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« Frostland Tapes »

Darkthrone "Frostland Tapes" Год




Crust Black Metal

Peaceville Records

N Название
Disc 1
1Land of Frost 04:06
2Winds of Triton 01:57
3Forest of Darkness 04:41
4Odyssey of Freedom 03:32
5Day of the Dead 05:39
6Intro: Twilight Dimension 00:45
7Snowfall 09:05
8Eon 03:46
9Thulcandra 05:47
10Archipelago 04:53
11Soria Moria 03:43
Disc 2
1The Watchtower 05:12
2Accumulation of Generalization 03:10
3Sempiternal Past/Presence View Sepulchrality 03:21
4Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia 04:00
5Cromlech 04:32
6Sunrise over Locus Mortis 03:37
7Soulside Journey 05:00
8Accumulation of Generalization 03:27
9Sempiternal Past/Presence View Sepulchrality 03:57
10Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia 04:29
11Neptune Towers 03:20
Disc 3
1Rex 04:10
2Pure Demoniac Blessing 02:49
3The Grimness of which Shepherds Mourn 04:40
4Sadomasochistic Rites 04:20
5As Desertshadows 05:03
6In his Lovely Kingdom 03:33
7Black Daimon 02:15
8Towards the Thornfields 03:54
9(Birth of Evil) Virgi
Состав группы->
Fenriz (Gylve Fenris Nagell) - Drums, vocals, previously also guitar, bass and synth
Nocturno Culto (Ted Skjellum) - Vocals, guitar, bass
Zephyrous (Ivar Enger) - Guitar
Dag Nilsen - Bass
Anders Risberget - Guitar
To coincide with the band's 21st anniversary, this is a fascinating trip into
the earliest years of the band and the first official release ever to contain
all 4 of Darkthrone’s demos in one place.

Frostland Tapes also includes a rare live recording from Denmark in 1990 (one
of only a handful of live appearances that Darkthrone has ever made) and,
perhaps most significantly, the previously unreleased version of the infamous
1991 Goatlord rehearsal session.

These songs were intended to feature on the proposed second album, before the
band changed direction and the tapes were confined to the vaults. Vocals were
subsequently added in the mid-nineties, but they are presented here as the
recording sounded in 1991.

The set comes in a rigid digibook featuring an interview with the band,
chronicling their early days, ambitions and inspirations.


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