 Если первый альбом сольного проекта гитариста Nightwish был просто хороший мелодик-роковой пластинкой, заслуженно награжденной высокими баллами в европейской прессе, то его новая работа «Heart Full on Fire» заслуживает если не звания шедевра, то уж приза за один из лучших мелодик-роковых альбомов 2008 года точно. Блестящая подборка отточенных до запредельной остроты хитов в лучших традициях уже забытого высшего разряда американского AOR’a 80-х, когда количество хитов на одном диске исчислялось цифрой, много большей первого простого числа. Изумительные мелодии, удивительно красивые гитарные соляки, отличные клавиши и вокал одного из лучших мировых хард-рок вокалистов 00-х, Pekka Ansio Heino (Leverage), без труда выводят «Heart Full on Fire» в ранг лидеров. Выделять треки тут практически бессмысленно, разве что несколько отличаются от других «Heart Full on Fire» с отлично вписавшейся в главный хит альбома Аннет Олзон из Nightwish (она чувствует себя здесь куда увереннее основной группы) и финальный классический хард-роковый номер «I’m Rock». Диск настолько сбалансирован и легок для восприятия, что вы и не заметите, как рука сама потянется к кнопке «repeat» и диск вновь прокрутиться в вашем проигрывателе как минимум еще раз – по временам 2008 года это просто запредельное достижение.
P.S. Если вдруг у Томаса Холопайнена кончатся идеи для нового диска Nightwish, то подстраховать его сможет не только Марко. (Диск предоставлен компанией Фоно) |
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Лидерство в данном финском квинтете принадлежит Эмппу Вуоринену. Гитаристу небезызвестных Nightwish. Однако не менее (а местами и более) значимую роль играет чумовой вокалист из Leverage Пекка Хейно. Красивейший голос.
Коллектив удачно стартовал в 2006 году с очень и очень сильным диском "False Metal" ("Фальшивый "Метал"), сделанным в духе мелодик-хэви 80-х: цепляющие гитары, акцентированные клавиши, мелодии и припевы за которые можно умереть.
Второй диск вышел в разы краше. Серьезно. После его многократной прослушки понял: Деф Леппарды, Бон Джови и Европа могут чехлить гитары (особенно Леппарды с их последними дисками) и ползти умирать в дом престарелых. И это при всем моем уважении к ним и любви.
"Game They Call Love", "Play It From The Heart", "Heart Full Of Fire" (дуэт с Аннет Ользон), "I am Rock" - это гимны, которые будут греметь долгие недели. Безупречно записано, спето и сыграно. Запись - выше всяких похвал.
Если группа и дальше способна будет держать такой "градус плавления стали", то я запишусь в их фан-клуб.
Почти идеальный сплав из Foreigner 80-х, Def Leppard тех же лет и мощным современным металом а-ля Nightwish/Stratovarius/Edguy в лучшие годы. |
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Полностью согласна с тем фактом, что альбом практически безупречен. Таких драйвовых песен я не слышала давно. О том, что это проект гитариста небезызвестных "Найтвиш", я узнала только после прослушивания, ибо сама не догадалась бы ни за что - ничего общего с металлом как таковым. Это рок восьмидесятых в его лучших проявлениях, только осовремененный по звучанию - меньше дисторшна, чище звук, ниже и мощнее вокал. Альбом собрал все лучшее, что могли и играли в восьмидесятые - с начала первого трека мне услышалась ранняя "Европа", порадовали хоровые подпевки а-ля ранний Бон Джови, особенно в "Chasing the Angels" - еще одной вариации на тему "мы здесь, чтоб полночь взорвать", а когда зазвучала композиция "Out of My Head", не только мне показалось, что это вступление саундтрека к старой-доброй "Кобре" со Сталлоне. А вот заглавный трек альбома приятно удивил - тут Аннет явно не боялась звучать попсово, и, как уже отметили ранее, была намного уверенней в исполнении - казалось, что ее саму заводит то, о чем она поет - и неудивительно, песня цепляет с первых нот.
