« Get What You Deserve »
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1 | Get What You Deserve
 | 2 | Jabba the Hut
 | 3 | Jesus Screamer
 | 4 | Delight In Slaying
 | 5 | Die Stumme Ursel
 | 6 | Freaks of Nature
 | 7 | Eat Me
 | 8 | Unbury the Hatched
 | 9 | Into Perdition
 | 10 | Sodomized
 | 11 | Fellows in Misery
 | 12 | Tribute to Moby Dick (Instr.)
 | 13 | Silence is Consent
 | 14 | Erwachet!
 | 15 | Gomorrah
 | 16 | Angel Dust (Venom Cover)
 | | Total playing time: 44:13 |
   Andreas Brings (aka Riff Randall) - Guitar
Guido Richter (aka Atomic Steiff) - Drums
Thomas Such (aka Tom Angelripper) - Bass, vocals
Maria Palmigiano – бэк-вокал на "Fellows" |
 | 1. Get What You Deserve
A sudden inspiration, a feeling so strong
Close about me to ride for a fall
My time is passing, my chance is getting low
Incredible hate my cure for tomorrow
I can't forget the day you tapped my vein
You said it's my problem and mine alone
You drew the curtain over m |
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 Этот альбом,в отличие от предыдущих и последующих альбомов группы, выполнен в хардкоровом стиле.Длится примерно 44 минуты и содержит 16 коротких композиций, однако мне лично все песни запомнились после первого же прослушивания. Вообще, альбом произвел на меня очень сильное впечатление, ничего лучше я в этом стиле(Хардкор)не слышал.Проходных вещей на диске нет вообще. После выпуска этого, не побоюсь такого определения, шедевра, в 1995 году вышел самый отстойный диск группы - "Masquerade In Blood", про который и писать то что-либо не хочется. Видимо, после выхода "Get what you deserve" надо было сделать перерыв - может быть тогда не получилось бы такое дерьмо.
Ну а вот альбом 94-года всем настоятельно рекомендую. Мощь, агрессия, напор, скорость, неподражаемый вокал Angelrippera - то есть все, что характерно для Sodom, здесь имеет место.
Оценка, естественно, максимальная. |
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После того как группа Sodom записала "Tapping the Vein" - самый тяжелый, практически дэт-металический альбом, Том Энджелриппер после традиционных перетасовок состава записывает первый альбом из так называемой "панковской трилогии", куда помимо "Get What You Deserve" входят "Masquerade in Blood" и "Til Death Do Us Unite".
Запись этого альбома происходила на фоне упадка трэш-метала как коммерчески жизнеспособного ответвления тяжелой музыки и начавшейся сольной карьеры лидера группы. За карикатурной обложкой скрывается нечто, с трудом поддающееся описанию. 16 абсолютно необязательных треков, которые не идут ни в какое сравнение с тем, что делала группа раньше. Но даже если оценивать этот альбом с позиции стиля, в котором он записан, то тоже, в общем, "не фонтан". По-хорошему, Энджелрипперу этот материал нужно было реализовывать как сольное творчество и выпускать эти треки вместе со всеми застольными и рождественскими песнями, которые он изрыгал из себя отдельно от Sodom. Неудивительно, что поклонники творчества группы были разочарованы новым направлением, которое выбрала команда, тем более, после такого мощного и тяжелого альбома, коим был "Tapping the Vein". Альбом абсолютно беспомощный и звучит как одна длинная хардкоровая каша. После прослушивания складывается впечатление, что весь альбом был записан в один присест. Жаль, что Том не сделал соответствующие выводы, после вполне объективного потока критики и записал следом совсем уж невнятный "Masquerade in Blood", выдержанный в том же ключе, что и предшественник. И если удручающее качество "Obsessed by Cruelty" объясняется молодостью и неопытностью, то "Get What You Deserve" после великолепных "Persecution Mania" и "Agent Orange" выглядит просто ужасно. И смена направления тут совершенно не при чем. |
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Это что-то с чем-то скажу я вам! Экспериментаторство в творчестве Содом цветёт пышным цветом! И цвет этот настолько кислотный и отвратительный, что вызывает головокружение и рвотные позывы. Им, судя по всему, мало показалось элементов дэта и харды в своём творчестве, и они решили сварганить что-то в духе панк-хардкора. Получилось быстро, раздолбайски и угарно, но слышать такое от этой группы, выпустившей некогда суперскую «Persecution Mania» и шедевральный «Tapping the Vein» просто противно. Все песни как на подбор - быстрые, короткие и похожие друг на друга как две капли воды. Из 16 кусков г*вна можно выделить от силы четыре – «Into Perdition», «Tribute to Moby Dick», «Sodomized» и «Gomorrah». Остальное пролетело мимо и незаметно.
