Six Feet Under
« Graveyard Classics »
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1 | Holocaust (Savatage cover) 04:39
 | | 2. T.N.T |
 | 3 | Sweet Leaf (Black Sabbath cover) 05:22
 | 4 | Piranha (Exodus cover) 03:51
 | 5 | Son of a Bitch (Accept cover) 03:39
 | 6 | Stepping Stone (Paul Revere and the Raiders cover) 02:41
 | 7 | Confused (Angel Witch cover) 02:50
 | 8 | California Über Alles (Dead Kennedys cover) 03:40
 | 9 | Smoke on the Water (Deep Purple cover) 05:24
 | 10 | Blackout (Scorpions cover) 03:44
 | 11 | Purple Haze (Jimi Hendrix cover) 02:52
 | 12 | In League With Satan (Venom cover) 03:59
 | | Total playing time: 46:10 |
   Chris Barnes - vocals
Steve Swanson - guitars
Terry Butler - bass
Greg Gall - drums
Guest musicians:
John Bush - vocals on "Blackout" |
 | 1. Holocaust
what will 2000 bring?
the war of a billion things
when darkness seizes the lords
and darkness sends his judgement sword
they march through the battle fields
start the destruction wheels
a scream of terror through the night
the armies do their final fight
holoc |
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 Вам стукнуло 60, и на юбилей внуки подарили Вам очередной (237-й по счёту) сборник неиздававшихся ранее песен Джими Хендрикса? Этот диск для Вас! Вы забыли, что такое зубная паста, а о полости рта знаете только понаслышке, зато легко можете перечислить названия всех бутлегов Dead Kennedys и Sex Pistols? И вам этот диск подойдёт! А может быть, Вы прыщавая школьница, не мыслящая своей жизни без пухлой мордашки Леонардо Ди Каприо и баллад Scorpions? И Вам не стоит пропускать этот релиз...:0) И проклёпанный хэви-металлист, и пропитый трэшер, и старик-хардовик, все найдут что-нибудь своё на этом куске аллюминия!
"Что за херню порет этот пожиратель личинок?" - подумает иной дэт-металлист, прочитав первый абзац моей рецензии. И будет в корне не прав! Отчасти потому, что Асмодей никогда ещё не порол херню (жалко всё-таки зверушку!), а отчасти потому, что на этот раз бруталюги из Six Feet Under выпустили сборник кавер-версий своих любимых исполнителей. Но не бойтесь, старина Крис - всё тот же бронтозавр, и петь он не научился. Вместо этого экс-каннибал исполнил все песни по-старому, по-каннибальски... А где не смог, ему помог Джо Буш из Anthrax, подпев в новой версии старинной скорповской пьесы "Blackout". |
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Мда - таких брутальных перепевок я еще не слышал - альбом полностью состоит из каверов таких старичков как AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Venom, Accept, Deep Purple и т.д. Но исполнение... - это просто "мясные" каверы, конечно ритм там по скорости не ахти какой (некоторые скажут:"вот лажа тормозная" - ну кому как...), но зато вокал - просто овербрутальный, да и гитары - к замле прибивают. Явно для любителей послушать злобный звериный рык на фоне таких же злобных запилов - я, в общем то, таковым не являюсь, но после всякого там дума и готики хочется и "мясца" - вот и балуюсь Behemoth-ом, редко Канибалами, ну а теперь к ним в моей коллекции дисков присоединились и эти братцы - вот уже второй день из плеера этот сидюк не вынимаю - езжу на работу и пугаю окружающих граждан непотребными звуками из своих наушников. Заключение - 9 баллов - советую заценить. |
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Мммда... Мы кажется, стали свидетелями рождения новых жанров. Уважаемые люди из SFU удивили мир, отдав дань корням. На этом релизе мы обнаруживаем для себя death-hard-rock-metal в виде каверов AC/DC, Scorpions, Deep Purple. Последняя, кстати, просто убивает на повал -- Smoke on the Water открывает новые горизонты брутальности, при этом изменённая совсем немного. Также мы находим здесь каверы Sex Pistols и Dead Kennedys, представляющие крыло death-punk-metal сцены. Стоит отметить первый трек и незабвенную классику Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf, риффы которой стали примером для бесчисленных подражаний.
