« Northern Rage »
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1 | And The Northewinde Bloweth 02:38
 | 2 | Heroic Deathe 05:37
 | 3 | Valhalla 03:49
 | 4 | Thy Laste Fyre 03:49
 | 5 | Welcome Thy Rite 04:18
 | 6 | Odin's Warriors 04:15
 | 7 | Bloode Eagle 04:30
 | 8 | Sigrblуt 05:30
 | 9 | To Foreign Shores 03:55
 | 10 | Lindisfarne! 08:42
 | | Total playing time 47:05 |
   Thunder Axe - vocals, guitars
Lightning Blade - guitars
Black Sworde - bass
Doomrider - drums
Guest musicians:
Kai Hansen - vocals on track 2, lead guitars on track 5 |
Produced by Kai Hansen, Lars Ramcke & Falko Reshцft
Recorded by Lars Ramcke and Falko Reshцft at Thunderhall Studio, Hamburg
Drums recorded by Kai Hansen at Hansen Studios, Hamburg
Mixed and mastered by Kai Hansen at Hansen Studios, Hamburg
Cover artwork by Uwe Karczewski
Booklet Design and photos by Kai Karczewski |
 | 1. And The Northewinde Bloweth
2. Heroic Deathe
[Ramcke, Reshoft]
Nighte hath gone
The lighte of dawne fills the lande
Warhordes appeare on the filde
The pounding of feete hammereth the grounde
Swords are struck on their shieldes
A spear is throwne into the foeman's ho |
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 Эта группа одна из эшелона «рубак» в пауэр метале, сюда же можно зачислить и такие коллективы как Iron Savior, Airborn, Paragon, Twisted Tower Dire и др. Ранее продюссировал её Пит Силк, но теперь она перешла под крыло Кая Хансена, и скажу честно, что только из-за этого я и купил сей диск. И очень обломался, хотя характерный Силковский звук и пропал, музыкальный материал такой же, как и был – бескомпромиссный тру-спид-пауэр метал, до жути однообразный и грузящий своей монотонностью, добавьте отстойный вокал и вот рекомендация – только для фэнов. НО, это всего лишь моё субъективное мнение. Скорее всего, эта работа может найти поклонников среди поклонников Running Wild, почитателей вышеперечисленных коллективов, да и самого "Штормового Воина" – постарались ребята на славу, даже получше чем дебютник будет.
В некоторых местах спел сам Хансен, чем меня очень порадовал. Что удивляет, так это языческая тематика текстов – не очень то это характерно для пауэрщиков. Самой запоминающейся песней будет «Bloode Eagle» и всё…Релиз только для фэнов. |
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Когда я спросил своего 17-ти летнего двоюродного брата знает ли он, что такое speed-metal, то в ответ получил лишь удивлённое пожатие плечами. Вот Limp Bizkit, Deathstars, Nickelback и даже power металлический Edguy он вспомнил, но speed, что это!? А это и есть Stormwarrior. Ужасная редкость сейчас услышать группу сего направления, мириады коммерчески отточенных Freedom Call, Insania и иже с ними, совершенно по уровню не дотягивающих до перечисленных команд есть. Групп играющих в духе Stormwarrior и на этом уровне практически нет (можно конечно вспомнить DragonForce). Что же представляет собой в музыкальном плане эта группа? Скажу сразу, - никакой это не Running Wild образца 1985-го. Но если взять конкретные треки - это то, как бы сегодня звучали вещи всё того же Рольфа Каспарека: "Mercyless Game", "Marooned", "Tortuga Bay", "The Privateer", "Powder & Iron" или же вещи Helloween "Murderer", "Warrior", треки Grave Digger - "Headbanging Man", "Heavy Metal Breakdown" и "Witch Hunter". А кто помнит Angel Dust 80-х ну или Living Death?! Это оно.
Весь альбом Stormwarrior (как первый 2002 года так и второй 2004-го) это безостановочное скоростное и агрессивное лупилово с хрипящим, но высоким вокалом (кое где подпевал и Кай Хансен ("Odinn’s Warriors")). Вокал Ларса Рамке ужасно похож на вокал Франка Найта из тех же прираннингвайлдных X-Wild. Что самое интересное однообразие музыки совершенно не утомляет, совершенно. Тексты песен наивны до безобразия а-ля HammerFall, Manowar, Valdemar о стали, мечах и Валхалле.
