« Pills Against the Ageless Ills »
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1 | Hyperhuman
 | 2 | Pornographer Cain
 | 3 | Charge Of Total Affect
 | 4 | Hate Yourself
 | 5 | Fuck Talks
 | 6 | The Death Of Father
 | 7 | The USA Don't Exist
 | 8 | Anti-City Strategy
 | 9 | Hierarch |
   Lazare (L.)
Cornelius (C.) |
 | 1. Hyperhuman
[C:] The next string of lives will know our speed limit
[L:] The next string of lives will do everything to break it
[C:] The next string of lives will deny you a grave
[L:] The next string of lives will regard you as a slave
[C:] The next string of masters will ignore the bills |
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 Описывать творчество Solefald невероятно трудно, поскольку практически невозможно запихать то звуковое разнообразие и буйство смешения стилей в прокрустово ложе какого-либо жанра. То, что творит воспаленная фантазия двух безумцев, Lazare и Cornelius можно лишь с большой натяжкой назвать металом, причем вовсе не из-за отсутствия тяжелого гитарного саунда (которого более чем хватает, равно как и блэкового вокала), а по причине авангардности и уникальности сплава таких казалось бы несовместимых стилей как трип-хоп, блэк, джаз и поп. Причем в сей смеси нет и следа той вымученности и притянутости за уши, которая отличает творчество некоторых команд, всеми силами пытающихся оказаться на гребне волны оригинальности. А теперь после небольшое отступления перейду непосредственно к рецензии нового альбома. Увы, по сравнению с блестящим творением под названием Neonism, новый опус талантливого дуэта под названием Pills Against the Ageless Ills является значительным шагом в обратном направлении. Исчез бесподобный речитатив, уникальная артистичность вокального исполнения и ироничность голоса Cornelius. На Pills Against the Ageless Ills мы больше не услышим уникальных и восхитительных в своей странности вещей вроде "Omnipolis", с пародирорующим голос оратора вокалом Cornelous'а или "Backpacka Baba" с некоей пародией на речитатив, бывших визитной карточкой Solefald времен прошлого альбома. |
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Извините, но описать музыку Solefald в 1500 символах невозможно, поэтому с вашего позволения продолжу. На новом альбоме отсутствует вокал в стиле Сradle of Filth, что несомненно можно отнести к положительным моментам, но сам альбом то ли вследствие утяжеления саунда, то ли по причине сделанных многочисленных упрощений стал иметь куда как более металическое звучание. Из хитов можно отметить "The USA don't exist" и "Hate Yourself", что очень мало по сравнению с предыдущим альбомом. Общее впечатление - от Solefald я ожидал гораздо большего.
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просмотров: 7887 |
[L:] The next string of masters will change the order fast
[C:] The next string of masters will not know the earth
[L:] The next string of masters will live alone from birth
The next string of deaths will be yours and mine
The next string of deaths will be blessed with sunshine
[C:] The next string of deaths will be yours and mine
[L:] The next string of deaths will be blessed with sunshine
[C:] The next string of deaths will rewrite the traffic rules
The next string of deaths will illuminate the schools
2. Pornographer Cain
[L:] My appartment works fine
No need for locations
It's spacious enough for a camera and some Asians
[C:] At the moment I am working on the Eastern Block
I bet my ladies would love a Serbo cock
[L:] Before shooting the sessions we chill out with a joint
Pump the girls with drugs to make them see the point
[C:] In bonking lousy guys in my stinking cellar
Baby close your eyes if you want your $
[L:] I write the story
I shoot the scene
Sometimes you see me dance across the screen
My critics claim that my movies are for men
What can I say I'm astonished when
[C:] People understand what I am trying to say
To show the world the American Way (x 2)
My appartment works fine
No need for locations
[L:] It's spacious enough for a camera and some Asians
[C:] At the moment I am working on the Eastern Block
[L:] I bet my ladies would love a Serbo cock
[C:] Before shooting the sessions we chill out with a joint