Но вершиной титанического труда музыкантов безусловно является прорыв в области death-fusion. Кавер на композицию негритянского борца за свободу Джими Хендрикса Purple Haze совершенно потряс и добил вашего покорного слугу. Это действитльно уникальная и авангардистская работа!
Игра музыкантов, качество записи, гроулинг -- все на высшем уровне и не дает повода усомниться в квалификации столь искушенных перформерах. Ставлю твердую семерку.
Как говорится, highly recommended! |
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Интересный релиз - это точно. Инструментально на death нет и намёка: все песенки выдержаны практически в оригинальном ключе, но с изрядной дозой Барнезовских испражнений. Слушается очень легко и весело, но могло бы быть и круче. (Всё-таки туговато у экс-вокалиста каннибаллов с фантазией.)
Круче всего - Purple Haze Хендрикса. |
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А я вот так скажу. Если и не шедевр, то очень сильно.
Заслушал почти до дыр. Думаю что кавер версия имеет смысл только когда ты вносишь в оригинал чтото свежее не перевирая при этом музыку, иначе на хрена переделывать то что само по себе скажем гениально. не приходят на ум другие пожинатели чужих плодов). Откровенной халтуры много.
Но в случае с Барнсом и Свонсоном, то бишь SFU, старые, порядком заезженные да и подзабытые песенки обретают вторую молодость. Звучание, вокал мощь энергия. Еще очко в корзину Криса - у него никогда не было слабых музыкантов, так что старики могут кусать локти).
8 - материал не свой.
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просмотров: 19813 |
final loss
what will the end bring
to my life?
are you poisoned by?
are you for the night?
are you by the night?
final loss
listen to what i say
we are coming upon the day
when toxic gas fills the air
and life on earth can't
be found anywhere
you run, but where can you hide?
from the shelters i hear you cry
the bombs bursting in air
God help me i'm so scared!
final loss
what will the end bring
to my life?
are you poisoned by?
are you for the night?
are you by the night?
final loss
2. TNT
See me ride out of the sunset
On your color TV screen
Out for all that I can get
If you know what I mean
Women to the left of me
And women to the right
Ain't got no gun
Ain't got no knife
(But) don't you start no fight
Cause I'm T.N.T., I'm dynamite
T.N.T. and I'll win the fight
T.N.T. I'm a power load
T.N.T. watch me explode
I'm dirty, mean and mighty unclean
I'm a wanted man
Public enemy number one
So lock up your daughter
Lock up your wife
Lock up your back door
(And) run for your life
The man is back in town
(So) don't you mess me 'round
Cause I'm T.N.T., I'm dynamite
T.N.T. and I'll win the fight
T.N.T. I'm a power load
T.N.T. watch me explode
T.N.T. I'm dynamite
T.N.T. And I'll win the fight
T.N.T. I'm a power load
T.N.T. Watch me explode
3. Sweet Leaf
[Black Sabbath]
Alright now!
Won't you listen?
When I first met you didn't realize
I can't forget you or your surprise
You introduced me to my mind
And left me wanting you and your kind
I love you. Oh you know it
My life was empty forever on a down
Until you took me showed me around
My life is free now, my life is clear
I love you sweet leaf - though you can't hear
Come on now - try it out
Straight people don't know what you're about
They put you down and shut you out
You gave to me a new belief
And soon the world will love you sweet leaf
4. Piranha
Slicing Jaws A Way Of Life
Brought Up To Waste Mankind
Loki's Pets His Little Children
Deadly Every Time
Trapped In Swamps By Gates Of Hell
Don't Ever: Let Them Out
For If You Do And They Escape
You'll Fight A Bloody Bout
Piranha Kill In A Pack - You'll Run
Piranha Start To Attack - You'll Done
If You Think You Can Beat - Deadly School
If You Think You Can Live - You're A Fool
Gates Of Hell Are Old And Cracked
They Tumble And They Fall
Out Rush A Bloody Wall Of Death
To Kill Anything At All
Their Sole Mission Is T0 Kill
Strip Your Bones And Flesh
Rip Out Your Eyes Tear Off Your Face
An Agonizing Death
Piranha Kill In A Pack - You'll Run
Piranha Start To Attack - You're Done
If You Think You Can Beat - Deadly School
If You Think You Can Live - You're A Fool
5. Son Of A Bitch
You make the stars
Illusions and dreams
You're what you are
Do you know what I mean?