Ну,что ещё добавить? После прослушивания Stormwarrior (первого и альбома "Nothern Rage") сразу прорезаются ностальгические нотки по тем временам когда 16-летними пацаном прыгал с гитарой тряся патлами и имитируя какого нибудь Франка Белло и выкрикивал слова "Antisocial" или слова Рок Н Рольфовских "Conquistadores".
Ничего нового на этом альбоме нет, и не надо. Хочется иногда качественного хорошо забытого старого. Диск просто обязателен к приобретению "металлюгам" рождённым в период с 1970-го по 1975-й год. 10 баллов альбому. |
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просмотров: 12262 |
Sacrificing them all
May Odinnn fulfill our course
My son, hear my calle
If I'll die wounded by steele
Thy heir shalle be named after me
Faithfull I'll die like many before
When Odinn awaits me up highe
(Heroic Deathe)
I have foughte and yielde I did not
Steele ends a warrior-life
(Heroic Deathe)
The battle is raging
And father is struck by a sworde
Lying amidst gory leaves
I kneele at his side, I stare at his eyes
His final wordes I recieve
"Now my son, the time hath come
My laste breath I shalle take
Thy father end his life
And yonder he shalle awake"
My son, now I die but my name shalle live on
When a tree of fighte to thee hath been borne
Faithfull I'll die like many before
When Odinn awaits me up highe
(Heroic Deathe)
I have foughte and yielde I did not
Steele ends a warrior-life
(Heroic Deathe)
Now I die withe pride in my hearte
I've seen my son become a man
Fearless I stood, yielde I did not
The golden halle shalle await me
(Heroic Deathe)
[Solo: Lars/Dave/Both/Lars/Dave/Both/Dave]
Across the fielde the valkyries ride
Carried up highe, the fallen one
Were Bifrost ends
Valhalla's gates shalle embrace
The northern son
3. Valhalla
[Ramcke, Reshoft]
Fivehundred gates and forty eke
Open the brighte golden halle
In Gladsheim where the one-eyed god
Welcomes the fallen ones
Only the bravest of all warriors
Shalle be selected by the valkyries
Glorious halle up highe
Home of the brave, open thy gates
Fearless we'll fighte
Spears tower highe on the roof
Shieldes brighten the walls
A wolfe hangs before the gateway
An eagle hovers above
Eighthundred Einheries will at once
Go from each gate
When the Fenriswolfe hath
To be foughte on the final day
Halfe of the fallen are chosen on fighte
Withe the Aesir at the twilighte of the gods
Glorious halle up highe
Home of the brave, open thy gates
Fearless we'll fighte
Glorious golden halle up highe
Halle of the brave, open thy gates
We fear not to die
[Solo: Both/Lars/Both]
Only the bravest of all warriors
Will fighte at the twilighte of the gods
Glorious halle up highe
Home of the brave, open thy gates
Fearless we'll fighte
Glorious golden halle up highe
Halle of the brave, open thy gates
We fear not to die
4. Thy Laste Fyre
Thy time hath come, thou shalt be honoured
A glorious life thou hast lead
Father of mine, greate warrior
The halle up highe lies aheade
Stallions shalle be sacrificed
Thy ship hath been raised
The weapons of thine are placed at thy side
A slave hath been chosen to followe her lorde
Into the realm far beyond
Thy last fyre lights up the solemn nighte
Thy last fyre under the northern sky
Lead off the ceremony
Lay a rope arounde her neck
Strangle the slave and the poniard
Will end her burning flame
Shieldes are pounding the nighte
Drowning her fearfilling cries
Torches are throwne onto the stake
Thy ship stands aflame, northwards to sail
The laste course of thine to fulfill
Thy last fyre lights up the solemn nighte
Thy last fyre under the northern sky
Ritual flames upon Midgard's lande
Transitional burning tonighte
Thy last fyre
[Solo: Lars]
Mourning leaves the dead no reste
No sleep, no repose
He would gad aboute an intruder to be
Tears cried after thee would burden thy chest
But thou shalt not returne to bring mischief
Thy ship stands aflame, northwards to sail
The laste course of thine to fulfill
Thy last fyre lights up the solemn nighte
Thy last fyre under the northern sky
Ritual flames upon Midgard's lande
Transitional burning tonighte
