 Возможно, вы слышали эту старую студенческую байку, безуспешно выдаваемую Башоргом за относительно недавний случай из жизни. На паре высшей математики профессор диктует студентам определение: "Итак, матрица - это прямоугольная таблица с числами". Затем, задумавшись, комментирует: "В этом определении все хорошо, кроме трех моментов: матрица - не таблица, она не прямоугольная, и записаны в ней не числа". Так вот, с данным на сайте определением стиля данного альбома все весьма похоже: на самом деле "Underground" - это не death, он не прогрессивен (хотя некоторые экспериментальные моменты присутствуют). И лишь к определению "метал" придраться решительно невозможно: материал среднетемповый, довольно тяжелый, с мощными качевыми риффами и аккуратно исполненными соляками. На вокале здесь сам Кристофер Йонссон, бессменный лидер небезызвестных Therion, и "поет" он здесь примерно так же, как и на "Lepaca Kliffoth" своей основной группы. Ассоциации, которые вызывают композиции и саунд этого "Underground"'а, самые разные, и приводить их даже боязно: тут и Megadeth, и Judas Priest, и последний альбом Carcass, и альбомы тех же Therion среднего периода их развития. Проще сказать, что на релизе представлен очень тяжелый хэви-трэш с элементами грув-метала.
А теперь самое интересное. Пока что я не очень знаком с ранним творчеством этих швейцарцев, однако же прекрасно известно, что они были изначально адептами очень жесткого и одновременно весьма оригинального блэк-трэша, а затем переквалифицировались в исполнителей воинственного трэш-дэта. Так как же оценивать этот альбом в контексте их раннего творчества? Опопсение? Иллюзия развития? Текст песни "Underground" дает ответы на многие вопросы: "Никогда не рассматривай музыку с позиции ее соответствия модным трендам". Вообще, строки
"You're speaking of 84
The old times that you adore
But, where were you at that time
Seven years old?"
- нечто вроде универсальной фразы для усмирения воинствующих школьников, рассуждающих про "олдскул" и гордо говорящих про что-либо: "школоте не понять!". Заменяем год 1984-ый на любой другой - voila!
Самая опасная композиция здесь - это стебная альтернатив-роковая "The Ballad of Jesus", после прослушивания которой вы можете решить, что Messiah впали в маразм, достигнув старческого возраста как для группы, относящейся ко протоблэковому и протодэтовому жанрам. Однако, думаю, стоит простить "старикам" эту шутку. Благо, баллада вносит спасительное разнообразие в достаточно ровный и предсказуемый, пусть и несомненно качественный материал альбома. |
Release your narrowed mind
And see things clear
You're trapped in the underground
No, there is only one way,
And that is your way
You have such a boring closed mind
Either it's white or it's black
So, you make up your own rules
About 'true' and flase
So get out of my sight
I'm laughing too much about you
So, try stand in my way
I'll for sure move you
Open your narrowed eyes now
Lock up your ears
Release your closed mind
And see things clear
You're speaking of 84
The old times that you adore
But, where were you at that time
Seven years old?
You have such a boring closed mind
Either it's white or it's black
So, you make up your own rules
About 'true' and flase
So get out of my sight
I'm laughing too much about you
So, try stand in my way
I'll for sure move you
Open your closed eyes now
Lock up your ears
Release your narrowed mind
And see things clear
'Nothing against the underground scene itself. Juct a kick on
those who bury themselves in the past and never can accept
fresh and new elements into music. Old music is great, but not
an argument for not progressing. Another kick on the jerks who
try to be cool by pretending that they have been into (for
example) black metal since it started (though they are 16-17
years old and it started over 10 years ago). Not to be taken
too seriously, just a funny lyric...'
2. One Thousand Pallid Deaths
I make my mind feel empty
The sleep is drawing near
Then I pass into the world
That so many fear
I step inside the temple halls
A wet fog like the breath
Of a dragon is surrounding
My body lifts me... away
One thousand pallid deaths
Inside these halls
One thousand pallid deaths
I hear their call
Away through the halls where
Bricks are made of bones
And the floors are made of bloody
Slowly breathing flesh
Then I see a throne
All covered with dust
It drags me closer, oh will I dare?
But suddenly, I wake up...
One thousand pallid deaths
Inside these halls
One thousand pallid deaths
I hear their call
So step inside (the temple halls)
A wet fog (like the breath)
Of a dragon (will surround)
Your body (and lift you... away)
3. Screams Of Frustration
Scream [x2]
Scream [x2]
I can't deny
What I feel
But should I
Set it free?
-Let her go
-No let het not
-Yes I will
-No she's too hot
Screams of frustration
I can't decide
What to do
What do I want
I have no clue
I don't know
Scream [x2]
No way out
No escape
Times run out
Leave or take?
-Let her go
-No let het not
-Yes I will
-No she's too hot
Screams of frustration
I can't decide
What to do
What do I want
I have no clue
I don't know
4. Revelation Of Fire
Breeding the fire
So strong within
Flames burning higher
Burns through my skin
Veiled I search the fulgency
But I dream eternally
Though I'm fire, no pain I feel
I won't wake up this is too real
I feel no sorrow
Though I'm deceased
Joined with this new world
All is so real
I don't know what I will see
But I know that I feel free
I am dead, in a dream
Stop the time and let me sleep
Roaring landscapes of hell
I am one with the angels that fell
Lead me through fire and stones
To the temple with bricks made of bones
5. The Ballad Of Jesus
Jesus felt his sexuality
Said: 'Let all the children come to me'
Poor little boys were crying out in pain
Begged jesus stop,
But begged to him in vain
Jesus' penis penetrated his ass
As he performed the perverted mass
The children's parents got him crucified
For his deeds, on the cross he died
Jesus - pedofile
Jesus - pedofile
Jesus - pedofile
Jesus - pedofile
6. The Way Of The Strong
Faith, putting faith to your god
Trust, wasting trust in beleif
But still you're living in fear
The fear of what I live for
Asserts, you say I'm forever lost
Fire, you say I'll suffer in fire
So what have I done to my life?