[L:] I'll pump the girls with drugs to make them see the point
[C:] In bonking lousy guys in my stinking cellar
[L:] Baby close your eyes if you want your $
I write the story
I shoot the scene
Sometimes you see me dance across the screen
[C:] My appartment works fine
No need for locations
It's spacious enough for a camera and some Asians
I am working on the Eastern Block
I bet my ladies would love a Serbo cock
Before shooting the sessions we chill out with a joint
Pump the girls with drugs to make them see the point
In bonking lousy guys in my stinking cellar
Baby close your eyes if you want your $
[L:] What can I say I'm astonished when
People understand what I am trying to say
[C:] People understand what I am trying to say
To show the world the American Way [x 2]
3. Charge Of Total Affect
[C:] One day I'll return with another man's clothes
One day I'll return with another man's name
[L:] I am all alone
Existence has no friends
I feel the emotion that never ends
[L & C:] I'm sleeping on the edge of a knife
Don't wake me up from the meaning of my life
There never were equality and freedom
In a world of individuals there is only boredom
[C:] There is lust in all repentance
And remorse in all desire [x 2]
[L:] I want to dissolve myself and to unify
With stupid ideals that are but a lie
To rid myself of what belongs to me
But I remain an I that talks about an I
I fear the fatigue of the love that went
Down the drain without asking for my consent
Loved one
I miss you too much
The way you gave me the healing touch
[L & C:] There is no kindness
Only desire
There is no kindness
Only desire
[C:] The grand devouring fucking fire
The grand devouring fucking fire
No kindness around me
Only fire
The grand devouring fucking fire
[L:] There is no kindness
Only desire
There is no kindness
Only desire
The grand devouring fucking fire
The grand devouring fucking fire
No kindness around me
Only fire
The grand devouring fucking fire
[C:] I fear the fatigue of the love that went
Down the drain without asking for my consent
Loved one
I miss you too much
The way you gave me the healing touch
There is no kindness
Only desire
No kindness around me
Only fire
That rips up every truth and leaves it a lie
That beats me asunder and makes me want to die
[L:] Without any reason
Because I have it all
That might be why
Cannot climb
[L & C:] Fall!
4. Hate Yourself
[C:] Hate yourself and I will make you happy
I am not a happy boy I refuse to believe
That if I hate myself I will become happy
When the trendy believers refuse to relieve
Relieve me of their lies
[L:] They say hate yourself and I will make you happy
I am not a happy boy I refuse to believe
That if I hate myself I will become happy
When the trendy believers refuse to relieve
Hate yourself you are not good enough
Hate yourself they have told you before
Hate yourself there is always someone better
Hate yourself they fight an anorexic war
[C:] Hate yourself you deserve to die
Hate yourself they have told you before
Hate yourself you are too weak
Hate yourself they fight an anorexic war
[L:] Hate yourself you deserve to die and
Hate yourself they have told you before
Hate yourself you are too weak and
Hate yourself they fight an anorexic war
[L:] Hate yourself nobody loves you
Hate yourself they have told you before
[C:] Hate yourself you are left alone
Hate yourself they fight an anorexic war
[L:] I say hate yourself like Kate Moss
Hate yourself they fight an anorexic war
Hate yourself like an xxx actor
Hate yourself you can take some more
[C:] Hate yourself with a touch of glamour
Hate yourself and smile at the anorexic war
Hate yourself suffering is sexy
Hate yourself you're their corporate whore
[L:] Hate yourself suffering is sexy
Hate yourself you're their corporate whore
Hate yourself like everybody else
Hate yourself they have told you before
Hate yourself money ain't enough
Hate yourself you want some more
Hate yourself continents are starving
Hate yourself you fight their anorexic war
[C:] Hate yourself like a pornographer
Hate yourself like I do
No way to improve
No way to do it better
Just suffer suffer suffer! [x 2]
Suffer! Suffer! Suffer! Suffer!