I hear you clear
See it in your eyes
Lying to please
It pleases to lie
You say it's your way...
You say we'll make it
Right to the top
Your bullshit gets me
What have you got?
I don't believe
A word you say
You make me laugh
Get outta my way
You say it's your way
Now listen to what I think of you,
Son of a bitch
Kiss my ass
Son of a bitch
Son of a bitch
You asshole
Son of a bitch
Cock suckin' motherfucker
I was right - take this - Aaaah!
Son of a bitch, ...
Cut you three times below the ass
too short to shit
Two timing son of a dog
6. (I'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone
[Sex Pistols]
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
You're trying to make your mark in society
Using all the tricks that you used on me
You're reading all those high fashion magazines
The clothes you're wearin' girl
are causing public scenes
I said
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
Not your stepping stone
Not your stepping stone
When I first met you girl you didn't have no shoes
Now you're walking 'round like you're front page news
You've been awful careful 'bout the friends you choose
But you won't find my name in your book of Who's Who
I said
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
Not your stepping stone
Not your stepping stone
7. Confused
8. California Ьber Alles
[Dead Kennedys]
I am Governor Jerry Brown
My aura smiles
And never frowns
Soon I will be president ...
Carter power will soon go away
I will be Fьhrer one day
I will command all of you
Your kids will meditate in school
California Ьber Alles
Ьber Alles California
Zen fascists will control you
100% natural
You will jog for the master race
And always wear the happy face
Close your eyes, can't happen here
Big Bro' on white horse is near
The hippies won't come back you say
Mellow out or you will pay
California Ьber Alles
Ьber Alles California
Now it is 1984
Knock knock at your front door
It's the suede/denim secret police
They have come for your uncool neice
Come quietly to the camp
You'd look nice as a drawstring lamp
Don't you worry, it's only a shower
For your clothes here's a pretty flower...
DIE on organic poison gas
Serpent's egg's already hatched
You will creak, you little clown
When you mess with President Brown
California Ьber Alles
Ьber Alles California
9. Smoke On The Water
[Deep Purple]
We all came out to Montreux
On the Lake Geneva shoreline
To make records with a mobile
We didn't have much time
Frank Zappa and the Mothers
Were at the best place around
But some stupid with a flare gun
Burned the place to the ground
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
They burned down the gambling house
It died with an awful sound
Funky & Claude was running in and out
Pulling kids out the ground
When it all was over
We had to find another place
But Swiss time was running out
It seemed that we would lose the race
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
We ended up at the Grand Hotel
It was empty, cold and bare
But with the Rolling truck Stones thing just outside
Making our music there
With a few red lights and a few old beds
We made a place to sweat
No matter what we get out of this
I know we'll never forget
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
10. Blackout
I realize I missed a day
But I'm too wrecked to care anyway
I look around and and see this face
What the hell have I lost my taste
Don't want to find out
Just want to cut out
My head explodes, my ears ring
I can't remember just where I've been
The last thing that I recall
I got lost in a deep black hole
Don't want to find out
Just want to cut out
I really had a Blackout
I grab my things and make a run
On my way out, another one
Would like to know before I stop
Did I make it or did I flop
Don't want to find out
Just want to get out
I really had a Blackout
Don't want to find out
Just want to get out
I really had a Blackout
11. Purple Haze
[Jimi Hendrix]
Purple haze all in my brain
Lately things just don't seem the same
Actin' funny, but I don't know why
'Scuse me while I kiss the sky
Purple Haze all around
Don't know if I'm comin' up or down
Am I happy or in misery?
