Discordance Axis
« The Inalienable Dreamless »
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1 | Castration Rite 00:58
 | 2 | The Inalienable Dreamless 00:41
 | 3 | Sound Out The Braille 00:32
 | 4 | Oratorio In Grey 00:54
 | 5 | Vacuum Sleeve 01:02
 | 6 | Angel Present 01:28
 | 7 | The Necropolitan 01:42
 | 8 | Pattern Blue 01:27
 | 9 | The End of Rebirth 01:04
 | 10 | Loveless 01:27
 | 11 | Radiant Arkham 01:14
 | 12 | Use of Weapons 00:35
 | 13 | Compiling Autumn 02:08
 | 14 | Jigsaw 00:48
 | 15 | The Third Children 02:16
 | 16 | A Leaden Stride To Nowhere 04:07
 | 17 | Drowned 00:58
 | | Total playing time: 23:29 |
   Jon Chang - Vocals
Rob Marton - Guitar
Dave Witte - Drums |
Hydra Head
August 2001 |
 | Castration Rite
An axis in motion distributing ran
Into the poverty of my ego
Distortion screaming streaming sending
Eurythmic continuity skips no double taps
Split open my chest and cut out my lungs
Sew me back up just the same
A stigmata a mutilation
Your blood dies with me I can' |
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 Честное слово, заслуги еще одной из групп, имеющих непосредственные пересечения с Human Remains, достойна быть признаны неоценимыми. Для определенных случаев мы приберегаем максималистские эпитеты – реактивный, изуверский, хаотичный. Хорошо еще, если за всем этим стоит музыка. К счастью, у Discordance Axis за этими словами стоит именно она. По странному стечению обстоятельств трио молотит грайнд не только на запредельных скоростях, но еще и достаточно логический, чтобы не исключать вразумительную мелодичность, недюжинной силы воздействия риффы и порождать тем самым кубометры атмосферы. Диссонансная, угловатая, но очень крепко спаянная мелодика Роба Мартона, восхищает все 23 минуты – честный объем, как любят выражаться в сфере пивного маркетинга. Про изощренный бластинг Дэйва Уитти говорить смысла нет – эти разнонаправленные, но меткие удары нужно принимать на себя самолично. Наконец, непрерывно истязает связки одиозный Джон Ченг. Вокалист, одинаково комфортно ощущающий себя и в эмотивных воплях, и в гроуле. Как и в другой, максимально близко подходящей к границе техно-грайнда, команде Pig Destroyer, у DA баса также и в помине нет. Техничность DA, кстати, сопоставима с Pig Destroyer-ом, но гитарные надрезы более изуверские, а бластовые комбинации более испепеляющие, ибо у штурвала-таки Дэйв Уитти.
Трэки на диске сами видите какие, путем невероятных усилий американцы разработали их до отметки 2:16, а еще позже, положившись на мясные брейкдауны, растянули один из своих опусов до 4-х минут – немыслимо! Ну хоть не хаосом: представить ребят, развивающих трэк такой продолжительности с таким мускульным напряжением и такой психологической нагрузкой, чрезвычайно трудно даже в этом щедром на расширение горизонтов альбоме. Альбом с эдакой тонкой формулировкой заглавия «The Inalienable Dreamless» не мог не породить хитов, даже будучи стеснен естественными преградами стиля. Хотя, о чем это я. Для истинных творцов преград нет. Но стоит признать, что чтобы развернуться ну вот прям СОВСЕМ Discordance Axis нужны объемы от 1 минуты и более. И они разумно предусмотрены. Конечно, это растущая в объеме напряжения и накале эмоций как снежный ком “Jigsaw”, раздираемая гитарными конвульсиями “The Necropolitan”, нойзовая трансовая “Loveless”, ну и мучительно замедляющаяся, благоухающая сладжевыми «ароматами» “A Leaden Stride to Nowhere”.
Обложка, более подходящая какому-нибудь эмбиенту, пост-року или академической классике, довершает картину. Честно говоря, мне хватит в грайндкоре 2-х обложек – этой и напалмовской FETO, как 2-х иконических внешних противоположностей. Рассматриваемый альбом – деликатес в жанре и за пределами его смотрится тоже крайне достойно. Вал увлекательных и разнообразных сюжетов на захватывающих дух скоростях, представляемых музыкантами с инструментальной подкованностью высшего порядка…. Bon appetit! |
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просмотров: 11312 |
I can't help
Help but laugh
As I take
Knife in hand
And castrate my fucking self
Would God I could die for thee
O absalom my son
The Inalienable Dreamless
Duplicitous chastity preserved for rape
As my vicious circle comes around again
Pirouetting like a fan dancer
Choreographed into the desire for rebirth
Or just a wish for death
The river of Sai inseminated
By Kefka's sulfurous and potent intention
A subtle but more penetrating violation
Barring divine intervention
I count wire guided sheep
Each one an exploding bob
Inhabitat peopled by the inalienable dreamless
Sound Out The Braille
Reeling in the skeins to cable fed simulacra
To which I run the feed
Sandblasted faces no mouths to scream
needless object always scratching
This breach in Heaven irised shut
It scorns this land without even ghosts
Reinventing the wheel so many times
I've become calloused to its genius
I clock the signal to noise
And take suicide capsules now
For me the sky has fallen
Is this how Braille sounds?
