King Diamond
« Abigail II: The Revenge »
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1 | Spare This Life (Intro) 01:44
 | 2 | The Storm 04:22
 | 3 | Mansion In Sorrow 03:36
 | 4 | Miriam 05:10
 | 5 | Little One 04:32
 | 6 | Slippery Stairs 05:10
 | 7 | The Crypt 04:11
 | 8 | Broken Glass 04:14
 | 9 | More Than Pain 02:31
 | 10 | The Wheelchair 05:19
 | 11 | Spirits 04:58
 | 12 | Mommy 06:27
 | 13 | Sorry Dear (Outro) 00:54
 | | Total playing time 53:08 |
   King Diamond - vocals, keyboards
Andy La Rocque - guitars, keyboards
Mike Wead - guitars
Hal Patino - bass
Matt Thompson - drums
Guest musicians:
Kol Marshall - keyboards
Alyssa Biesenberger - voice of Little One |
Produced by King Diamond, Kol Marshall and Andy La Rocque
Mixed by Kol Marshall and King Diamond
Engineered by Kol Marshall
2nd Engineering and digital editing by J.T. Longoria
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered at ''Nomad Recording Studio''
Dallas, TX, USA during June - September 2001 |
 | Spare this life
"I, O'Brian of the Black Horsemen, forbid this sacrilege!
You all know that this demon child has Abigail's spirit inside
But what you don't know is...
That she is the reincarnation of my stillborn half-sister
Her spirit is not evil, nor is it good
All it wants is |
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 Ну вот и я добрался до рецензирования этого альбома. Итак, что же перед нами? Думаете сиквел на Abigail? По-моему, так тут перед нами проходят почти все альбомы Даймонда. Фраза О'Брайена "Let it be done" попахивает Conspiracy, инвалидная коляска Джонатана кидает нас во времена Them, подмешиваемое Абигейл в еду битое стекло напоминает Салема из Voodoo, сыпящего пыль Гуфера в яичницу для семьи ЛаФаеттов, слуга Джонатана тоже похож на Салема. Теперь музыка. В нескольких местах Abigail II напомнил мне то Voodoo, то Нouse of God, клавишные в Wheelchair похожи, на мой взгляд клавишные из Room 17 в Spider's Lullabye. Но несмотря на все эти схожести, Даймонд все-таки создал в альбоме атмосферу места и истории, чего не хватало предыдущим трем работам. Музыка сложна, в нее врубаешься не сразу, так что следующим рецензентам советую писать рецензию не после первого прослушивания, а через прослушиваний 10. Великолепных композиций достаточно, а вот расхваливаемая предыдущим докладчиком Mommy весьма тягомотна и тускла. Альбом весьма хорош, лучше House of God, но я, признаться, ждал от него большего, хотя первую часть Абигейла Даймонду уже не повторить. А вот один стилистический "косяк" есть. Это фраза о ребенке Сары Лафаетт: "There is no Abigail, this child will survive", а оказалось, что и Абигейл сурвайв. :))) Итак, Abigail must be rest in shame. Оценка - |
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Зря ругают этот диск. Прекрасная пластинка, выводящая группу из спада, начавшегося еще на "The Spider's Lullaby". Продолжение истории Эбигейл выдалось в музыкальном плане просто великолепным: въедающиеся в голову мелодии, порадовавший вокал Даймонда, частые и запоминающиеся соло-номера, главным образом рук Энди Ля Рока, за что ему и спасибо. Еще одно безусловное достоинство этого альбома - его ровность, в лучшем смысле этого слова. Трудно выделить песни, которые были бы явно лучше или хуже других. Попытаюсь все же сделать это навскидку: "The Storm", "Mansion in Sorrow" (явная отсылка к "Mansion in Darkness" с "Abigail", также идущего третьим номером), "Little One", "Broken Glass", "The Wheelchair", "Spirits". |
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Чем меня всегда удивлял Даймонд, так это тем, что являясь основным композитором в своей группе и Mercyful Fate он умудряется не повторяться и писать отличные песни.Что ж... с новым альбомом он перестал меня удивлять. Я, конечно, ожидал,
что альбом будет продолжением 87г. не только по текстам, но и по звуку и музыке. Но я явно не ждал повторения самого нелюбимого мною альбома MF "Dead Again"! Зачем нужно было брать оттуда Майка Уида? Если не видеть обложки, то трудно