What ever it is, that girl put a spell on me
Help me
Help me
Oh, no, no
Purple haze all in my eyes, uhh
Don't know if its day or night
You got me blowin', blowin' my mind
Is it tomorrow, or just the end of time?
Oh, no, oh
Oh, help me
Purple haze - Tell me, baby, tell me I can't go on like this
Purple haze - You're makin' me blow my mind...mama
Purple haze - n-no, nooo
Purple haze - No, its painful, baby
12. In League With Satan
I'm in league with satan
I was raised in hell
I walk the streets of Salem
Amongst the living dead
I need no one to tell me
What's wrong or right
I drink the blood of children
Stalk my prey at night
Chorus . .
Look out beware
When the full moon's high n'bright
In every way I'm there
In every shadow in the night
Coz I'm evil in league with satan
Evil in league with satan
I'm in league with satan
Obey his commands
With the goat of Mendes
Sitting at his left hand
I'm in league with satan
I love the dead
No one prayed for Sodom
As the people fled
I'm in league with satan
I am the masters own
I drink the juice of women
As they lie alone
I'm in league with satan
I bear the devils mark
I kill the new born baby
Tear the infants flesh
13. War Machine
[Bonus Track]
Wanna bite the hand that feeds me, wanna turn the tides
Set the demons free and watch 'em fly
Strike down the one who leads me, I'm gonna take his place
Gonna vindicate the human race
Better watch out 'cause I'm a war machine
Better watch out 'cause I'm a war machine
Take the reins of power and seize them, draw the battle lines
Armageddon's just a matter of time
Tear down the voice of reason, let the arrows fly
Your freedom's just a state of mind, yeah
Better watch out 'cause I'm a war machine
You better watch out 'cause I'm a war machine
You better watch out 'cause I'm a war machine
You better watch out 'cause I'm a war machine
Better watch out 'cause I'm a war machine
I'm a war machine, I'm a war machine
14. Wrathchild
[Iron Maiden]
[Bonus Track]
I was born into a scene of angriness and greed, and dominance and
My mother was a queen, my dad I've never seen, I was never meant to be.
And now I spend my time looking all around,
For a man that's nowhere to be found.
Until I find him I'm never gonna stop searching,
I'm gonna find my man, gonna travel around.
'Cos I'm a wrathchild, well I'm a wrathchild.
I'm a wrathchild. I'm coming to get you, oooh yeah!
Say it doesn't matter ain't nothin' gonna alter the course of my
I know I've got to find some serious piece of mind, or I know I'll go
But now I spend my time looking all around,
For a man that's nowhere to be found.
Until I find him I'm never gonna stop searching,
I'm gonna find my man, gonna travel around.
'Cos I'm a wrathchild, well I'm a wrathchild.
I'm a wrathchild. I'm coming to get you, oooh yeah!
15. Jailbreak
[Thin Lizzy]
[Bonus Track]
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
Somewhere in this town
See me and the boys we don't like it
So were getting up and going down
Hiding low looking right to left
If you see us coming I think it's best
To move away do you hear what I say
From under my breath
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
Somewhere in this town
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
So don't you be around
Don't you be around
Tonight there's gonna be trouble
Some of us won't survive
See the boys and me mean business
Bustin' out dead or alive
I can hear the hound dogs on my trail
All hell breaks loose, alarm and sirens wail
Like the game if you lose
Go to jail
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
Somewhere in the town
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
So don't you be around
Tonight there's gonna be trouble
I'm gonna find myself in
Tonight there's gonna be trouble
So woman stay with a friend
You know it's safer
Tonight there's gonna be a breakout
Into the city zones
Don't you dare to try and stop us
No one could for long
Searchlight on my trail
Tonight's the night all systems fail
Hey you good lookin' female
Come here!
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
Somewhere in the town
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
So don't you be around
Tonight there's gonna be trouble
I'm gonna find myself in
Tonight there's gonna be trouble
So woman stay with a friend