Oratorio In Grey
Oratorio in grey scrolls patiently from the top
A strip of iron peeled out of a thread
Discrete assimilation fouls me like the House of Usher
A pet in your goldfish bowl but for you I only float dead
Feel visible matter
Feel invisible matter
There is death in everything
We are connected without reason at all
You have your way with me like a lover
But I spite you because I just want the end of the world
Oratorio in grey scrolls patiently until it stops
Vacuum Sleeve
Neurotic smart bombs fault intolerant
Killing in recursive parabolas
Black boxes shake hands scoping for shroud lines
With ten thousand mile stares
Let me share my heart with you
As I'm guided by the dead to a miserable end
Sstrands of descent and finite life spans
On and on if only there could be no more
Down the vacuum heart
The sleeve drags on and on
It seems to go on and on
A precise outline oh cruel angel
That will sever even your golden wings
Angel Present
A ghost passes through you
I feel it and I scream
Search lights pry at my dreams
This is my memory
A lonely series
Repeats without even a pause
Floating weightless
Uninterrupted until I exhale
Ghosts have no shadows
They must conspire for even one
Yearning for a solid heart
I feel an angel present
Glowing drifting
I remember tomorrow
Spin drift snow screen
Floating down in a spiral from an endless heaven above
The Necropolitan
Poisoned waves of chloroform salt the air without desire
Manifest in numb
Mefisto in basalt expressed in numbers
This alias my orthodox a full sense surround
The last few years here seemed a lifetime
(Sincerly) alone again I masturbate
But it feels more like rape
Lean back and bask bask in the sunshine
Even it doesn't make me seem seem more alive
Poisonous cares without words are expressed
How could I resist such a polite feign of death
Touch me oh please I want to know that it's real
And if it's not it's better just to pretend
Violent angel
Invaded with madness and fed only scorn
Worthless object
Follow the blood trails that lead to my heart
I turned it to stone so you'd never bleed another drop
Try and you try there's a part of me still that will never die
Pattern Blue
All scrambled inside
Pattern blue
No not an angel without wings
God be with(out) you
Matte this smashed facade
With AT field
Its wings penetrated and destroyed me
Pattern blue
Or jew
O you who turn the wheel and look to windward
Who was once as handsome and tall as you
(T.S. Eliot)
The End of Rebirth
At last I heard those words from you
But they make me disgusted with myself
Life choked back into you
With ambivalence
Familiar closed hearts conceal their loneliness
As best as they can
When together
Even further apart
Open your heart
As wide as the sky
This pain worse than death
I just ran away
Yes lonely
But you can't always rise from the dead
I have
I fell
That hold me
I pass through you
Like a ghost
With her
(She) so gently
Traced the contours
Of my face
Bringing out
The warmth
From a place
Deep in my heart
Radiant Arkham
Quickening of reminiscence
Cradled in radiant Arkham
Death is what has been given
My emptiness runs
Destroy me it is my wish
To fill this grave in the air
This crooked skeleton tumults
In a horrible silence
Zoom in and down from in an unnatural way
Just like you I have no name
Use of Weapons
Battered arrays and jagged contours
A scaling box that beseeches me
Chamber a round into my head
From the breach
Compiling Autumn
Through all
The seasons
Of dante
A siege
Watership down
Cannot stop
Reverse rebirth
Always pain
In my heart
Made from
To live forever
Live forever in hell
A moment
Of kindness
Fell short at once so you tried another
But I can't live up to your dreams
Start from the outside find the edges
Look for patterns in the seams
Some pieces fit together wrong
Remaining parts seem to fit nowhere
But you can force my teeth together
If you think that it will make you happy
The Third Children
through all
The seasons
Of Dante
A siege
Watership Down
Cannot stop
Reverse rebirth
Always pain
In my heart
Made from
To live forever
Live forever in Hell
A moment
Of kindness
A departure
A Leaden Stride To Nowhere
Feeling the stones as they're cast at Mercer
On a shortcut to the soul of Io
A trail of tears inclining obstacle at a right angle
One leaden stride to nowhere
Waterlogged skies and orphaned stares
Embrace a world of stripped out color
Catatonic my gaze is frozen
Pruning skin clasped in soldiered prayer
This deathscape a gargoyle with its own heartbeat
Arteries flow with greying blood
Virga erupts in a morphine downpour
Mildewed eyes stare straight through it
Staring and waiting still
Lungs flooded with ether
Eyes rolled over black
Are you closer to heaven
Or closer to hell?
Driftwood skin fastened
To bones cast in salt
Fade to black as lips slowly part
Words fail me submerge and drown
There is no current just a stagnancee
These lungs would rather burst than spare me breath
Spit out the air and sink to the bottom