понять какая именно эта группа из вышеперечисленных... Прослушав несколько раз альбом на памяти ничего не остается, кроме трека "Mommy", который более-менее радует ухо, а он идет препоследним! А так вспомнить нечего! Когда у него такое
было? Но самое для меня страшное, что впервые от вокала Кинга у меня начала болеть голова. Очень жаль, что одну из моих любимых групп я называю разочарование 2002 года номер один... |
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Новая работа Кинга сразила меня просто наповал! Отличный альбом! Я прослушал его после покупки (в тот же день) пять раз подряд, и с каждым разом он мне нравился все больше и больше... Да и вообще, сейчас, после черт знает скольких прослушиваний, я могу сказать с полной уверенностью: лично для меня Abigail 2 - ЛУЧШИЙ АЛЬБОМ King Diamond!!! Ни одной слабой или проходной песни, но особенно хороши Mansion in Sorrow, Miriam, Broken Glass, The Wheelchair. Да и в исполнительском и композиторском плане все гораздо круче, чем на предыдущих альбомах - потрясающие соло (Ля Рок + новый гитарист (взятый из Mercyful Fate, кстати) - rulezzz!!!), офигенные риффы под классную долбежку нового барабанщика, плюс бас Хэла Патино (который был в составе King Diamond, когда те записывали Them, Conspiracy и The Eye), а также, конечно, сюда надо добавить еще и талант Кинга Даймонда, сочинившего просто убийственные песни, такие жуткие, мрачные и одновременно трогательные, как никогда раньше... Ничего нового и революционного, правда, здесь никто не услышит, в некоторых местах вообще слышны явные заимствования из старых альбомов, но это пустяки, потому что в целом альбомчик удался на славу, просто зашибись! King Diamond явно был в ударе!!! Ура!!!! |
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Ну очень облегченное звучание, высокий тон некогда блестящего голоса КД сведен до абсолютного минимума и вообще - неужели прейдется смирится с тем, что мой любимый маэстро кончился? Действительно, годы берут свое, Кинг за неимением идей для новых мистических эпосов записывает непонятно для чего вторую часть "Abigail", которую даже нельзя назвать бледной тенью предшественницы. КД стал активнее задействовать клавиши, эмбиэнтные вставки уже стали нормой, Ля Рок, ранее поражавший своими соло, уже не исполняет свои партии на том же уровне. Короче, если кто-то начал знакомство с Кингом именно с этого альбома, советую не ставить на нем крест, а обратиться к ранним работам 80-х. |
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Что самое важное у Кинга??? Конечно история... В этот раз в нее начинаешь вникать аж, где-то с середины альбома, так там все закрученно, что без пол-литры хрен разберет... А полностью сбивает с толку родословное древо Ла Веев... Ну теперь о музоне....
Сдавать начал дедуля, конечно в мастерстве этому виртуозу от HEAVY METAL не отказать, но видно, то альбом сделан с напрягом, вокал на уровне (все тот же роскошный писк), но все вокальные загогулины слабее чем на предидущих дисках и часто повторяются, часто в музыки начинает мерещится исходящая от бас-гитариста (Hal Pachino) пластмассовость в звуке, правда не много... Да вот еще, нет хитовых песен...
Вообщем Кинг спустил планку на максимально низкий (ДЛЯ СЕБЯ)предел... Надеюсь ниже не пойдет... |
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просмотров: 32036 |
So spare this life through which revenge can be mine
And Abigail can find her final peace
I, O'Brian, have spoken...
Let it be done..."
The storm
Eighteen was yesterday, today she was
A woman in every single way
Abigail was walking in the forest where
The darkness, it seems to be alive
It was hours ago that she left her home
The chapel in which Black Horsemen saved and raised her soul
And now in the darkest night a storm was born
And Abigail, she did not know she was its prey
In the storm itself a monster came alive
Chasing Abigail, lightning from the sky
Aah! Then her face turned white
Never did she see "The Eye" that cried
Raindrops on her head, weeping for the dead
Rain, rain, rain... turning red
Oh no!
Let me go back to my home!
