At Vance
« No Escape »
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1 | Flying High 05:14
 | 2 | No Escape 03:16
 | 3 | No Speak 01:42
 | 4 | Die in Your Arms 05:30
 | 5 | All for One, One for All 04:28
 | 6 | Money, Money, Money (ABBA cover) 03:07
 | 7 | Four Seasons - Summer 03:18
 | 8 | Lost in Your Love 04:33
 | 9 | Power & Glory 05:26
 | 10 | Seven Seas 06:14
 | | Bonus tracks on Japanese release:
 | 11 | Eye Of The Tiger (Survivor Cover)
 | 12 | Shout (Tears For Fears Cover) |
   Uli Mueller - Keyboards
Olaf Lenk - Guitars
Oliver Hardmann - Vocals
Rainald Koenig - Bass
Spoony - Drums |
Produced by Olaf Lenk and Axel Thubeauville
Recorded at Guitarland, Germany between January and April 1999
Mixed by Olaf Lenk and Axel Thubeauville
Mastered by Olaf Lenk
Frontartwork by Eric Philippe, Belgium
All music and lyrics by Olaf Lenk, except:
All For One, One For All - Oliver Hartmann
Four Seasons - Summer - Antonio Vivaldi
Eye Of The Tiger - Suvivor (bonus track)
Shout - Orzabal, Stanley, Anderson, Ulvaeus (bonus track) |
 | 1. Flying High
you never see what's inside of me
that's why you won't face the truth
fightin forever a fight you can't win
touchin my soul ain't like touchin my skin
open your mind don't you ever slow down
spread out your wings and reach out for the crown
it's not made out of gold
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 Слушая пауэр металл нельзя обойти стороной весьма популярную и уважаемую (в последнее время) немецкую группу At Vance зачинателями которой являются гитарист виртуоз Олаф Ленк и теперь уже бывший вокалист с одними из лучших вокальных данных на металл сцене – Оливер Хартманн (новый вокаллер прогрессив металл коллектива Empty Tremor). В общем то несложно было догадаться какой тропой музыканты пойдут – по следам Малмстина или тыквоголовых. И они выбрали первое. Относительно дебютного альбома – тут сплошные минусы. Во-первых, звук прописан плохо – не годиться быть на пауэре таким воздушным очень лёгким ударным и не слишком плотным гитарным партиям. Что ж это можно списать на неопытность, но вот когда начинаешь слушать песни, то сталкиваешься с очередной проблемой - а именно занудность и не шибкая оригинальность, конечно, свой узнаваемый стиль группа имеет, тут уж нельзя это не признать. Из цепляющих песен можно выделить главную «No Escape» – довольно бодренький боевичок, и помедленнее телегу «All For One, One For All » - здесь наиболее качественно и приятно раскрывается голос Оливера. А вот насчёт кавера Аббы «Money» – здесь уже на любителя, мне показалось, что он чересчур сладенький и засахаренный получился, ну инструментальный номер в пауэр металлической обработке Вивальди «Summer» – это в принципе неплохая вещь. Насчёт баллады «Lost In Your Love» – тут вышел промах. Интересные также бонус треки – это «Eyes Of The Tiger» от группы Survivor и «Shout» коллектива Tears For Fears - каверы вполне в стиле атвансовцев и слушаются более удачно нежили перепетая Абба. В целом альбом неплох, следующие работы, конечно, намного его перепрыгивают, но если вам нравиться вокалист Хартманн и весь неоклассический металл, – то пластинку неплохо бы заиметь. |
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Творчество этой немецкой группы я очень сильно ценю. У этой группы чередовались взлёты и падения, хотя кому как, иногда те работы, которые не нравятся мне, становились иконами для многих других людей. Касательно дебютника At Vance, ситуация обстоит следующим образом – в принципе, «No Escape» - это не самая плохая работа немцев, но до уровня «The Evil in You» (2003) она явно не дотягивается. То есть, имеется в виду, здесь есть как и приличные плюсы, так и серьёзные минусы. К положительным сторонам данного диска я отношу отличную технику музыкантов, особенно мне понравились работа гитариста Олафа Ленка и вокалиста Оливера Хартманна (но лучший певец у At Vance – это Матс Левен, на мой взгляд) - первый придумывает все песни, кроме каверов, а второй придал некий шарм и отличительную черту своим мощнейшим голосом. Единственное, что оттеняет все приятные моменты от игры парней, это отвратный звук барабанов, я считаю, что на альбоме партии барабанов сыграны с помощью драм-машины, уж больно звук какой-то искусственный. Ну да ладно, это придирки. Хотя как минус это очень даже мощный аргумент. Сами песни, представленные на диске, это и плюс, и минус сразу. Ибо наряду с такими классными номерами, как открывающий боевик «Flying High», красивой инструменталкой «No Speak», переигровками «Money» и «The Four Seasons – Summer» и отличным треком «Power Glory», на альбоме имеются нисколько не впечатляющие песенки типа скучных «Die in Your Arms» и «Lost in Your Love». К нейтральной стороне я отношу тексты, ибо они довольно стандартные для пауэра (победа, свобода и тому подобное), но и не лишены особой красоты, например, в «Power Glory» или «Flying High», поэтому лирика, на мой взгляд, это и не сильная сторона альбома, но и не отстой. То есть, если кратко, плюсы – это техничность и первая часть вышеуказанных композиций, а минусы – искусственный звук барабанов и вторая часть вышеуказанных песен. Но, что радует, сильных вещей всё-таки больше, чем слабых. И поэтому, подводя итог, поставлю альбому твёрдые 6 баллов. Для «No Escape» - в самый раз… |
