« Ruin »
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1 | Buried At Sea 3:42
 | 2 | Hunt Them Down 3:19
 | 3 | You'll Find Safety 3:33
 | 4 | Always 4:11
 | 5 | Sail This Ship Alone 1:55
 | 6 | Heartless 4:28
 | 7 | North Lane 3:15
 | 8 | I Can't See The Light 4:24
 | 9 | Low 2:24
 | 10 | Running From The Sun 3:43
 | 11 | Save Me 4:28 |
   Sam Carter - vocals
Tom Searle - guitars
Tim Hillier-Brook - guitars
Ali Dean - bass
Dan Searle - drums |
 | 1. Buried At Sea
Send my regards to you and yours
I'm not coming back for you
And I'll hold onto the last memory of you
I'll hold onto you and bury you at sea
How can you watch me split in two?
You've done this before, you know me oh too well
Send my regards to you and yours
And no hope wi |
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 Если взглянуть на металкор, эту ограниченную в развитии и оригинальности (при том, что еще и аморфную) субстанцию, строго, то у жанра есть 2 пути завоевания слушателя – либо путь чистосердечной хитовости и бесхитростного драйва, либо повышение интеллектуального уровня жанра посредством математики. Architects выбирают второй путь и выигрывают. Уже по причине успешности их нового звучания имеет смысл не путать Архитекторов-англичан и Архитекторов-американцев. Ребята делают серьезную заявку, когда вплетают такие технически сложные пассажи в бездыханную жанровую форму. Но тут скоростные прог-металкоровые риффы и мелодические финты на манер Between the Buried and Me, деликатные маткоровые пробуксовки/диссонансы и неглупые брейкдауны – все функционирует как один организм. Структура композиций неединообразна: не в каждой песне вам ударит по ушам молотобойная игра музыкантов, не везде появится чистый или гэнг-вокалы… Вместе с тем каждый умеренно оригинальный шаг на своем месте, не стесняет музыку и не стопорит ее: парни живут хоть и безбашенной, но органичной жизнью в «Ruin». Ребята известны сменой настроек гитар от альбома к альбому, и здесь не ударили в грязь лицами, создав массивный, цельнометалический саунд. Профессиональность исполнения являют миру не одни гитаристы, неплохо бластует ударник, да и бас проходит жирным пунктиром по всем «Руинам». Приятное впечатление оставляет после себя вокал – типичный, но от того не менее мощный хардкорный ор (вот только редкий чистый слишком немужественен, чтобы вписаться в философию этого альбома). Отдельный плюс в том, что парни пытаются выбраться из эстетики нейтрального металкора и ввести в музыку атмосферные элементы, как-то: воздушность не только редких мелодий, но и треклятых брейкдаунов (“Heartless”, “Always”) – это не убирает стерильности, но облагораживает ее.
Имея в активе такие удачные технические опыты как “Hunt Them Down” и “Always”, англичане имеют право расслабиться на изобразительных инструменталах вроде “Sail This Ship Alone”… Возвысив музыкальные заслуги англичан, не хочется портить впечатление от Architects обращением к их текстам (авторства нового вокалиста Сэма Картера), представляющим собой нечто вроде ривендж-триллеров или обычных эмо-слез. И напоследок еще одна вещь, которую запишем в актив: стильная обложка вызывает в памяти комариный арт Isis на первом EP (Диск предоставлен компанией Mazzar Records). |
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просмотров: 12455 |
So turn around and run
How can you smile when you see me crumbling?