Вердикт: панкам и хардкорщикам, которым плевать на техничность и мелодичность, альбом, возможно, будет по вкусу, остальным слушать не советую. Один из худших, если не худший альбом группы. |
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Вроде и мощь есть и скорсть,но не Содом это, не
Содом. Веселухи здесь хоть отбавляй,тупых риффов с
достатком,песни короткие и мало запоминающиеся,саунд
вообще не Sodom'ский.С этого альбома группа начинает
тяготеть к панку,песни начинают быть похожи на
абсолютно идиотские сольники Энжелриппера.А следующий
альбом группы "Masquerade In Blood" вообще кусок говна.
Единственная класная вещь здесь "Moby Dick",несколько
напомнившая мне "Reincarnation".А в остальном всё
довольно безлико.
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просмотров: 34624 |
I heard you laughing when you were gone
Ruled by insanity
I'm coming from behind
The only way
Deprivation of my courage to face life
Displaced by war neurosis
I'll struggle to my feet and fight
Devote my gun to its proper purpose
I can't forget the day you tapped my vein
You said it's my problem and mine alone
You drew the curtain over me
I heard you laughing when you were gone
Ruled by insanity
I'm coming from behind
The only way
Under suspicion
You'll not escape
Be prepared for the worst
No matter where you hide
You'll come into my sight
You'll get what you deserve!
I'm waiting for the day we meet again
Enraged and full of anger
My rifled barrel shotgun
Say goodbye because I'm your saviour
I can't forget the day you tapped my vein
Now it's your problem and yours alone
I draw the curtain over you
You hear me laughing when I go
Ruled by insanity
I'm coming from behind
The only way
Under suspicion
You'll not escape
Be prepared for the worst
No matter where you hide
You'll come into my sight
You'll get what you deserve!
2. Jabba The Hut
Your life is not worth a days purchase
Malodorous flatulence wherever you go
Obese, sweaty and fattened
Like a swine in a prime of grease
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
You try to find a well shaped woman
But your body is a deterrence
This greedy boy escapes from reality
The girl takes the bull by the horns
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Wobbling paleface, physical weakness
Smell of perspiration
Disgusting frame, overweight
Dreams of dissipation
Infamous deeds, you can't give up
But she is just a child
Tears of pain that drive you mad
Act of infanticide
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Untouched victims decoyed with sweets
Reduced to silence or on the run
Too many lives passed your hand
Your life will pass my hand with the gun
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
Jabba the hut
3. Jesus Screamer
Say your little prayer to god every day
And you will not burn in hell
You think the way you live you life is right
But I think it is not
Your mind's fucked up by serving
Some one you don't know
You don't if it's real
If you really wanna bop then find
Some one and bop until the end of time
Say your prayers to god every day
And you all will burn in hell
The lies they tell you won't come true
And in the end you simply die
4. Delight In Slaying
Fear neither men nor fates
No laughter of the folk
No power of the heaven
Desolation of the earth
Worship blood and fire
Worship swords and spears
Damn them who have pity
Kill them who have tears
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Find ecstasy in vengeance
The joy of life and death
Raise yourself in pride
With courage and success
Pity not the fallen
You have never known
These evil ones shall cast away
Strike down them hard and low
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Despise also the cowards
The liars and the fools
They are the slaves that perish
They are the stupid brood
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
I am the god of war
Supreme and terrible one
My judgements true and righteous
Mourning will come
I am the flame that burns
In every heart of man
Revealed are all the secrets
Reborn are all the saints
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
Delight in slaying
5. Die Stumme Ursel
Ich sah sie in einem Versandhauskatalog
Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick
Ein Mädschen zum kuscheln und lieben
Und nur ganz allein für mich
Bin der ersten Mann in ihrem Leben
Mein Wunsch geht in Erfüllung
Kann es nicht erwarten
Sie endlich auszupakken
Ich nenn sie stumme Ursel
Weil sie nicht reden kann
Doch ihr Schweigen
Bring mein Blut in Wallung
Ihr Schweigen macht mich an
Jeden Tag denk ich an sie
Ich werd es ihr beweisen
Und blas die luft in sie hinein
Um sie wieder zu besteigen
Hab soviel Zeit damit verbracht
Mich selber zu beflecken
Doch die Moral hat mir gesagt
Etwas Neues zu entdekken
Ich nenn sie stumme Ursel
Weil sie nicht reden kann
Doch ihr Schweigen
Bring mein Blut in Wallung
Ihr Schweigen macht mich an
Manchmal hab ich das Verlangen
Nach Wärme und nach Liebe
Die wilden Spiele meine Träume
Die kannst du mir nicht bieten
Warum kannst du denn nicht so sein
Wie all die schönen Frauen
Die ich so sehr begehre
Die mir so sehr gefallen
Ich nenn sie stumme Ursel
Weil sie nicht reden kann
Doch ihr Schweigen
Bring mein Blut in Wallung
Ihr Schweigen macht mich an
Ich nenn sie Ursel
Mein Geist war willig
Mein FLeisch war schwach
Doch ich fate endlich mut
Ich ging dorthin wo ich bezahl
Für'n Weib aus Fleisch und Blut
Sie peitschte und sie quälte mich
Sie nannte mich ein Loser
"Hallo mein Freund hier ist mein Reich
Und mein Name der is Ursel"
Gepeinigt und enttäuscht
Von dieser alten Hure
Ich geh nach haus sie wartet schon
Mein stumme...
