, то тут она выглядит самым настоящим тяжеловесным монстром самого, что ни есть настоящего тяжёлого металла. Остальной музыкальный материал намного слабее упомянутых вещей и достаточно будет сказать, что он выполнен в обычной манере и в привычном всем стиле happy power metal. В целом, альбом не самый лучший в дискографии немцев, но и не остаётся сидеть на заднем сидении автобуса. Главное поклонники будут довольны… |
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Увидев общую "шестерку" за такой прекрасный альбом, мне стало обидно, и я решил немного подправить репутацию "Powerplant". Альбом великолепный, единственное, что плохо, так это тексты, далекие от реальности (как, впрочем, и сам Хансен, читающий комиксы, видимо, все активнее). Но музыка! Открывающая вещь на самом деле "открывается" только на середине, затем идет убойная "Razorblade Sign" (моя любимая, один вокал Кая чего стоит!). Про "Send me a sign" и говорить нечего, сразу видно – хит (хотя определенная ассоциация с "I want out" возникает). Темп не останавливается и на "Strangers in the Night" (эта песня стоит того, чтобы её отметить). Из следующих особенно понравилась "Wings of Destiny" (классное начало в духе Speed-metal) и, конечно, эпическая "Armageddon", являющаяся как бы квинтэссенцией всего альбома. В целом, не стоит сбрасывать это творение со счетов, а лучше внимательнее расслушать. |
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Въехал не сразу, но... На мой взгляд, у хорошей группы не может быть лучшего альбома, так как альбомы есть эволюция,и это интересно само по себе. Только поэтому я не стану называть этот альбом лучшим. Но мне он понравился гораздо больше, чем Somwhere Out In Space (вот его бы я лучшим не назвал в любом случае)прежде всего звуком - настоящий power-звук, а не тупое гундосенье, хорошо слышно все инструменты, бочки не забивают все остальное. Материал - нет слов, в лучшем хенсеновском стиле. Вообще Iron Savior приятно взбодрил Хенсена и компанию, будучи сам по себе хорошим проектом. В общем, высший балл, впервые после Киперов. |
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Как и многие другие писатели, я тоже не сразу въехал в альбом. Поначалу мне он показался очень слабым и жалкой калькой с SOIN, но раза с 3-4-го диск стал радовать больше и больше. Единственное, что меня не очень радует - это то, что с каждым новым диском GR "отдаляется все дальше куда-то в космос"... (я так говорю, потому что мне гораздо ближе ранний ГР). А в целом диск неплохой, единственно непорадовали 2 вещи - "It's a sin" (нафига было ее сюда запихивать) и Short As Hell - слишком грубовата для Хансена. Очень приколола Heavy Metal Universe - полное сдиралово с Мановара, но слушается прикольно :) Любимые песни Razorblade Sign, Strangers In The Nights & Armaggedon |
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Скажу сразу, что мне альбом решительно не понравился. Плагиат, разбавленный самоплагтатом. Все эти идеи мы слышали неоднократно на предыдущих релизах группы. Более того, Хансен и Компания начали поддирать поздних Пристов, ну это ладно... А вот зачем было брать песню Manowar "The Gods Made Heavy Metal" и переделывать её в "Heavy Metal Universe", меняя слова, но оставляя ТУ ЖЕ мелодику? Это НЕ римэйк, товарищи. Альбом, на котором продолжился спад группы, вылившийся в тотальное самокопирование и клишированность. Отметить могу разве что песню "Armageddon", и всё. До шедеврального "Land Of The Free" ему ой как далеко. Оценка: |
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Сперва мне этот альбом понравился, но потом вслушавшись в него повнимательней я понял, что он всё таки слабоват. По сути ничего нового нет, сильно напоминает Land Of The Free, с той разницей, что тот был лучше. Кое какую ценность представляют из себя вещи Send Me A Sign и Armageddon. Да и то если такие песни как Rebellion In Dreamland, Valley Of The Kings или Winged Horse из предыдущих альбомов я мог слушать постоянно, то эти две мне надоели где-то после четырёх прослушиваний. Ну что ж, остаётся надеяться, что в следующий раз они выпустят что-то поприличнее. |
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просмотров: 30759 |
Blindour souls with raging burning madness
Out in the heavens we're ready to fight
The final conclusion is roaring inside
Gaze at the stars, the glowing god of Mars
Is shinning for us anywhere in the galaxy
Time is right for us to see, the world will long for liberty
The fallen heroes calling me anywhere in the galaxy
Anywhere in the galaxy
Anywhere in the galaxy
And now our blood is boiling on the edge of life
Where is the place for our survivor?