5. Fuck Talks
[C:] Last time I saw the sun it blew me off the street
With tremendous force and invincible heat
Its light was too strong, its face beaming hate
At a bat born at day by the fury of fate
Fuck talks to Leonardo Pitt
Am human sweat piss shit
Your heart beats fast when I come up close
To beg for money
Not for a pose
Fuck talks to Marilyn French
Am inhuman eternal stench
The only time you talk to me is when you need to know
How I can starve eight days in a row
[L:] Last time I saw the sun it blew me off the street
With tremendous force and invincible heat
Its light was too strong
Its face beaming hate
At a bat born at day by the fury of fate
Fuck talks to Leonardo Pitt
Am human sweat piss shit
[C:] Am Fuck and you are afraid of me
You have learnt from watching TV
Am Fuck the scum you fear
Misery is generous we can share
People that think must always die
They know too well the shit passing by
Fuck talks to Hitler and Pot
Wipe me off the planet
Let my body rot
[L:] Your heart beats fast when I come up close
To beg for money
Not for a pose
Fuck talks to Marilyn French
Am inhuman eternal stench
The only time you talk to me is when you need to know
How I can starve eight days in a row
Fuck talks to Kurt Cobain
Your high life and enduring pain
I shared it once as Pornographer Cain
Philosopher Fuck repents in the rain
6. The Death Of Father
[C:] To the sisterhood of the pornographic force
I raise this case to bring an end to our wars
We have not been enemies all the way
Remember our delights in the wild green bay
Father separated us in the garden you know
Father fooled us we were siblings long ago
Father is in my hands drowned in apple juice
Accused and deemed to admit his abuse
[L:] In my solitude and forest the sun bleeds red
In a few seconds Father will be dead
Warm from the womb I will greet the stars
Finally reborn and cleansed of my scars
[C:] Two decades as an eremite deprived of my right
To be part of the brotherhood of the mystic light
To make Father understand how much I missed
His punishment is hard
The penalty is this
Reap as you have sown
Go on your own
Take your evil with you and die alone
The firearms glow white in the hands of the hurt
Black horses drag Father through the dirt
[L:] Sister, let us love when the lights are low
Don't ever wait for the night to go
In black hole solitude my hope glows white
Father has ceased his hold on our light
[C:] His death is my rebirth, the birth I never had
No wonder why our love turned out bad
Let us move out through the foyers and portals
Move on through the vulva of immortals
Sister, let us love when the lights are low
Don't wait for the night to go
In black hole solitude my hope glows white
Father has ceased his hold on our light
7. The USA Don't Exist
[C:] Out of the seven classic arts
Rhetoric rises to bust the charts
The master of agony invites you to the Forum
Louder than Romanum's decadent decorum
The bell booms GO! The centurion rhymes
Heroically racing for blood-hungry times
Close to the edge he resists their push
Pure strength saves him from the greedy rush
The race has a goal though very few know where
Mostly officers on the ground and satellites in the air
The star-spangled racers speed into house and home
Today the Americans try to recreate Rome
[L:] Leaves flicker across the boulevard
Way down I see my old retard
He said "Ello ma feren, want a nice place to go?
I fix booze girls burgers floorshow!"
(The old retard tells me:
"Come with me you ain't nothing to lose!"