Thy last fyre
5. Welcome Thy Rite
Thine twelventh winter hath gone
Thy time of manhoode hath come
Learne how to fighte
Embraced by Helm Bearer's host
Thy consecration to holde
Now wait for the nighte
(Get ready to fighte)
Marked by the spear and hanged thou shalt be
The secrets of the Highe One to see
Welcome thy rite
Embrace the cult of the Ancient One
Offer thyself and wise thou'll become
Welcome thy rite
Now thy rite lies aheade (Tonighte)
Thy vivid bloode will be shed
Fear not the blade
Pain and wrathe thou shalt feele
Ecstatic rage to reveale
Enter this state (Fear not the blade)
Careful they've been the secret to keepe
Helm Bearer's son thou shalt be
Welcome thy rite
Embrace the cult of the Ancient One
Offer thyself and wise thou'll become
Welcome thy rite
[Solo: Kai Hansen]
Marked by the spear and hanged thou shalt be
The secrets of the Highe One to see
Welcome thy rite
Embrace the cult of the Ancient One
Offer thyself and wise thou'll become
Welcome thy rite
Welcome thy rite
Welcome thy rite
6. Урinn's Warriors
Dark, black as the nighte
The enemies'fighte
Strong warriors with a chest full of pride
Wrathe to be revealed in the foremost rank
Clad like bears they're marching
And they're resolute to fighte
Invulnerable to fire and iron
No sworde can bite me when I'm in battlerage
Урinn's Warriors
Fearless and proud we shalle strike
Урinn's Warriors
In victory we returne from the fighte
The spells are cast
Ferocious hides are clad
The bear's savage powere
Now runs throughe my veins
The foes are stormed
A spear is striking my arm
And I throwe it back without vestige of pain
Invulnerable to fire and iron
No sworde can bite me when I'm in battlerage
Урinn's Warriors
Fearless and proud we shalle strike
Урinn's Warriors
In victory we returne from the fighte
[Solo: Lars/Dave/Lars/Dave/Both/Lars]
I'm invulnerable to fire and iron
No sworde can bite me when I'm in battlerage
Урinn's Warriors
Fearless and proud we shalle strike
Урinn's Warriors
In victory we returne from the fighte
7. Bloode Eagle
The nighte hath begun
The moon's arms embrace thee
Now thy time hath come
Wanderer's victim of bloode
Thy flame will be burned out to tame his wrathe
The blade awaits thee, thy back shalle be slit
The bloode-dripping lobe of thy lunges
Builde a pair of wings
Delivered to Odinn
(Bloode eagle)
The Spearmaster's offeringe
(Bloode eagle)
The Raven God's sacrifice
(Bloode eagle)
The course of an ancient rite
(Bloode eagle)
Torches of deathe lighte the nighte
Thou art broughte to the tent
Thy laste brink to have
As thou leaveth this place
Soaked by the bloode, magic spells are cast
The blade awaits thee, thy back shalle be slit
The bloode-dripping lobe of thy lunges
Builde a pair of wings
Delivered to Odinn
(Bloode eagle)
The Spearmaster's offeringe
(Bloode eagle)
The Raven God's sacrifice
(Bloode eagle)
The course of an ancient rite
(Bloode eagle)
[Solo: Lars/Both]
The blade awaits thee, thy back shalle be slit
The bloode-dripping lobe of thy lunges
Builde a pair of wings
Delivered to Odinn
(Bloode eagle)
The Spearmaster's offeringe
(Bloode eagle)
The Raven God's sacrifice
(Bloode eagle)
The course of an ancient rite
(Bloode eagle)
8. Sigrblot
Three moons have passed
Since the midwinter's nighte
Summer is awaited, the time of lighte
Honour shalle be paid to thee
All father, bringer of Victory
The priest opens the sacrifice
To stregthen thee a horse is victimized
Bloode is shed upon thy sons
Binding us to the one-eyed god
Odinn, take this offering from us
Be our guidance in war
Let us not returne without victory
Above the fire, the sacrificed meat
A feaste is helde in troth of thee
Hails are called out, horns are raised
For powere thou shalt be praised
Lead thy followers into a life of pride
Odinn, take this offering from us
Be our guidance in war
Let us not returne without victory
Rather we'll die
[Solo: Lars/Both]
Greate deeds await us at foreign shores
Battlewolfe, lend thy spear to us
Greate father of war, accept our offeringe
Sende thy ravens as a signe, lead us into victory
And thy sons shalle returne in pride...