God, he looked away the night the storm, it came
And Abigail was drawn into the rain
Rain was pulling on her hair
To where there is a mansion, the lair
Lurking in the dark when lightning struck again
The mansion showed itself in silhouette
Aah! Rusty iron gates
This is where the Little One, she waits
Raindrops on her head, weeping for the dead
Rain, rain, rain... turning red
Oh no!
Let me go back to my home!
Seeing the Little One, knowing that she was a ghost
Abigail wondering why she was mummified
A lantern in her hand...
And in the light she saw a name: "Count de La Fey"
Mansion in sorrow
Mansion in sorrow
Mansion in the dark
Maybe tomorrow the devil's mark
The gates were locked from the inside
And Abigail was sure to die
Then Little One went straight through her body
And the gates, they opened wide
And Little One went up the stairs
To the old oak door
Mansion in sorrow
Mansion in the dark
Maybe tomorrow the devil's mark
Mansion in sorrow
Mansion in the dark
Maybe tomorrow the devil's mark
Lightning was striking the trees all around
Abigail still in shock, awoken by the sound
Run! Better run!
Run! Better run after Little One!
Run! Better run!
Run after Little One!
But Little One had gone, gone to the beyond
Mansion in sorrow, mansion in the dark
Suddenly the door was open:
"Where have you been, my dear?
I'm Brandon Henry
And I serve the master here"
Through a maze of gloomy hallways and candles black
Safe from the storm she followed the man with the shaven head
They went into a room that was like a shrine
Jewelry and dresses too in cabinets made of glass
Portraits on the walls
Eighteen in all
A strong scent of old perfume
And then there was the hair...
Long black lifeless hair...
Curtains of black were inside the room
Shutting out the light
The light that always hurt his eyes
There was nothing bright
In this entire mansion, no, no!
Except for the candlelight, the light...
And the fire that burned real slow
"Oh, Miriam! Why did you have to go and die?"
Curtains of black were inside the room
Abigail was not alone
There was someone else in here too
"Come closer, dear!"
Said the shadow in the wheelchair
"Stand by the fireplace
So I can better see your face"
"Oh, Miriam! Why did you have to go and die?"
The shadow could not believe
The likeness in her face
It looked as if his Miriam
Had come back from the grave
"I am Count de La Fey and you are?"
"Abigail" she whispered and shivered to the bone
"Can I?" he said
"Can I, can I call you Miriam?"
"Miriam or Abigail is fine
You can even call me Lucy for it is just a name..."
He struggled out of the wheelchair
Since his fall years ago
Now he could only walk by a cane
What a shame!
"Don't move! Stay where you are!"
And then he was right behind her
Touching her long black hair
He was breathing much harder now
Then he grabbed her head, in pain she screamed
As he yanked out a lock of that beautiful hair
Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Oh, dear!
He quickly struggled across the floor to a smaller cabinet
Behind glass doors it said: "To my beloved Dear"
It was then he started to compare and she saw the other hair
In his twisted mind she was back but why?
"I must retire, my dear, in order to prepare
You should do the same, tomorrow and a heir..."
Little One
"Mommy... Mommy... Mommy... Mommy..."
Later that night in her room
Abigail was drifting off to sleep
All of what she had seen today
Was hard to believe
Then the screams of a child in pain
Creeping deep into her brain
Yeah, the screams of a child in pain
She cannot find her mommy
And that's a shame!
Abigail was quickly on her feet
Down the stairs and into the dark
Abigail was following the sound
And there she was, the child
It was clearly a ghost
The ghost from the gate in the storm
"Little girl, tell me who you are"
"I am your spirit twin from years ago, I'm Little One"
That brought back memories
Of Abigail when turning six
Sneaking out of bed
Like she always did
Hiding in the dark, listening to the men
Tell their stories from way back then
She remembered the story of Jonathan
And they'd been talking about the Little One
Then the screams of a child in pain
Creeping deep into her brain
Yeah, the screams of a child in pain
She cannot find her mommy
And that's a shame!
Abigail, she knew she had to stay
Saving Little One and breaking the chain
Breaking the chain!
Slippery stairs
"Wake up, Abigail!"
Midday, Henry was at her door
The Count would not rise
'Till the afternoon and lunch was for two
So they talked about Miriam
And then Abigail said:
"What about Little One?"
Henry froze: "Oh, you mean our ghost?"