Относительно предыдущего оратора не соглашусь только в одном - что это - мощный современный метал. Это рок, даже больше поп-рок, если хотите, но необыкновенно качественный и хитовый, в отличие от остальных представителей этого жанра, наполненный запоминающимися риффами, приятными, ненавязчивыми, хотя и немногочисленными, сольными партиями, и заводными клавишными. Знаете, каждая песня, хотя и напоминает что-то, кажется все-таки уникальной. А может быть, именно потому, что напоминает о лучших группах 80-ых, о мотивах, под которые проходило взросление моего поколения, каждая песня вызывает желание если не танцевать, то, по крайней мере, подпевать, подпрыгивая на стуле. Который день слушаю на повторе, что и вам рекомендую. Теперь это второй альбом в моей фонотеке, которому мной присвоено гордое звание - антидепрессивный. 9 из 10. |
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просмотров: 11831 |
I'm staring into the darkness
So tell me
Who will you run to now
Your lights are gone
You're pushing me to the distance
So tell me
Who will you run to now
Who's the one who stole your fire
Who will you run to now
Who's the one who stole the light
Too late
To turn back the hands of time
It's too late
For me to wonder why
I should've known better
Than to let you slip away
I should've seen it coming
The writings on the wall
Tonight I can see the signs
Yeah, tonight's the night when the angels cry
Telling me
This time it's forever
Running far away from me
I'm staring into the darkness
So tell me
Who will you run to now
Your lights are gone
You're pushing me to the distance
So tell me
Who will you run to now
Who's the one who stole your fire
Who's the one who stole the light
Who's the one who stole your fire
Who's the one who stole the light
Running far away from me
I'm staring into the darkness
So tell me
Who will you run to now
Your lights are gone
You're pushing me to the distance
So tell me
Who will you run to now
Who's the one who stole your fire
Who will you run to now
Who's the one who stole the light
2. Wildest Dreams
I want you to know
Been thinkin' about you since the day that we met
You really put on a show
There was something about the look in your eyes
You said that I'm the one
The one to make the best of this night
It was a hit and run
Showed no mercy, just took my head
It's so strange how time flies by
when someone comes and steals your heart
Watching the night turn into day
Wish I could turn the hands of time
Girl, you make me feel so right
Got me running to the other side
You make me wanna wish this night would go on
Like only in my wildest dreams
The way you do me I just can't take
Don't you let my poor heart break
Shake me 'til I'm on my knees
Make me pray like only in
my wildest dreams
And now that we're here
we both know the right thing to do
I'm pulling you near
just to feel every breath that you take
Now it's so strange how time flies by
when someone comes and steals your heart
Watching the night turn into day
Wish I could turn the hands of time
Girl, you make me feel so right
Got me running to the other side
You make me wanna wish this night would go on
Like only in my wildest dreams
The way you do me I just can't take
Don't you let my poor heart break
Shake me 'til I'm on my knees
Make me pray like only in
my wildest dreams
I don't wanna know
how I'll ever survive tomorrow
Now it's all systems go
Give me all that you've got
Just let it flow
Girl, you make me feel so right
Got me running to the other side
You make me wanna wish this night would go on
Like only in my wildest dreams
The way you do me I just can't take
Don't you let my poor heart break
Shake me 'til I'm on my knees
Make me pray like only in
my wildest dreams
Like only in my wildest dreams
3. Runaways
As I look into your eyes
And I see what's on your mind
I know you're afraid
And you don't have to say
I know that you can't stay
It's the price we have to pay
Will we just live from day to day
I don't know how long
This can go on
'Cause we just don't belong
Any fool can see
That we were just meant to be
Now baby
All we have to do is hold on
Holding on
We're the last of the runaways
Always on the run to another place
They just can't see
They just can't see inside our hearts
Baby, when the world gets in our face
Even if it means to fall from grace
We're gonna take it
One by one
And leave it all behind
I see the tears you cry
I know it makes you wonder why
Why life gets so rough
Why enough ain't enough
You just got to hang tough
Oh, they say you don't understand
Yeah, it's like going against the wind
It's gonna be alright
We'll stand up and fight
And we'll do it with all our might
Just be strong
'Cause they don't know
Right from wrong
And baby
All we have to do is hold on
Holding on
We're the last of the runaways
Always on the run to another place
They just can't see
They just can't see inside our hearts
Baby, when the world gets in our face
Even if it means to fall from grace
We're gonna take it
One by one
And leave it all behind
We're the last of the runaways
Always on the run to another place
They just can't see
