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7 ñåí 2017 : Âèäåî ñ òåêñòîì îò DEVILISH IMPRESSIONS
1 ñåí 2017 : Ãèòàðèñò MERCYFUL FATE / KING DIAMOND íà íîâîì òðå...
15 àâã 2017 : Íîâîå âèäåî DEVILISH IMPRESSIONS
Àëüáîìû Íàéòè ìóçûêó



Îñíîâíîé ñòèëü
Äîáàâèòü â TOP10

Devilish Impressions

« Plurima Mortis Imago »

Devilish Impressions "Plurima Mortis Imago" Ãîä



CD Album

Avantgarde Black Metal

N Íàçâàíèå
2Rebellion Of Will Manifesto
3Visions Of Kingdom To Come
4Dracula's Mechanized Universe
5Funeral Of God
6Alpha & Omega Spaces
7Crowned To Be Crucified
8Smell Of Death
Ñîñòàâ ãðóïïû->
Quazarre - all vocals, lead and rhythm guitars
Turquoissa - synthesizers
Starash - lead and rhythm guitars
Adrian Nefarious - bass guitar
Dragor - drums
"Plurima Mortis Imago" was recorded at various places in August 2005:
-drums and guitars recorded at Mamut Studio (in the middle of nowhere.) by Maciek Mularczyk and Wojtek Nowak
-all synthesizers and vocals at Hendrix Studios (Lublin) by Arek "Malta" Malczewski

Mixed in September 2005 at home studio of Wojtek "Flumen" Kostrzewa [
Mastered in September 2005 at Hertz Studio (Białystok) by Sławek & Wojtek Wiesławscy

All music written by Quazarre, except:
-"Lunarium" written by Turquoissa, arrangements by Turquoissa & Quazarre
- "Alpha & Omega Spaces" written by Turquoissa
- "Dracula's Mechanized Universe" written by Quazarre, Starash and Turquoissa
- "Crowned to be crucified" written by Quazarre and Starash
-The ending part of "Dracula's Mechanized Universe" originally written by Ludwig Van Beethoven in interpretation of Turquoissa

Arrangements by Devilish Impressions
All lyrics by Quazarre
Band photos by Devilish Impressions
with assistance of Michał Bugdoł,
idea by Quazarre and Turquoissa.
Cover, layout and graphic design
by Sodom & Gomorrah,
Photos taken by Quazarre & Turquoissa;
idea by Quazarre & Turquoissa
Logo by Lucjan Wasilewski
Òåêñòû ïåñåí
01. Lunarium

02. Rebellion Of Will Manifesto
We – thinking beings
We – surrealistic visions
We – supernatural ideas
We have been materialized
To possess the forces of God

God who created the world
Full of lament of his daughteÑêðûòü/ïîêàçàòü


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ïðîñìîòðîâ: 4063    


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