Up to the stars, we have come from the night
The final conclusion is roaring inside
Gaze at the stars, the glowing god of Mars
Is shinning for us anywhere in the galaxy
Time is right for us to see, the world will long for liberty
The fallen heroes calling me anywhere in the galaxy
Anywhere in the galaxy
Anywhere in the galaxy
Anywhere in the galaxy
We will fight for our destiny
Anywhere in the galaxy
We will always run free
Anywhere in the galaxy
Anywhere in the galaxy
Razorblade sigh
Out of the valley of death the man turns his back
Stares up to the hills, his eyes burning red
He licks his palm with brown dried blood
Turns graining teeth up to his lord
The darkness of the night turns bright at his cry
So quiet but deadly
Burning deep within and now he will begin
He cries out to his lord forevermore
It's the razorblade sigh shooting up to the sky
Blood on the wings, one of the kings
There's a burning within when the storm closes in
He is one of a kind in the hands of time
His raging fire burns you with desire
As you're taken down into his gravity
He wants you now into his masterplan
And he'll be taking you into his dignity
Tires are burning on the way through hell
Fallen angel, set me free
Wheels are turning, take me far beyond
Holding out my hands in victory
It's the razorblade sigh shooting up to the sky
Blood on the wings, one of the kings
There's a burning within when the storm closes in
He is one of a kind in the hands of time
Death angel is coming
You see him ride across the land, time in his hands
The darkness of the night turns bright at his cry
It's burning deep within, he cries for more
As I awake at the end of the road there's a rainbow
Slowly he'll fade, the drawning of time on the wings of the razor
As I awake at the end of the road there's a rainbow
Slowly he'll fade away the drawning of time on the wings of the razorblade
Send me a sign
Out of the dark he came without a warning
The guarding light I didn't see
On a story tellers night he spoke his words of wisdom
The tales he told from far beyond that no one understood
He had the gift of prophecy, he wove a web of mystery
A thousend lifes shone gracious in his eyes
Send me a sign - for too long you kept me waiting
Send me a sign - from the eternal skies
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
He disappeared in the early haze of morning
And with him left his prophecies, they didn't care
All the years that passed away he's locked inside my head
His tales became reality, the prophecies he said
He was the choosen one to see, his words will burn eternally
It hurts that no one understands
Send me a sign - for too long you kept me waiting
Send me a sign - from the eternal skies
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
He had the gift of prophecy, he gave a guarding light to me
I know, he set my spirit free
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
Send me a sign - for too long you kept me waiting
Send me a sign - to open their eyes
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
Send me a sign
Strangers in the night
We lay our souls into your hands
And our freedom remains
We ride on wings of hope
And our star will rise again
Run before you die, can't you hear the warning?
No regrets tonight, now your end is coming
It's your sacrifice to destroy your body
Now you pay the price, raging fury lasts forever
Their mission is so glorious
Raising hope in all of us
There we stand united hand in hand
They come from a land far beyond
A million miles behind the sun
They come from nowhere brave inside
Strangers in the night
Time is running by, no more deadly spirals
Now we realize, pray for our survival
Eyes are shining glorious, marching in victorious
There they stand united hand in hand
They come from a land far beyond
A million miles still riding on
They come from nowhere to brave inside
Strangers in the night
They come for freedom, come to fight, come to save us all
We are one until we die, waiting for the call
They come from a land far beyond
A million miles behind the sun
They come to lead us to survive
Strangers in the night
We lay our souls into your hands and our freedom remains
We ride on wings of hope and your star will rise again
We lay our souls into your hands and our freedom remains
We ride on wings of hope and your star will rise again
Gardens of the sinner
As the heat is rising
Out there in the past
Fallen angels calling
They have come to last
They are coming out of the dark
Then the horsemen ride out
Every thing grows cold
Now their armies march in out
There from the underworld
I do not want my eyes to see
I never wanted to believe
Take me to the gardens of the sinner
Bury me and let me rest in peace
Now the time of truth has come for everyone
The fallen angel stands in victory
The final seal was broken
It opened up the gates
For the dark avengers
Their anger kills the light and then
I do not want my eyes to see
I never wanted to believe
Take me to the gardens of the sinner
Bury me and let me rest in peace
Now the time of truth has come for everyone
The fallen angel stands in victory
As the seventh angel opened up the seal
His curse brought endless desease
And as the wind carried the deadly seed
To the minds of the doomed they were gone for the stages of hell
Take me to the gardens of the sinner
Take me down and let me rest in peace
Now the time for truth has come for everyone
The fallen angel laughs and grins now
Take me to the gardens of the sinner
Bury me and let me rest in peace
Now the time of truth has come for everyone
The fallen angel stands in victory
Short as hell
So now we talk about destruction
A human race that's left to die
Nobody ever will believe it
Until we face it eye to eye
Let us talk about hell
Our future shines in darkest colours
You'll never change it, never will
Ain't nothing left now to believe in
And so we face the overkill
Hey, mother mercy! Leave me be
Do you expect me now to cry?