What am I living for?
The dragon
Sets me free
And his fire
Lightens me
With his wings
I can fly
While you run
I conquer
Revelations, pure frustrations
Enrich your soul
But do you know
What you self are living for?
You fear desire
Only heaven has a cure
It is in your faith
To waste all worth living for
I love my sins
Of lust I shout
And you're so dull
Behind your lies
You fade to death
Pretending all your life
You curse the joy
And hail distress
The dragon
Sets me free
And his fire
Lightens me
With his wings
I can fly
While you run
I conquer
Faith, there is no use of your faith
Trust, I'm laughing at your blind trust
You're wasting all of your life
To please a death and blind god
Asserts, your words - a strike in the air
Fire, no one will suffer in fire
I am gilding my life
With the knowledge I forge
I live the way of the strong
You are the weak
7. Living In Lies
Oh, fuck I hate these people
I hate these smiling fools
They live their lives in sorrow
But claim their lives are cool
I tremble out of anger
When I hear them speak
They won't survive tomorrow
Because they are too weak
Tomorrow is another day
Tomorrow is the day of joy
Tomorrow is the day of sin
When the strong will take over the world
Tomorrow is the day of joy
Tomorrow is the day of sin
Of sin...
They're preaching in their churches
They fill their heads with lies
they preach about a dead man
Since long time crucified
And this holy bible
Why won't they let it go?
It's just a book of stories
From thousands of years ago
I live in filth
I live in sin
I live in lust
I live in joy
Tomorrow is another day
Tomorrow is the day of joy
Tomorrow is the day of sin
When the strong will take over the world
Their holy god jehova
he is both deaf and blind
So he won't hear their prayers
They will stay left behind
Why can't they realize that
Their faith will soon be dead
The end of their religion
The world will soon be dead
Oh, fuck I hate these people
We hate these smiling fools
They live their lives in sorrow
But claim their lives are cool
We tremble out of anger
When we hear them speak
They won't survive tomorrow
Because they are too weak
I live in wealth
I live in strength
I have no sorrow
I have no pain
Tomorrow is another day
Tomorrow is the day of joy
Tomorrow is the day of sin
When the strong will take over the world
Tomorrow we will wake our dreams
Tomorrow is the day of wealth
Tomorrow is the day of lust
The day when only strong will survuve
8. Epitaph
"Days of glory
Left in the past
This perfect day
Will be the last
As time has come,
Forefathers blessed
Soon to join you
I'll lay to rest..."
(Written on a runestone from the year 997 A.C.)
I hail the old northern gods
So help me thou mighty ones
Odin, tyr and thor
Lead me through my final war
Deep in my mind I
Sail across the sea
Though now I ride to
My final battlefield
I'll meet my destiny
Hail to our gods
To valhall we ride
With our swords held high
We're now prepared to die...
9. Dark Lust
Preparing for a dark ritual
I'm waiting for the darkness to fall
I'm beginning when the hour is late
With this ritual I'll open a gate
Lilith, the queen of succubus
Hear me when I'm calling your name
Send me two of your daughters:
Sin and lust... so please me
I share your sin
Straight from my heart
Deep from within
Come through the dark
From gamaliel
And when you're through
I'll make love to you
Longing for your sex beyond sane
Success in evocate I have gained
Caressing your body makes me high
My mind is like an eagle in the sky
Screaming out in lust when you suck me
Loosing in the battle for control
The end of this fruition draws near
Now we have to leave here
I share your sin
Deep from my heart
Come let us travel
Through the dark
The spheres in the sky
You lead me through
In gamaliel
I'll make love to you
My sexual desires
Is now brought to life
The morality's killed
By my perversity
I'm free from all lies
As morality dies
In deep harmony
I fulfill my desires
The pleasure's world...
And endless world...
My sexual desires
Is now brought to life
The morality's killed
By my perversity
10. Battle In The Ancient North
One thousand years ago
The christians were marching up north
To christanize the pagans
To kill those who refused christ
The headman of one village
Was a great man named njal
He had sworn an oath to the
Mightiest of his gods
Odin was thy name
On sleipner he rode
But the crusade was coming nearer
And the people, they ran in fear
Because oo many brave men was fallen
For the christians were far too many
And one day in the village
Men came with drawn swords
The commander of the crusade:
"Do you accept white-christ?
Do not refuse, we'll burn your village!
We will kill your sons
We will rape your women!
So... do you accept the bapizing,
In the name of my god, and his holy
Son, white-christ?"
"Who is this white-christ?
In the name of odin:
I will challenge him!"
The commander of the crusade:
"Then die fool..."
"So pull your swords my men!
For odin and thor we will gain!
We will fight to the last breath!
For odin we'll stab you to death!"
Swords crossed, the blood were floweing
As the battle raged
The pagan men were fighting will
But they were far roo few
The crusaders were bathing in blood
For white-christ they killed, raped and burned
And on the ground lied njal
His guts and blood were wide spread
The village lies now in ruins
But he prefered this before submission
Another day, another time
The ancient gods of the north
Will seek revenge against christ
And those thousand slained shall be avenged...
11. The End