They just can't see inside our hearts
Baby, when the world gets in our face
Even if it means to fall from grace
We're gonna take it
One by one
And leave it all behind
4. Game They Call Love
Boots on the breeze
As I drive through the night
Radio's on
Blasting out my favorite song
Rolling down the highway
And I watch the lights go by
So now I'm on my own
And now I'm on the run
I never had a problem
To get used to being alone
I was born with headstrong and
That's why I was on the road
When you walked out on me
A part of me died
Now I'm trying to clear my head
Behind this traffic wheel
It's hard to understand
How can I keep it together
Finally buried alive
I'm losing this game they call love
I'm always one step behind
I'm losing this game they call love
I'm losing this game they call love
Sun's coming up
I pull outside this roadside bar
Smoke the night's last cigarette
And watch the new sun rise
I think about the days gone by
And try to read between the lines
I never knew what to pull
And now I've paid the price
So hard to understand
How can I keep it together
Finally buried alive
I'm losing this game they call love
I'm always one step behind
I'm losing this game they call love
And now I find myself
Just wandering aimlessly
It's hard to understand
How losing you can hurt so bad
You made my heart turn into stone
How could I have been so blind
This is how I made my bed
I swear to God
I lie in it
And I'm finally buried alive
I'm losing this game they call love
I'm always one step behind
I'm losing this game they call love
I'm losing this game they call love
5. Play It From The Heart
Looking at the faded photographs
Feels like it's been thousand years
Or more
Those were the innocent days
I recall
Life was much simpler than today
Going through the motions
Connecting to the past
Deep down in this heart of mine
I'm still the same I used to be
I should know where I've been
Still stand up for things I'm believing in
No matter if I lose
I'll win
I'll always play it from the heart
I remember the things I've seen
Learn how to fall
How to take a hit
Until the final round's bell rings
I'm gonna play it from the heart
I've seen all the ups and downs
Down the line
Learn from mistakes that I've made
I had my share of hard times
More than once
But good times were too hard to find
Born to live day by day
Is that a curse or a bless
I don't know for sure
But one thing stands
Can't change the way I am
I should know where I've been
Still stand up for things I'm believing in
No matter if I lose
I'll win
I'll always play it from the heart
I remember the things I've seen
Learn how to fall
How to take a hit
Until the final round's bell rings
I'm gonna play it from the heart
I know that I've been wrong
I guess that I've been blind
But I think I've been right every now and then too
It's all just a game with rules made by me
And I try my best to play to win
I should know where I've been
Still stand up for things I'm believing in
No matter if I lose
I'll win
I'll always play it from the heart
I remember the things I've seen
Learn how to fall
How to take a hit
Until the final round's bell rings
I'm gonna play it from the heart
6. Heart Full Of Fire
[Feat. Anette Olzon From Nightwish]
I surrender to your love
And though I'm torn apart
Fresh before my eyes
I got a heart full of fire
I called the bluff
Watching you is not enough
Sparks fly in the dead of night tonight
Your call, I'm game
Don't even wanna know your name
Just gimme what I need tonight
I feel your fever rising
This time there ain't no denying
It's just too much for me to take
I surrender to your love
And though I'm torn apart
Fresh before my eyes
I got a heart full of fire
Right now
It's tearing at my heart
Tearing me apart
How can this be so hard
I got a heart full of fire
Right now
All lies turn green
You'd make it on the silver screen
Play out your deepest hidden fantasy
Go down in my flame
I know you want it just the same
The way you're sexin' me is frightening
We've got this thing together
Something holds my body forever
The time is right so take me now
Take me now
I surrender to your love
And though I'm torn apart
Fresh before my eyes
I got a heart full of fire
Right now
It's tearing at my heart
Tearing me apart
How can this be so hard
I got a heart full of fire
I'm burning up inside
Prince did come alive
Just lay it on the line
Heart full of fire
I surrender to your love
And though I'm torn apart
Fresh before my eyes
I got a heart full of fire
Right now
It's tearing at my heart
Tearing me apart
How can this be so hard
I got a heart full of fire
I surrender to your love
And though I'm torn apart
Fresh before my eyes
I got a heart full of fire
It's tearing at my heart
Tearing me apart
How can this be so hard
I got a heart full of fire
7. Heard It On My Radio
8. Going Out With A Bang
There's too much confusion
Everything seems out of place
Mental pollution
It's harder and harder these days
It's make it or break it
Won't let it take it's toll on me
I'm not gonna fake it
I'll fight against the powers that be
You don't believe in something
I believe in me
