Glorf - (I. Dovgoteles) – Guitars, (Composer, Lyrics)
Imtrid - (D. Bondarenko) – Bass
Kiwi - (V. Revko) - Vocals
Zolik - (Z. Forkosh) - Vocals
Nazar - (N. Ustyannik) – Guitars
Perevod - (A. Perevodchik) - Drums/Percussion
Максим Morton Пасечник - Sound Producer
Алексей Wortherax Скрипник - Manager
Beauty Ворожеяd¦d Protools - концертный звукореж |
"Все животные планеты Земля инстинктивно живут, находя равновесие с окружающей средой. Но человек не таков. Попадая на какие-то участки, вы размножаетесь и размножаетесь, пока все природные ресурсы не будут исчерпаны. И тогда единственный путь для вашего дальнейшего выживания – экспансия на новые территории. Существует другой организм, действующий подобным образом. Вирус...
/agent smith. matrix/
Вирусы и бактерии являются одной из самых распространенных форм существования органической материи на Земле.
В конце 19го века, человечество начало прогрессировать и активно уничтожать планету.
Амоксициллин - антибактериальное кислотоустойчивое средство широкого спектра действия из группы
полусинтетических пенициллинов.
Когда мы болеем, мы принимаем лекарства.
А что если Земля примет свой Амоксициллин?"
"Эволюция, Морфеус, эволюция!"
Amoxicillin...Extermination 2009
- Amoxicillin...Extermination
- Running Away (Bonus Track)
- DethTale (Bonus Track)
Запись, сведение и мастеринг альбома "Only The Beginning" проходили на студии "Morton Studio" в период с 01.11.08 по 01.04.09
Саундпродюсер Максим "Morton" Пасечник
Обложка сингла:
Christas Vengel
http://christasvengel.deviantart.com/ |
We need a cure
To save the world,
To make it pure.
The cure that cleanses the Earth
From ourselves, like amoxiciline.
Like tide or huricane,
Eliminate the pain,
With our acts
The cure will save the world.
The Earth is in agony,
Give it the cure,
It's in a remittent fever,
Let it heal!
Giant waves wipe out the cities from the Earth.
Walls of fire devour the green trees.
Toxic vapours float above the ground.
All the living things will die.
I see it in your eyes,
The civilization's end,
Hellfire Extermination,
Let the Earth cure itself.
Running Away
How long will it last?
How many bombs will
How many towns
Will burn in fire
To the ground?
How much blood
To the ragged soil
Will be shed
Before this lust
of blood and rage
It's not my world.
Run !
I wanna run away from here
With you.
I wanna leave this dying world
With you.
Let it burn to ash!
I want to run,
I need to run away.
We must gain force,
We must be strong,
We must!
I want to run
Away with you.
I want to be
With you, only with you.
I want to feel your touch on my skin,
In my bad dream in the core of a storm,
I want to feel your touch…
Death touch.
What can we do?
What can we say?
Why should we stay
Inside the firestorm?
For whom shall we work?
Why must we be slaves?...
These straits are dire,
This world is set in fire.
And now,
We need to run away...
...our time is running out, nothing to say.
War is terrible thing,
I hear the…
…death wind sing.
It’s time to say "Enough"
To all the world.
It’s time to run
To our stronghold.
I want to feel your touch
In my deepest dream.
I want to see your eyes,
In the darkest realm.
Come where it rains,
Where the winds blow,
Where the storms grow…
No pain.
Break through despair.
And feel the rain
Your soul will rise
Come, where it rains,
Where the winds blow
Where the storms grow…
No pain.
I need to run away
I need to find my way
Let it burn to ash.
It’s the time you want to be a genius
and befall to your universe source.
We must be careful with our dreams and needs.
All the atomic bombs, all the nuclear tombs,
Epidemic threats, natural disaster attacks.
Will be bedtime stories, will be idle dreams.
Producing panic in masses, as well as social stresses.
Buy more crow-bars to fight against head-crabs.
Will be not just a game, will be another DethTale.
When the Earth will be turned into expanding black hole,
Wishes and dreams will not matter at all.
Now, it’s the end of your researching fakes
And begins the devastated DethTale.
It’s the time when you’re late to be a genius
And the world that we knew has collapsed.