Meine Ursel
Meine stumme Ursel
6. Freaks Of Nature
Under the seal of secrecy
Nobody will come to know the truth
Inpore with impeccability
Heinous deeds coming soon
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeat
Shady and envenomed
Feeble human monsters
Born to be exhibits
Deplorable strangeness
Devoted and obedient
For fear of being whipped
In a state of negativity
There is no retreat
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeat
They abuse before their master
The freak show can begin
Their sun is set they have to suffer
Death is deliverance
Thirst for revenge they flock together
With clubs, knives and all their weapons
To fight for rights and dignity
Slave driver is killed the freaks are freed
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeat
Freaks of nature
Push matters to extreme
Freaks of nature
Resolute to defeat
7. Eat Me!
Your big brown eyes look sharp
Beneath your neck
I feel myself getting hard
Spread your crack
Hellfire and damnation
You sweat blood
You feel yourself well served
No you're not
Eat me!
Eat me!
Number one in your face
Number two on your cans
Orgasmic rush of lust
Rip off my pants
Eat me!
Come on taste my candy cream
Do the cannibal for me
Built like a brick shithouse
Eat me!
Come on eat me!
Eat me!
8. Unbury The Hatchet
Raging generals, serious games
They don't know what is really going on
Like a clever move in a game of chess
To make an enemy of the world
They stick at nothing
You better give yourself up
Can't stop to see you suffering
Time for your blood to spill
Unbury the hatchet
Kick the mighty from their seats
Unbury the hatchet
And exalt them of low degree
Wartime comrades, sure of victory
With the threat of an air attack
To strike down the despotical tyrant
Who measures his strength with god
They stick at nothing
You better give yourself up
Can't stop to see you suffering
Time for your blood to spill
Unbury the hatchet
Kick the mighty from their seats
Unbury the hatchet
And exalt them of low degree
Unbury the hatchet
Kick the mighty from their seats
Unbury the hatchet
And exalt them of low degree
Stirred up aggression
We'll not be defeated
It's hard enough for me to say
According to martial law
We shot them down
There will be hell to pay
Unbury the hatchet
Kick the mighty from their seats
Unbury the hatchet
And exalt them of low degree
Unbury the hatchet
Unbury the hatchet
There will be hell to pay
9. Into Perdition
Wars are raging
Under their command
Like a locust plague
Descends upon the land
Sanguinary breeding bad blood
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perdition
Destroyed and defiled
As on a proving ground
infected atomised
Polluted world
Fire spreads at lightning speed
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perdition
Dying nations
The multitude
They didn't realise
The day when nature takes revenge
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perdition
Wars were raging
Humanoid serpents
Caused by the wasteland
The day when nature takes revenge
Silent mortified
Man eating crowd
Warning of the end
None can hear the sound
On the day when nature strikes back
Into perdition
Into perdition
Into perdition
10. Sodomized
The first time I've tasted blood
Saw the wide spread dying off
Incurable diseased and on the loose
Remember the atrocities
Stop the painful miseries
Waiting for the dead man's shoes
I need at last your private parts
To satisfy my fucking pride
Magnitude of my oppression
Without pity and compassion
No tenderness within my heart
From the cradle to the grave
A brand of wickedness
Nobody tried to shift my ground
I need at last your private parts
To satisfy my fucking pride
When I look into your face
I want you to deflorate
My heart fulfilled with love
Embodiment of my desire
To find your never ending fire
Agony from above
I need at last your private parts
To satisfy my fucking pride
Decades of a hundred misconducts
Ain't got no chance to live
A life of intercourse and lust
My eyes reborn of pleasure
Firing squads, cursed forever
Sleep of the just