"Downstairs on the lowest floor
That's where you will find the door
Beyond which there are slippery stairs
Leading down to the crypt"
"And Little One sleeps there during the day
But at night she'll rise, searching for her Mom"
"Don't you ever go there at night!
It's a sinister place
There's so much pain, so much death
So much nothingness..."
When nighttime came on the second day
And dinner, it was done
Jonathan's headache, it was gone
"Miriam, please, take my hand!"
Then his mood really changed
"Time is right, right to produce a heir!"
Playing along with his eerie game
She followed him up the stairs
Up to a room where love they would share
To a room that smelled as if Miriam was still in there
Jonathan was a hideous sight
So Abigail, she killed the candlelight
What was to come should have never been done
She was blocking her mind from his awful thing
In her mind his moaning became
Nothing but falling on slippery stairs
Falling and crying, crawling and dying
At the end of the stairs
Her eyes turned black in disgust
Hating him more with every thrust
And then it was over before it began
He was done, oh, what a man!
The only time he would call her mine...
The crypt
The moon is outside but it can't get in
Almost dead from his nightly sin
Jonathan is deep asleep, a perfect time
To visit the keep...
Down the hallway to the lair
Down down the slippery stairs
Abigail is in the crypt
A lantern in her hand
The secret of the crypt
A coffin made for a child
Wondering who is inside
Oh, Abigail and off comes the lid
The smell of sick, mummified infant on its side
A name was cut deep in the lid with a knife
And it said: "Abigail"
A silvery necklace was 'round the mummy's neck
It had wings and was sharpened round the edge
"What are you doing here?"
Henry had come in unseen
Abigail pulled on the necklace and the little mummy's head
Was separated clean from its tiny neck
Then up, up, up! Up into his throat!
Twisting and turning it, aah! She couldn't stop!
Brandon Henry was going down in a pool of blood
He was on the ground
There's an eerie glow in the crypt down below
Mummified infant on its side
"Gotta go, gotta run!
I'll be back for you Little One"
In the crypt Abigail's twin is searching for a home
Abigail's twin is searching for her Mom
But Mommy's in the floor and it's made of stone
Her mommy's in the floor and she doesn't know
Oh, she doesn't know, she doesn't know
Will she ever know?
Broken glass
The storm was gone
But dark clouds still hung around
The perfect setting for things to come
Late afternoon
She was still in bed
After her visit to the crypt
Someone was calling Henry's name
Or was it only in her dream?
A dream of breaking glass
Glass cutting into flesh
Rain turning red
Blood running for the dead
Again she heard a name
It was louder but the same
Jonathan was fighting his way out of bed:
"Where is Brandon Henry and why, why is he late?"
"He didn't feel very well today
So I sent him back to bed and there he'll stay
But I, my dear, will cater to your needs
For you I will be the hand, the hand that feeds"
Abigail obsessed with her revenge
Her old spirit was back
It made her remember her dream of broken glass
"Use it in your scheme, the broken glass"
Broken glass crushed into sugar glace
Making dinner for Jonathan, Abigail was having fun
Would it be romantic dinner?
Or slaughter of the lamb?
Would broken glass be cutting deep?
Deep into the flesh of a man
Dinner was enjoyed by candlelight
And Jonathan was wearing his funeral suit
It put him in the right mood
Whatever it took, he would do
He was in love
He was in love again
He was in love
He was in love again
But Abigail would soon feed his love away
Feed his love away
"Dinner is served..."
More than pain
In the dark she was so beautiful and white
Abigail was glowing like a diamond in the night
"I love you, Miriam! Oh, my God!
Oh, my stomach! That hurts! There it is again! Oh, what a pain!
It's like someone's cutting me with a knife!
This is more than pain..."
"Ah ha ha ha!
I put broken glass in your dinner, dear!"
"It's only getting worse from here
Time has come to say hello to fear
No more hiding from the sun
Count the minutes as they run"
"Run away with life itself..."
"What's wrong with you, Miriam?
I'm hurting! Please, help me!"
"Ah ha ha ha!
No, no! You're gonna die!"
This is so much more than pain
Feel the devil's rain
No more hiding from the sun
Count the minutes as they run"
"Run away with life itself..."
"I can't believe you're doing this to me...
Oh, my God! I'm bleeding through my mouth
What was that?
Oh, no!"
The wheelchair
"What you did to my mother?