Time will wait for no one
Time is short as hell
Time, time, time is short as hell
All is lost, into the underworld we fade
Until our live is gone
Count the cost then from the darkness whiped away
Into the underworld we fade where the darkness awaits
Time will wait for no one
Time is short as hell
Time will wait for no one
Time is short as hell
It's a sin
When I look back upon my life
It's always with a sense of shame
I've always been the one to blame
For everything I long to do
No matter when or where or who
Has one thing in common too
It's a, it's a, it's a
It's a sin
It's a sin
Everything I've ever done
Everything I ever do
Every place I've ever been
Everywhere I'm going to - it's a sin
At school they taught me how to be
So pure in thought and word and deed
They didn't quite succeed
For everything I long to do
No matter when or where or who
Has one thing in common too
It's a, it's a, it's a
It's a sin
It's a sin
Everything I've ever done
Everything I ever do
Every place I've ever been
Everywhere I'm going to - it's a sin
Father forgive me, I tried not to do it
Turned over a new leaf then tore right through it
Whatever you taught me I didn't believe it
Father, you fought me 'cause I didn't care and I still don't understand
So I look back upon my life
Forever with a sense of shame
I've always been the one to blame
For everything I long to do
No matter when or where or who
Has one thing in common too
It's a, it's a, it's a
It's a sin
It's a sin
Everything I've ever done
Everything I ever do
Every place I've ever been
Everywhere I'm going to - it's a sin
It's a, it's a, it's a
It's a sin
It's a, it's a, it's a
It's a sin
Heavy metal universe
We're the masters of the wind, we're demons left in howl
We're the undefeated warriors, we have heard the call
We're the keepers and the leaders of the only thing we love
We're the saviours and protectors from above
In your sky there is no limit and masters we have none
Heavy metal is the only one
'Cause it's a heavy metal universe with a heavy metal sound
Masters of the thunder shake you to the ground
It's a heavy metal bomber and it's never going down
Flying 'cross the universe - we're heavy metal bound
We're heavy metal bound
With a burning hot desire like a supersonic blast
We have come to show the world that we have come to last
There ain't no way to stop us and you'll never kill our pride
'Cause it's not only music - it's a chosen way of life
And our world has got no borders and in union we all stand
'Cause heavy metal is our promissed land
'Cause it's a heavy metal universe with a heavy metal sound
Masters of the thunder shake you to the ground
It's a heavy metal bomber and it's never going down
Flying 'cross the universe - we're heavy metal bound
We're heavy metal bound
See my hands held to the sky, let me rock you 'till forever
Raise your voice, we're soaring high, swear allegance now or never
Burning up we build a flame as we speak the oath togheter
Metal is our way forever, way forevermore
And our world has got no borders and in union we all stand
'Cause heavy metal is our promised land
'Cause it's a heavy metal universe with a heavy metal sound
Masters of the thunder shake you to the ground
It's a heavy metal bomber and it's never going down
Flying 'cross the universe - we're heavy metal bound
We're heavy metal bound
Wings of destiny
Do you remember the days
When living was meant to be free?
Not looking for fortune, not looking for fame
The beauty of life was the key
We lived as one to conquer the world
A thousand dreams to come true
We knew in the end we'll find
The meaning of life and the truth
So proud and full of passion we formed a better world
We fought against opression and winsdom was our sword
On the path of glory we searched the rainbow's end
Lives meant to share, where's the sign that we'd sent?