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Неплохая немецкая команда, играющая мелодичный пауэр, с какой то грустью и намеком на хард-рок. Сыграно очень не плохо, но чего-то экстра ординарного в этой пластинке нет. К концу диска мелодии более запоминающиеся, чем в начале, а особенно хотел бы отметить красивую балладу, забавный кавер группы Abba- Money, Money, и просто очень классное исполнение Антонио Вивальди! С кем либо из известных команд сравнивать не буду, но вокал кого-то безумно напоминает. Вообщем, рекомендую любителям мелодичного павера, но только если у вас уже этого павера собралось большое количество! А если мало павера, то купите новый Stratovarius. |
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просмотров: 17758 |
not made for human soul
ashes to ashes
thats where it ends
nobody could get more far beyond
flyin high I can see the years pass by
and I won't return to the same old places
that I've been before
is it still the same old face
I can see no more
o' see no more
out in the gutter like a fox on the run
everone's after your dreams
so did you learn your lesson well
if you did not they will send you to hell
inside your heart you will never forget
how things went wrong and made you feel so sad
but the path is to small noone's gonna hear your call
as you wander by yourself
ashes to ashes
thats where it ends
nobody could get more far beyond
flyin high I can see the years pass by
and I won't return to the same old places
that I've been before
is it still the same old face
I can see no more
o' see no more
flyin high....
2. No Escape
when you're caught up in darkness
you're searchin for life
and you reach out for every ray that's inside
you're diggin the dirt for some pieces of gold
remember what you have been told
when you tryin to find it there
out in the cold
there is no escape
there is no escape
so you're tryin to hide where the streets have no name
but whereever you look you see faces of shame
addicted to madness they burn kill and die
sellin there souls for a lie
then they pray for forgiveness
they fall down and cry
there is no escape
there is no escape
you've got to open up your eyes and see reality
that you can run but you just can't break free
there is no escape
there is no escape
3. No Speak
4. Die In Your Arms
you know I've always tried
to keep all of your dreams satisfied
but still there's one thing I denie
to give my heart for you and die
and thou you give me a reason to live
there's so much more to give
it hurts so much this kind of human touch
that touch too much
you're drinkin my blood
and you're eatin my soul
you're not healin my wounds
I can't believe that this is your goal
because I die in your arms
but your eyes still look the same to me
blinded by your charms
cause you're my beloved enemy
yes, I die in your arms
the words you said the things you did
are drivin me insane
I just can't take my hands from you
the pain remains the same
it seems to be my worsed mistake
to love you more than I could take
oh, tell me will I ever learn
a touch that never stops to burn
you're drinkin my blood
and you're eatin my soul
you're not healin my wounds
I can't believe that this is your goal
because I die in your arms
but your eyes still look the same to me
blinded by your charms
cause you're my beloved enemy
yes I die in your arms
but your eyes still look the same to me
blinded by your charms
cause you're my beloved enemy
yes, I die in your arms
because I die in your arms
but your eyes still look the same to me
blinded by your charms
cause you're my beloved enemy
yes I die in your arms
but your eyes still look the same to me
blinded by your charms
cause you're my beloved enemy
5. All For One, One For All
a thousand miles away from home
it seems that all your dreams and hopes are gone
you're at the point of no return
oh, tell me will you ever learn
can't you see that we all belong together
only we stay strong forever
all for one and one for all
we stand and fight, we'll never fall
raise your voice and try to sing this song
all for one
too far away to bridge the distance
you're growing weak, you need resistance
you're standing out there in the cold
you're all alone, you don't know where to go
can't you see that we all belong together
only we stay strong forever
all for one and one for all
we stand and fight, we'll never fall
raise your voice and try to sing this song
all for one, all for one
6. Money, Money, Money
I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball...
Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world
A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it sad
And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me
That's too bad
So I must leave, I'll have to go
To Las Vegas or Monaco
And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same...
Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world
Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world
It's a rich man's world
7. Four Seasons - Summer
8. Lost In Your Love
the summer breeze in your hair
seems to be so warm and tender
is your love really true
that it can't stand anything
where we gotta go thru
then I'll send my love to you
thru the dark and the night
thru the day and the light
I will hold you forever
anywhere that you go
I would share all my dreams
but it seems that you don't understand
that I am lost in your love
cause you
came like a force from above
so I will open my heart
won't you try
try to make a new start
but times may change as they say
but my love for you is far beyond their range
nobody's with me as I'm on my way
watchin the waves in the sea searchin for my destiny
thru the dark and the night
thru the day and the light
I will hold you forever
anywhere that you go
I would share all my dreams
but it seems that you don't understand
that I am lost in your love
cause you
came like a force from above
so I will open my heart
won't you try
try to make a new start
9. Power & Glory
can you imagine
to live your live
without fear
no pain just pleasure
no attack
from the rear
keep on believin
in the things that you can't see
you'll be deceivin
the crown amongst your enemy's
and in the end
your dreams will come true
just put your fears aside
and try
so we sing this song
that makes us feel strong
we will unite in our kingdom
in our hearts we believe
that the strong will survive
power and glory f o r e v e r [2x]
in times of darkness
when fear and anger rules the world
there's only sadness
that causes pain and makes you cry
don't stop believin
only you can find the way
you'll be receivin
the key to your destiny
and in the end
your dreams will come true
just put your fears aside
and try
so we sing this song
that makes us feel strong
we will unite in our kingdom
in our hearts we believe
that the strong will survive
power and glory f o r e v e r ....... [ to be continued ]
10. Seven Seas
once upon a time he was born into a family
growin with the right to fight
when he became a man he felt the strong desire
to satisfy his restless soul
headin for tomorrow he followed up his heart
but the only thing he found was war and hate
so he took all of his pride and started his adventure
towards foreign countries into no man's land
disbelieve could not make him strong enough
always on his neverending search for the truth
friends he could not find
hate and fear was all he got
still he is on his way
sailing on the seven seas
searchin for my destiny
travellin all around the world
always on his lonely search
for the truth
so the years passed by and he became more wise
knowin all about the uncovered mysteries
by the time he realized that he's been runnin 'round in circles
didn't care for the things that he should have kept
disbelieve could not make him strong enough
always on his neverending search for the truth
friends he could not find
hate and fear was all he got
still he is on his way
sailing on the seven seas
searchin for my destiny
travellin all around the world
still can't find the truth in me
friends he could not find
hate and fear was all he got
still he is on his way
sailing on the seven seas
searchin for my destiny
travellin all around the world
still can't find the truth in me
far beyond the distant sky
nowhere near but he couldn't denie
headin towards his wildest dreams
always on his lonely search
for the truth.......
11. Eye Of The Tiger
[Japan Bonus]
Risin' up
back on the street
did my time took my chances.
Went the distance. Now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive.
So many times it happens too fast.
You trade your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past.
You must fight just to keep them alive.
It's the eye of the tiger. It's the thrill of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival.
And the last known surivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger.
Face to face
out in the heat
hangin' tough
stayin' hungry.
They stack the odds
still we take to the street .
For the kill with the will to survive.
It's the eye of the tiger. . . .
Risin' up
straight to the top.
Had the guts
got the glory.
Went the distance.
Now I'm not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive.
It's the eye of the tiger. . . .
The eye of the tiger
eye of the tiger
eye of the tiger.
12. Shout
[Japan Bonus]
Shout shout!
Let it all out!
These are the things I can do without.
Come on
I'm talking to you
come on!
Shout shout!
Let it all out! . . .
In violent times - you shouldn't have to sell your soul.
In black and white - they really
really ought to know.
Those one track minds that took you for a working boy
Kiss them good-bye. You shouldn't have to jump for joy
You shouldn't have to jump for joy.
Shout shout!
Let it all out! . . .
They gave you life
and in return you gave them hell as cold as ice.
I hope we live to tell the tale
I hope we live to tell the tale.
Shout shout!
Let it all out! . . .
Shout shout!
Let it all out! . . .
Shout shout!
Let it all out! . . .
And whenn you've taken down your guard
if I could change your mind
I'd really love to break your heart
I'd really love to break your heart.
Shout shout!
Let it all out! . . .
Shout shout!
Let it all out! . . .
Shout shout!
Let it all out! . . .
Shout shout!
Let it all out! . . .