I refuse the offer I cannot refuse
He hears my no scratches his beard
When Beelzie runs a nightclub times are weird)
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with too much to say
[L:] The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
Again I'm pissed
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with too much to say
[L:] The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
Again I'm pissed
[C:] Jim is alone and afraid of '67
The summer of love never returned from heaven
The hippies slowly died at the Heartbreak Hotel
Where the Peyote Poet reinvented hell
Fifteen years later he returned as a YAP
Just to make sure that life was still crap
Down and in need of the drugs that made the fun
He soberly declared I need money and a gun
[L:] Fifteen years later he returned as a YAP
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with a bit too much to say
[L:] The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
Again I'm pissed
[C:] Pornographer Cain haunts from the dead
Sews up Madame with a waxed red thread
The wanderer has found himself a home
Madame hangs as doll in his sexodrome
It's a man's world and he has seen the need
For yet another man to do the dirty deed
In Rock 'n' Rollywood our guy's at work
Pushing love shit to some fellow human jerk
[L:] It is a man's world and he has seen the need
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with too much to say
[L & C:] The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
Again I'm pissed
8. Anti-City Strategy
[C:] For the torso begging on Colaba Causeway
For the green-eyed girl on the street in Mumbai
For the grapefruit tumour that entered the taxi
The bitter reality is far from sexy
[L:] Choose the grave of the classes
Choose another guide
Than the old god who committed suicide
Am the fire that blew up Oklahoma
Am the wind that demolished Sodoma
[C:] Choose the grave of the classes
Choose another guide
Than the old god who committed suicide
Am the fire that blew up Oklahoma
Am the wind that demolished Sodoma
The blood that gleams on the butcher's knife
Am filtering Ray-Ban philosophy of life
May my bombs smash The City of No Pity
Kings and generals have never been pretty
Am the child's brown teeth
The ribs that broke
The billion lives that never spoke
Broadcast the crucifixion of the poor
Wake the human beings and arm them for war
The Third World War rages below their feet
Information works for their defeat
Before my fur suits the somber ladies
Before my wolf soul belongs to Hades
Bring wind to the forest of the crosses
Comfort the people who suffered the losses
Stop the media murders
Rumour after rumour
Kill the weak
Say it's postmodern humour
[L:] Write my thesis with a razor in the face of lies
One word for every hope that dies
The blood-stained brokers die as vampires die
Roll their marble staircase on people that cry
[C:] Write my thesis with a razor in the face of lies
One word for every hope that dies
The blood-stained brokers die as vampires die
Roll their marble staircase on people that cry
Hand out the pills, pass the chalice
Let us die to give the animals some peace
Together for the first time let us drink
Extinguish everything or what do you think
9. Hierarch
[C:] Hierarch of the Great White Brotherhood
Take me as I am as any brother would
This is ritual the man in singlet said
[L:] This is reactive the man in singlet said
[C:] A disaster for the people
Our nuclear show
Is run from above terminated below
Stop the violence I told the man in singlet
[L:] Heal with peace I told the man in singlet
[C:] He waned without trace in the transparent night
Balkanised my sleep to show off his might
Hierarch of the skies and the celestial sites
Hierarch of the truth and the supramental rites
To see is to know
To know is to control
This city is mine the city of my soul
Is it all as it may see or seem
Who directs me through the corridors of Dream
Who runs this planet where students are slain
Who is the head of this Academy of Pain
To the man in singlet, forward my command!
Bring me the answer I desire and demand!
[L:] The Chief is a good man but noone knows his face
Head of the realm of the golden race
[C:] The Chief is a good man but noone knows his face
Head of the realm of the golden race
How can I know that your invisible order
Isn't the idea of some second-rate marauder
That the inmost government just execute a plan
Konceived and kontrolled by some kommunist klan?
There is no coincidence and if there is
That is no coincidence neither is this
[L:] That the inmost government just execute a plan
Konceived and kontrolled by some kommunist klan
[C:] He waned without trace in the transparent night
Balkanised my sleep to show off his might
Hierarchs of skies and celestial sites
Hierarchs of truth and supramental rites
To see is to know
To know is to control
This city is mine
The city of my soul
Is it all as it may see or seem
Who directs me through the corridors of Dream
Hierarch of the skies and the celestial sites
Hierarch of the truth and the supramental rites
Hierarch of the Great White Brotherhood
[L:] Take me as I am as any brother would
[C:] Keep your system clean
And remain where you are
You may not hear the car
That comes from afar