Trying to kill me inside of her
Miriam she died alright but I'm still alive!"
"I was the sister of your father's in another life
The father you never knew, who saved me years ago"
And now I'm looking at his son..."
A man and his wheelchair
Living in the past
No room for life
Only the dark...
"I was so close to the end
I will never forget the coffin and nails
But little Abigail is back again!"
"So young and beautiful
While you are living in the past
A past so dark there is no room for life itself"
"And all I see when I'm looking at you
Is where evil always lived and ruled
You almost killed me and now you must pay!"
A man and his wheelchair
Living in the past
No room for life
Only the dark...
"Do you even know who the hell it is
You're keeping in the crypt? Do you?"
Fear and twisted hate
Then the feeling of being betrayed overwhelmed him
"That child is part of me!"
He had to get up
Get up and out of the wheelchair
But without his cane
Oh, he didn't stand a chance
The cane was in her hand, she used it to push him back
Push him in the chest, she was ready for attack
Then a quick blow to his wrist, four five across his back
One last one hit him on the neck
"I can't believe you're still alive
My God!" she screamed "I'll teach you how to die!
This should light up your worthless little life!
Open up your eyes!"
Then she lit the torch...
His eyes were burning pain
She wanted to hear him scream
And this was not a dream
Abigail was out of control
She was laughing at his every scream
This was no more the clean revenge it should have been
Abigail was feeling like the ruler of hell
The joy of causing pain
The wheelchair was really on fire
In the middle of dying
Jonathan's charred body was falling down...
Jonathan is dead
And Abigail is watching his wheelchair burn
The flames lick the wooden floor
Spreading to the curtains and then the draperies on the walls
Higher and higher they go...
"I am the fire!
I'm eating everything!
I'll bring this mansion down!
Through me they all must come"
Spirits flying through the air
Spirits crossing over to the other side
To rest in peace and never die again
And to be with long gone friends
The ghosts of those who lived here in the past
They will use the flames to leave this evil house
Abigail is watching the spirits and the flames
Dancing hand in hand around her long black dress
Oh, around and around they go, until they touch...
Abigail is on fire!
Sprits flying through the air
Spirits crossing over to the other side
To rest in peace and never die again
And to be with long gone friends
There is no pain as Abigail is eaten by the flames
Her body starts to fade, emptiness is growing inside
Slowly she's leaving her body behind
And the spirits are right by her side
Oh no! Here she goes
Her spirit is in the air
The others guide her to the flames
Where they all will disappear
Spirits flying through the air
spirits crossing over to the other side
To rest in peace and never die again
And to be with long gone friends
But Abigail forgot one thing...
Her own little twin...
You could see the fire burn
You could see the colours turn
From black to no return
The night began to cry
Rain from the sky
As the mansion died
Oh no! It died
Oh no! It died
Deep down below
Fire would not go
The crypt is still alive
Listen to the child that cries!
I wonder what is wrong?
It's so damp and cold in here
Could this be the home of fear?
There's something in the dark that should be left alone
As if it had a grave of its own
There's a body on the floor, I hope there is no more
I think I'm stepping in blood
Too dark for me to see, a dark you only feel
A dark that always must be
I see a child, now I'm blind
Where did she go? Oh no!
Deep down below
Fire would not go
The crypt is still alive
Listen to the child that cries!
Where did she go?
She must have slipped into the dark again
Not too far away I see a light
And there is Little One standing by the wall
The lantern in her hand
Is lighting up the coffin on the stand
Oh, I used to know your sister
Your eternal spirit twin
Oh, but Abigail was way too busy with revenge
And now you're stuck in here on your own
A lonely soul who'll never ever find a home
Oh no!
She cannot find her mommy
'Cause mommy's in the floor
And she doesn't even know who her mother really is
Oh no!
Only I and a few others know who her mother really is...
The Countess... The Countess... The Countess...
"Mommy... Mommy... Mommy... Mommy..."
Oh, she cannot find her mommy
'Cause she's buried in the floor
But it's not your mommy you're looking for!
It's yourself!
Sorry dear
"I wanna go home!
It's so cold down here, I don't like the dark
Where are you, Mommy? Mommy!
Will I ever see you again?
Please, come back and take me away from here!"
"Sorry, dear..."
"I do like the dark now!"