 Однозначно хороший альбом,захватывает с первых же секунд
и переносит в древние времена викингов не даром кличат группу Viking Metal).Кто-то говорил что это Pagan-Black -
не согласен,блека нет совсем,да и зачем! Тут в отличие
от своего предшественника Far Far North (mini Cd) напрочь убрали скриминг и сделали один чистый голос,в музыке присутствуют как следовало ожидать Folk элементы ,но
сыгранные на электро-гитаре,что создает хорошее,приятное
впечатление.Местами быстрый,а вобще медленный
среднетмповый викинг музон.Мне было странно отсутствие песен
на родном языке (возможно в целях коммерции). |
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Никогда не увлекался викингом, пэганом и т.д, а вот на Einherjer запал сразу. Во-первых – это удивительная техника и слаженность, сразу видно – увлеченные люди и работают не ради денег, (поэтому всяческие упреки в позерстве и тренде прошу прекратить), во-вторых – чистый звук и хороший вокал (как рычащий, так и чистый) создаёт атмосферу, которую просто невозможно описать словами. “Odin owns ya all” – явился переходным альбомом группы т.е. начиная с этого альбома стиль музыки сильно изменился (для меня – в лучшую сторону), не переставая оставаться Викинг Металом конечно. На мой взгляд – это лучший альбом группы, т.к. до него музыка была более фолковая, но менее мелодичная, а после него – более мелодичная, но менее фолковая. В этом же альбоме баланс мелодика/атмосфера находится как раз в нужном месте. Тексты у Einherjer вообще всегда были на высоте (можно ходить и читать на распев), но всё же, английский – не лучший язык для Viking Metal (за это – минус один балл) и ещё минус один бал за отсутствие великолепных баллад, таких как “Ballad of the swords” из “Dragons of the north” и “Draconian Umpire”, “Regicide” из “Norvegian native arts”, хотя к слову сказать, “Regicide” звучит немного попсово. И ещё, после прослушивания только двух метал- групп меня одолевает такой душевный подъем, что срочно хочется самому что-нибудь в этом духе написать, сочинить, сыграть, нарисовать и т.д. Вот эти группы: Cradle of Filth и Einherjer. Вот и сейчас, при написании этой рецензии такое явление наблюдается |
Came life
Out of emptiness
Out of Ginnungagap
Came all of what is today
The sun turned from the south
Sister of Moon
She did not have
Nor Had the Moon
A notion of what
Powers they had
A counsil were gathered
Where names were given
The night and the nightfall
And the morning they named
The mid-day, mid-winter
For the assigning of years
Bur had three sons Vile, Ve and Odin
They killed the giant Ymir and founded what we know
They gave us life, spirit and wisdom
Odin owns us all and we owe all to him
When Ymir lived
A long time ago
Was no sand nor sea
Nor surging waves
Nowhere was there earth
Nor heaven above
Only Ginnungagap
And grass nowhere
The sons of Bur
Then built up the lands
Created the great
Midgard to be
Out of emptiness
Out of Ginnungagap
Came Yggdrasil
Came life
Out of emptiness
Out of Ginnungagap
Came all of what is today
2. Clash Of The Elder
I saw creation
Laws of the nature
I saw the world with pride
I saw the fire
Scorching flames of Muspell
I saw the darkest tide
I seek the wisdom
The nature of Yggdrasil
I sought and gave my eye
I saw the Vanir
Granted the twisted truth
I felt the world to die
Ride, Gods of war,
death to the Vanir
Swordsting and axe of blood
Dance with us now
Swordsong will roar to call
"Wonders of my vision
We crave a bloodred mound
A thousand deaths to them all"
Brothers of vengance
The world is a wound
A wound that bleeds and burns
I saw my brothers
Fall of creators
All for what greed thus learns
Ride, Gods of war,
death to the Vanir
Weapons of wonders
Crafted by dwarves
Clouds break from the sky
Fall to your knees now
Bow before me now
Those who deny will die
Spit in this jar of wisdom
Those who swear alligiance
Brave or just ready to die
Thus was created
A scent of wits and poetry
Storyteller of the High
Ride, Gods of war,
death to the Vanir
3. Odin Owns Ye All
I sit by the fires gleam all by myself
Four empty chairs & one've been kept warm
I drink to my kinsmen who sails now with Njord
I drink to my kin who'll drink here no more
Odin owns ye all
I sing to them songs I wish their best on their way
I'm sure a valkyrie found them in the battle that day
I drink to my kinsmen who fought bravely at sea
I drink to my kin who'll be missed not just by me
Odin owns ye all
To arms To arms - The kinsmen said
They've chosen to meet us in battle today
Fight Fight - The kinsmen said
If we show true norse courage they'll soon run away
Wrong Wrong - The kinsmen thought
You cowards are fourty men may you rot in Hel
Rise Rise - The valkyries said
Odin decided this day you would die
I drink to my kinsmen
Who sails now with Njord
I drink to my kin
Who'll drink here no more
I drink to my kinsmen
Who fought bravely at sea
I drink to my kin
Who'll be missed not just by me
Odin owns ye all
4. Remember Tokk
I am the one of battles reason
I left this world my mothers corpse
I am the eyes and heart of treason
My lullabye the screams of horse
I am the haunting and the hurting
I read the walls of memory
I am the fist in the face of glory
I grow and my fire with me
Hark! Is that the battles horn
Has Ragnarok been born
Fire runs my passion burns
Love cries as death comes
Is that the frost and fire
Giants of south and those up higher
Fire runs my passion burns
Fear breakes and chaos rules
I am the incarnation of all ages
I've seen it all & of reason
Some of you may trust in me
And some of you may know that;
Stones & earth swore an oath
As did iron and all kinds of ore