You hide your love and your hatred
I jump the gun, you'll see
I ain't coming back
I ain't gonna crawl
Kicking and screaming
I'm having a ball
You take it or leave it
This is the real thing
Believe it or not
I'm going out with a bang
Fight fire with fire
That's what I'm aiming for
I'm your gun for hire
Call me
I come 'round your door
You think you can't go on
I think I'm pulling this through
You say it's not worth fighting for
I'll tell you what I'm gonna do
Cause a chain reaction
Finally breaking through
Keep my end of the bargain
Be someone not like you
I ain't coming back
I ain't gonna crawl
Kicking and screaming
I'm having a ball
You take it or leave it
This is the real thing
Believe it or not
I'm going out with a bang
You don't believe in something
I believe in me
You hide your love and your hatred
I jump the gun, you'll see
I ain't coming back
I ain't gonna crawl
Kicking and screaming
I'm having a ball
You take it or leave it
This is the real thing
Believe it or not
I'm going out with a bang
9. Out Of My Head
So much been said about falling in love
So many things I've been dreaming of
And when it comes down to you and I
It proves every word'll be true
And when you lay down in my arms
I know there's Heaven on Earth
And I want you to know
I'll fight Hell to hold you no matter what
I'll be standing right by your side
That feeling
It's getting stronger
Every day
Taking me over
It's easy to see
You make me believe
I'm with you 'til the end of time
I can't deny
I'm out of control
I've seen the light that shines from your eyes
It makes me laugh, It makes me cry
I'm out of my head over you
I can't decide
If it's Heaven or Hell
To feel this way
My heart's in flames
I'm telling you, my baby blue
I'm out of my head over you
If it's just a dream
I don't wanna wake up
It doesn't really matter if you're ready or not
You shot an arrow through my heart
It's any way you want it to be
Lifting me higher
Pulling me
Close to the fire
It's easy to see
You make me believe
I'm with you 'til the end of time
I can't deny
I'm out of control
I've seen the light that shines from your eyes
It makes me laugh, It makes me cry
I'm out of my head over you
I can't decide
If it's Heaven or Hell
To feel this way
My heart's in flames
I'm telling you, my baby blue
I'm out of my head over you
Out of my head over you
I can't deny
I'm out of control
I've seen the light that shines from your eyes
It makes me laugh, It makes me cry
I'm out of my head over you
No, I can't deny
I'm out of control
I've seen the light that shines from your eyes
It makes me laugh, It makes me cry
I'm out of my head over you
No, I can't decide
If it's Heaven or Hell
To feel this way
My heart's in flames
I'm telling you, my baby blue
I'm out of my head over you
10. Chasing The Angels
Running where the boys run free
Burning up the sky
Chasing the angels
Another restless night
That's when I hear those voices
Calling me to push the edge
I wanna feel my blood rise
I feel it in my hands
I make the ultimate escape
Searching for the phantom eyes
Under cover of darkness
I'm gonna make something happen
I'm gonna take my chances and ride
Running where the boys run free
Burning up the sky
Chasing the angels
Be my fantasy tonight
Someone out there waits for me
Got you in my sights
Chasing the angels
Going straight through heaven tonight
I see you in my dreams
We're going up where we belong
Never coming back to Earth
As we go racing for the sun
Beyond space and time
Up where the twilight turns to black
Other than it has to be
We come to get it as one
I think I'm heading for the break point
I gotta make this vision alive
Running where the boys run free
Burning up the sky
Chasing the angels
Be my fantasy tonight
Someone out there waits for me
Got you in my sights
Chasing the angels
Going straight through heaven tonight
Running where the boys run free
Burning up the sky
Chasing the angels
Be my fantasy tonight
Someone out there waits for me
Got you in my sights
Chasing the angels
Be my fantasy tonight
Running with the boys
Run free
Burning up the sky
Chasing the angels
Be my fantasy tonight
Someone out there waits for me
Got you in my sights
Chasing the angels
Going straight through heaven tonight
Going straight through heaven tonight
Going straight through heaven tonight
11. I Am Rock
Power, it's in the air
I can feel it coming on strong
I am... stalking the street
You feel my hot breath on your back, yeah
Hungry, I'm hungry for love
My nature of the beast is wild
Beware, it's hot in the shade
You can run, but you can't hide
I'll be your wildest dream - I'm forever! (forever)
Riding the wings of storm
Are you ready? Aim, fire!
I am rock, harder than rock
My heart beats through the steel
Thunder and night, both back in the light
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
C'mon, I do you no harm
What you see is what you get
And I know, you can't stop thinking of me
I see what your dreams are made of
I'll put the spell on you forever (forever)
King of the mountain
Will you be my queen?
[Chorus 2x]
I am, I am rock [2x]
You know that
I am, I am rock
I am, I am, I am
I am rock!