Odinn, take this offering from us
Be our guidance in war
Let us not returne without victory
Odinn, lend thy spear to us
Greate father of war
Let us not returne without victory
Rather we'll die
9. To Foreign Shores
[Ramcke, Reshoft]
Thaw hath begun, worship the sun
The giants of ice leave the lande
The scent of the sea, the dashing of the waves
The winde hath broughte to the strande
Put to the sea the dragonships now shall be
Hoist up the sails
The kit is taken aboard
Ready to get throughe the gales
Man the boats, leave the shore far behinde
Raids lie aheade, wealth we shalle finde
Crossing the seas, riding the storms
Onward to loot foreign shores
On the wide open sea far away from home
We're storming across foreign shores
Beneath the star of the northern lande
A son of Odinn was borne
One-eyed father is my guide
For I passed the rite of the Ancient One
I followe the cult like my father did
My first course lies aheade
Now my sworde shalle prove
Whose descendant I am
The foeman's bloode will be shed
Fearless I'm on board
Leave the shore far behinde
Raids lie aheade, wealth I shalle finde
Crossing the seas, riding the storms
Onward to loot foreign shores
On the wide open sea far away from home
We're storming across foreign shores
Behold the horizon, an island is in sighte
We're heading for the shore
Get ready to fighte
Arms are handed over the bloodthirsty horde
Hails shalle be called out
Onward to loot the foreign shore
[Solo: Dave]
Fearless I'm on board
Now leave the shore behinde
Raids lie aheade, wealth we shalle finde
Crossing the seas, riding the storms
Onward to loot foreign shores
On the wide open sea far away from home
We're storming across foreign shores
10. Lindisfarne
793 at the northumbrian shore
Dreadfull omens shake the lande
Mighty messangers have come from above
Awful signs they shalle presente
Thunderstorms, lighting comes down
Fiery dragons ride the sky
A famine hath followed these tokens of hell
Starvation now overtakes man's life
Fallow's moon hath left the saintly shore
Holy island ends the nighte
Northern dragons have crossed the ocean's horizon
Red white sails appeare in sighte
Highe swung stems are breaking the waves
Behold! Ship made of oak drawing near
Beastly howlings are reaching the isle
What strange horde hath broughte the sea
Lindisfarne - The priests are overrun
Lindisfarne - Calamity hath come
Shores are laid waste, saints to overtake
The storme of the northe hath begun
At Lindisfarne
Storming on the lande
Tearing their clothes off their backs
Chasing these weaklings away
Some shalle be struck, some shalle be drowned
Others shalle be laid in chains
St. Cuthbert's cross, their treasure of stone
Knocked down their idol shalle be
His holy church, a sacred place
Spattered and soiled withe the bloode of the priests
Plundered the chapels shalle be
The cloister is sacked, the altar is destroyed
Precious stone, noble jewels and gold
Now their holy treasures are on board
Lindisfarne - The priests are overrun
Lindisfarne - Calamity hath come
Shores are laid waste, saints to overtake
The storme of the northe hath begun
At Lindisfarne
[Solo: Lars/Both]
Alcuin of York:
Lo, it is nearly 350 years that we and our fathers
have inhabited this lovely land, and never before
has such terror appeared in Britain as this we now
suffered from a pagan race...
They stepped on holy places with uncleaned feet
Dug up the altars and plundered all the treasures in the holy curch...
What should be expected for other places
When the divine judgement has not spared this holy place?
Thy ravens up highe
One-eyed father, accept our offering
Let us not return without wealth and pride
Be our guidance on the stormy sea
Lindisfarne - The priests are overrun
Lindisfarne - Calamity hath come
Shores are laid waste, saints to overtake
The storme of the northe hath begun
At Lindisfarne
"A furore Normannorum libera nos, Domine!"