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« Lost in the Beauty You Slay »

Sacrilege "Lost in the Beauty You Slay" Год



CD Album

Melodic Death Metal

N Название
1Frozen Thoughts 03:51
2Beyond the Gates of Pain 02:45
3Without Delight 03:19
4Crying Statues of Paleness and Ice 04:21
5Fettered in Shackles of Light 05:00
6Lost in the Beauty You Slay 04:11
7Silence in a Beloved Scream 04:30
8Torment of Life 04:20
9Initio Silentium Noctis 03:53
Total playing time: 36:10
Состав группы->
Michael Andersson - vocals
Daniel Svensson - drums, vocals
Daniel Dinsdale - guitars
Richard Bergholtz - guitars
Daniel Kvist - bass
Black Sun Records

Recorded at STUDIO FREDMAN July 96
Produced by Fredrik Nordstr©m and SACRILEGE
Engineered by Fredrik Nordstr©m
Psycological harassements by Fredrik Nordstr©m and SACRILEGE
Intro on "Frozen Thoughts" by Fredrik Nordstr©m and SACRILEGE
Mastered at "Mastering Room" by G©ran Finnberg
All cellos by My Hellgren
Vocals on track 4-8 by Svensson
Band photo by Tomas Eriksson
Cover painting By Kristian Whalin
Тексты песен
1. Frozen Thoughts

[Music: Berholtz, Dinsdale]
[Lyrics: Svensson]
[Cello: Hellgren]

Mystic night come encircle me
with your inimitable darkness
Drown me in agony and sombre thoughts

Come fourth your legions of unpurity
I'll bring myself under your domination

Just one of hundred millСкрыть/показать


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