Some cried tears but Tokk did not
She did what she could why ask for more
Hark! Is that the battles horn
Has Ragnarok been born
Fire runs my passion burns
Love cries as death comes
Is that the frost and fire
Giants of south and those up higher
Fire runs my passion burns
Fear breakes and chaos rules
My children might be known to you
Some might even met them too
Guilt is mine in words not felt
Wisdoms sons presence lack
Mother father which am I
Ask my sons wolf or death
I will guarantee
This is not the last you've heard from me
I've felt the taste of poison
Water wet I breathe like air
I caused the earth to rumble
And soon the end of all you know
Some of you may recognize
My skills in lies and betrayal acts
The very same might find it strange
My brother is the wisdoms face
Hark! Is that the battles horn
Has Ragnarok been born
Fire runs my passion burns
Love cries as death comes
Is that the frost and fire
Giants of south and those up higher
Fire runs my passion burns
Fear breakes and chaos rules
5. Home
Across the brigde of colours born
Of fire water and air
Dressed in crimson armours
In hand are bloodwet spears
Reach the entrance heavens gate
Honoured by the brave
See the hall with golden roof
The home allfather gave
Welcome to the hall of death
Great Odin we hail him
Come in, enjoy the glorious afterlife, my friend
Here we fill the ranks of Tyr
Battle is our way
Every morning day and night till the winter fiercest come
Cattle die
All men are mortal
But word-fame never dies
Nor a noble name
Kinsmen die
All men are mortal
But one thing never dies
The glory of the great dead
Enough of tears, enough of wail!
Not to lament in was Valhalla made
The wind as fresh as the air is clear
The greatest of men are here
All einherjer in Odin's court
Fare to fight each day
Select the slain, then leave the battle
Sit after at peace in the hall.
Welcome to the hall of death
Great Odin we hail him
Come in, enjoy the glorious afterlife, my friend
Here we fill the ranks of Tyr
Battle is our way
Every morning day and night till the winter fiercest come
Cattle die
All men are mortal
But word-fame never dies
Nor a noble name
Kinsmen die
All men are mortal
But one thing never dies
The glory of the great dead
6. The Pathfinder & The Prophetess
[The Prophetess:]
Who is this man, who for me is unknown
Who forces me to go such a hard way
I am covered with snow, beaten by rain
I am wet through by dew
& death I have known for a long time
[The Pathfinder:]
I am the pathfinder, accustomed to battle
For whom is the hall decked here in Helheim
Silence not prophetess, I seek your answers
Who shall bring death to the son of Odin
[The Prophetess:]
For Balder the mead
A drink for the noble
I was forced to speak
Now silence is my name
Hod shall guide him
Shall be his bane
I was forced to speak
Now silence is my name
[The Pathfinder:]
Tell me this, who shall punish this deed
Kill Balders killer and place him on the pyre
[The Prophetess:]
A child, one night old, shall kill Balders killer
Not wash his hands nor comb his hair
Until the fire burns
[The Pathfinder:]
Tell me this; What maidens are those,
Who weeps such heavy tears?
[The Prophetess:]
You are no Volve, but a mother of giants.
Right you are Odin
See you after the wolf
[The Prohetess:]
For Balder the mead
A drink for the noble
I was forced to speak
Now silence is my name
Hod shall guide him
Shall be his bane
I was forced to speak
Now silence is my name
7. Inferno
Cold this night as you feel your fright
The horns of doom resound
White knight shines and you know why
The sky burns the giants light
Winter ends but what will come
The wolf the serpent the end
This the time for You and I
All Einherjer are gathered to fight
See the ship from Helheim comes
See the dead with Hel in front
I can't believe - Then the sun went down
Hear the roar - The wolves age
The clink of sword - death's rage
Brothers shall be brothers bane
In the end you kill in vein
Do you believe
An old oak shakes and its wisdom too
Waves are eager to feed
Gods falls as men so do men
The children of Loke the same
Some will be missed some will not
Some live forever in memory
The sun turns black as our mother drowns
The sky is touched by flames
See the ship from Helheim comes
See the dead with Hel in front
I can't believe - Then the sun went down
Hear the roar - The wolves age
The clink of sword - death's rage
Brothers shall be brothers bane
In the end you kill in vein
Do you believe
Now death is the portion of all doomed men
Shields clash and sharp swords bleed
Yggdrasil trembles it groans in woe
Red with spilt blood giants as gods
Garm howls at Gnipaheller
Fumes reek, into flames burst
The heavens split open
Well, would you like to know more...
I can't believe - Then the sun went down
Hear the roar - The wolves age
The clink of sword - death's rage
Brothers shall be brothers bane
In the end you kill in vein
Do you believe
8. A New Earth
She sees arise
A second time
Earth from the sea
Dressed evergreen
Fairier than all
Waterfalls flow
As from a dream
For us it still is
Once again strangely wonderful
Golden chessmen be found again
On the ground where brave men fought
Owned by Gods a long time ago
Future will meet
The present and past
Speak of winters
The first and the last
Tales of what's been
And what to come
In remembrance of Odin
And the runes of the past
Once again strangely wonderful
Golden chessmen be found again
On the ground where brave men fought
Owned by Gods a long time ago
She sees a hall
Fairier than the sun
Thatched with gold
For trust to dwell
There shall innocence
Forever live
A life of joy
Until the dragon reappears