I need at last your private parts
To satisfy my fucking pride
11. Fellows In Misery
She is searching for
A secret love affair
She hopes to find it
On the street
Do not care about the
Words of moralisers
Immaculate conception
Should it be
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in misery
Rutting suitors are
Standing around
They'll go along with
Whatever she wants
But she prefers a cooch to eat
She likes to feel a butterfly queen
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in misery
They get down to practice
Their ferocious games
These little ladies are going insane
Taking the chance and feeling so nice
Ecstasy, maltreated bodies brutalised by spite
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in misery
She can't control her
Abnormal inclination
But she found a congenial fellow
Fellows in misery
Fellows in misery
12. Tribute To Moby Dick
13. Silence Is Consent
They want stop to carry on a ruthless exploitation
They want to see him die, blood and despoliation
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consent
From the depth he rises,
Tracked and harpooned
Compassion in his eyes,
Death is coming soon
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consent
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consent
Mysterious voices like setting up a wail
Songs of pain and sorrow that sounds from far away
Murderous, predatory, scrupulous, SCUM
Rescue operation
A drop in the bucket
Armed and seasoned
But we'll never give up
Hopeless deliverance
We'll fight to the end
Stick at nothing
Because silence is consent
Good-natured giants
The masters of the sea
Telling us a story
The faith of Moby Dick
14. Erwachet
16 Millionen mal ins Hirn geschissen
Von Verderbtheit gebrandmarkt
Willig Žrsche zu küssen
Des Willens beraupt,
Unfähig selber zu denken
Man sollte euch wirklich mal ein
Happy Weekend schenken
Stimulanz in Genitalbereich
Hat noch niemandem geschadet
Das verspreche ich euch
Eine sexsüchtige Pöbelrotte von sodomitern
Hörig bis ins Knochenmark
Rettet eure Hintern
Ich habs schon mal gesagt
Und wiederhole es gern
Wenn ihr vögeln wollt
Dann tun wir's vor den Augen des Herrn
Stimulanz in Genitalbereich
Hat noch niemandem geschadet
Das verspreche ich euch
Morturi te Salutant
Aseptische Hirntote im Kampf
Gegen das Böse
Seh ich euch, kommt mir die Galle hoch
Jetzt zeigt mir eure Mö...
Stimulanz in Genitalbereich
Hat noch niemandem geschadet
Das verspreche ich euch
Ein bischen Spass in Genitalbereich
Wird auch euch nicht schaden
Ihr versteht es gleich
15. Gomorrah
Precursors of the menace
Admonition of the death
Obscurity and secret force
What are these symbols standing for?
Gomorrah, mother of harlotry
Gomorrah, ascendancy forever
An insidious looking creature
Beneath the frantic fault
Ready to be delivered
The son of our lord
Gomorrah, abomination of the earth
Gomorrah, wrath and fornication
He is crying with a resentful voice
Like a roaring lion
Sin city will burn he has no choice
They have to pay the price
Gomorrah, noisome grievous sore
Gomorrah, judgement of the whore
And their dead bodies
Shall lie in the streets
Where also our lord
Was crucified and killed
Gomorrah, downfall is near
Gomorrah, they didn't realise
Gomorrah, the have to disappear
Gomorrah, blessed are the dead
16. Angeldust
[Cover : Venom]
Living, running
Out on the streets at night
Searching, hoping
For the right connection because I
Need it, want it
You know I've got to have it
Takes me higher
Than anything I know
Need a shot to see me through the day
Want a lot I've got to get away
I live my life
Like there is no tomorrow
Take no chances
I'm drowning
All my sorrows because I
Need it, want it
You know I've got to have
Takes me higher
Than anything I know
Need a shot
To see me through the day
Want a lot I've got to get away
I've got to go
Laughing, crying
Every night and day
I know
You know
That I'm a different man because I
Need it, want it
You know I've got to have
Takes me higher
Than anything I know
Need a shot to see me through the day
Want a lot I've got to get away