On the sad wings of destiny - we're kings without a throne
If you believe in unity believe 'cause you're not alone
Sad wings of destiny - the haunting thoughts of pain
The world's a patient majesty but believe the time
The time will take its toll
Now its the time for a change
The days of your childhood are gone
The fool and the wise man will burn at the stake
Confusion remaining too long
Violence and hate I won't see anymore
The innocent victims of fate
The prophets have written their words on the wall
Wake up before it's too late
On the path of glory we searched the rainbow's end
Lives meant to share, where's the sign that we'd sent?
On the sad wings of destiny - we're kings without a throne
If you believe in unity believe 'cause you're not alone
Sad wings of destiny - the haunting thoughts of pain
The world's a patient majesty but believe, believe
If you won't change your mind all will remain the same
And soon we'll find a common end
On the path of glory we searched the rainbow's end
Lives meant to share, where's the sign that we'd sent?
On the sad wings of destiny - we're kings without a throne
If you believe in unity believe 'cause you're not alone
Sweet child of innocence - are you drowning in your tears?
The time has come for you, my friend
Don't hide from evil made by our own hands
Let us try to fly again
One day we will rise again on wings of hope to be free
Hand of fate
Now that all seems so quiet and we all have survived
But after all still we fear the hand of fate tonight
Men on the mountain, from hell you came to destroy
The realm of our freedom endangered to fade in the void
Now they are back on the earth
Taking their wrath to our land
An ocean full of darkness awaits
We will resist, fight until the end
And down belou the dark lord awaits to fight our souls with hate
Our hearts with rage
Ten thousand dreams for glory rise
Now they are awaiting the hand of fate tonight
So we have gathered here beyond the endless skies
And we are marching on and on forever more
For the dark lord - he must fall
Out on the edge of the world
The wasted years are coming to an end
The oceans of evil shall fade
Master of doom - we're taking it back again
Deep in our hearts we hear the call of the wild
Spirits of yesterday will fly away
Ten thousand dreams for glory rise
Now they are awaiting the hand of fate tonight
Ten thousand dreams for glory rise
Now they are awaiting the hand of fate tonight
Ten thousand dreams for glory rise
Now they are awaiting the hand of fate tonight
Ten thousand dreams for glory rise
Now they are awaiting the hand of fate tonight
Now all you sinners, this is the prophecy
The revelation of your own destiny
You had a dream once, a dream that you have sold
And now, my brother, annihilation is foretold
Will you remember ancient times
When we rode across the air when the day of judgement comes?
And when your world is gonna blow
Through your heart and take your soul in the twilight of the sun?
I believe there's no tomorrow
When we all will sink in sorrow
When the day of judgement finally comes
It's the end of the world as we know it
And it's only just begun
The eyes of the world are closing forever
When the day of the judgement will come
Won't you help me now?
Now tell me, mother earth
Oh, we went wrong in the heart of everyone
Do you remember how it had begun
In the desert in the twilight of the sun?
All dead and gone
Can you heal me? I am not the only one
Can you feel me? I don't want to be undone
I'm everyone
Save me from this living hell
I don't wanna know another tale
Someone help me through this on the way
Hear me now
It's the end of the world as we know it
And it's only just begun
The eyes of the world are closing forever
When the day of the judgement will come
Won't you help me now?
All gods creation is finally dead and gone
Our revelation, the day of the judgement comes
Forevermore I stand alone
The final fury has begun when the day has come
Guardians of the monsters of the earth
Take our lives away and you forever will be cursed
Keepers of the darkness in this world
We will not surrender to the evil of your birth
Hope will never die
And the clear blue sunny sky will ease the pain
Guardians of the monsters of the earth
Lead us not into the temptation
Save us from the revelations
I stand alone, I stand alone
I stand alone inside my head
No one can hear, no one can hear
No one can hear my little word
Holy father, take me on your wings of love
It's the end of the world as we know it
And it's only just begun
The eyes of the world are closing forever
When the day of the judgement has
It's the end of the world as we know it
And it's only just begun
The eyes of the world are closing forever
When the day of the judgement will come
Won't you help me now?
Now all your sinners, this is the prophecy
The revelation of your own destiny
Sleep well and dream on the dream that you have sold
And now, my brothers, this world is slowly getting cold