And we all stood back and watched the waves crash down on you
Send my regards to you and yours
And there's no hope for someone as cold as you
You made me sink into the coldest of waves
I watch you sink into lies that you created
2. Hunt Them Down
Hunt them down before it's too late
Now is the times to make the most of their pain
They deserve it for all that they have ruined for you
Don't think or say anything
Don't hold back, you'll regret this night
It's all over
Don't make the same mistake twice
Finish them now
Push them down
Face first to the ground
They deserve it for all they have done to you
3. You'll Find Safety
Find comfort in yourself
Begin to believe, before it's over
Lift your head up
Everybody's talking
Prove them wrong
Before your time is up
You keep it all in, and you never find a release
Take comfort in yourself
And only know how to find safety in yourself
Find your faith and find your hope
You'll find safety
I know it's hard to look up when everything's falling down on you
It's hard, but you can make it
Begin to believe
I know it's hard to look up when everything's falling down
4. Always
If only you were here to hold my head above bloody waters
We could make it through
You turned your back on me and now I do the same to you
You made me feel so hollow
How can the man that you looked up to turn around and say three words that hurt more than you'll ever know
You don't know what it feels like to be in my shoes
You turned your back on me as I stood there and fell to the floor
This time there's no reason for me to turn around and scream for help
But if only you were here to hold my head above all those things you said to tie me down
I'm looking for forgiveness for something that I didn't even do
How can you call yourself and idol, a person to trust?
How can I look so high up when you're always holding me down?
5. Heartless
How can you stand there and look me in the eye?
Tell me that you knew it was coming for us
I know that you said I was all you ever wanted
But you pushed me overboard
Into knee deep water
And you didn't throw the anchor of hope
You pushed me overboard
Without concern for what I was feeling inside
Heartless intentions
Your favorite game to play
I knew that I was never good enough to make you smile
Still you play these games, you ruin me from the inside
Tearing me down
I can't hide
I can't not act torn about this
What can I do to make you see?
How it affects me, so deeply still
I'm untouched from your point of view
6. North Lane
I don't feel homesick, I'm just so sick of home
It's here that reminds me of everything we've been through
And it tears me down
It makes me sick of being who I am, of who I cannot be
A constant reminder
I don't feel homesick, I'm just so sick of home
It's here that reminds me of everything we've been through
Cold nights, again left alone
Wandering streets all on my own
And all of this for you
It's time that I went back for just even an hour
To talk to you to make things fine again
Again and again I will run from you
7. I Can't See The Light
For weeks I've felt lost and I can't see the light
Shining through the darkest of days
What can I do to stop myself from hiding my thoughts
From this world of lies?
I've felt so lost for far too long
Trying to leave it all behind
I find I cannot forgive myself for feeling like this
How can I even begin to forgive myself for all the things I'm thinking of doing to you?
How can I forgive myself for this?
But it's all in your head
You just walk out of my life and you expect me to let you back in
With open arms I'll turn to you
For weeks I've felt lost and I can't see the light
So I'll do this one alone
I'll hide my thoughts from you
Is it beyond impossible for me to hold on for you?
Is it beyond you to forgive me?
If not I'll do it on my own time
How can I forgive myself?
For my world is slowly falling down
And you just stand there and watch me fall
8. Low
I can't see myself holding on for much longer
It's tearing me apart
I feel so out of place from the rest of you
All I needed was something
And that something was you
But you're so far away now
Can you hear me screaming?
9. Running From The Sun
The sun was so low that day
Staring into burning eyes
Watch as I walk away from you
From the lies that you made my life
Making me feel so lost and helpless
Running won't help me
Now it's too late
Closing my eyes to the skies makes it worse
Look down and I've been here for far too long
Too long to contemplate
The was so low that day
Staring into burning eyes
But it's far too late to contemplate leaving you alone against your will
Running won't help you now
Look down and try to forget me
Staring into your burning eyes
All that is left is the sound of your fragile voice
Echoing in my wondering mind
The sun was so low that day
I had to turn from your gaze
Only to reassure
Running won't help
10. Save Me
I won't hold my hand out to anyone but you
I don't want to trust anyone but you
If I am to be saved my anybody I want it to be you
I take your hand
You'll find hope scribbled onto scrap pieces of paper
Like I found fate stuck to the curb
Save me now
I won't hold my hand out to anybody but you
There's still time to get hands around my fucking neck
It's time to realize that there is far more to this world that the self loathing you endure
You'll find hope scribbled on scrap paper