Blind Guardian
« The Forgotten Tales »
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1 | Mr. Sandman (The Chordettes cover) 02:10
 | 2 | Surfin' USA (Beach Boys cover) 02:25
 | 3 | Bright Eyes (acoustic version) 04:22
 | 4 | Lord Of The Rings (orchestral version) 03:56
 | 5 | The Wizard (Uriah Heep cover) 03:16
 | 6 | Spread Your Wings (Queen cover) 04:14
 | 7 | Mordred's Song (acoustic version) 05:16
 | 8 | Black Chamber (orchestral version) 01:16
 | 9 | The Bard's Song - In The Forest (live) 04:12
 | 10 | Barbara Ann / Long Tall Sally (Beach Boys cover) 01:45
 | 11 | A Past And Future Secret 03:47
 | 12 | To France (Mike Oldfield cover) 04:43
 | 13 | Theatre Of Pain (orchestral version) 04:16
 | | Total playing time 45:38 |
   Hansi Kuersch - vocals, bass
Andre Olbrich - guitars
Marcus Siepen - guitars
Thomen Stauch - drums |
Producer: Flemming Rasmussen, Kalle Trapp, Piet Sielck, Blind Guardian
Recorded: Sweet Silence Studios, Twilight Hall Studios and Karo Studio
Cover Artwork: Andreas Marschall |
 | Mr. Sandman
Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
Make it the cutest that I've ever seen
Give her two lips like roses in clover
Then tell her that my lonesome nights are over
Mister Sandman, I'm so alone
Don't have nobody to call my own
Please, turn on your magic beam
Mister Sand |
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 Удивлена, что до сих пор никто из фэнов Гвардейцев не написал рецензию на этот великолепный альбом. Альбомы каверов, равно как и трибьюты, бывают либо очень скучны, либо несказанно хороши и интересны - "Forgotten tales" принадлежит ко второму типу. Шедевр немецких героев пауэра насчитывает 13 вещей (в канонической версии, вроде бы в японском варианте есть бонусы), из которых 7 принадлежит их перу, а остальное - каверы известных и не очень песен далеко не металлического свойства. И то, что у Helloween на их "Metal Jukebox" превратилось в скучнейшие перепевки, реализовано Блайндами на высочайшем профессиональном и эмоциональном уровне. Совершенно несерьезные рок-н-роллы 50-х, как оказалось, предоставляют неограниченный простор для заба металлистов - то, как Ханси Кюрш поет "Mr.Sandman", переходя с елейно-благостного вокала на почти трэшевый рев - это неописуемо, это надо слышать! Бони НеМ отдыхают! А из 2 других рок-н-роллов - "Barbara Ann" и "Long Tall Sally" - Гвардиан сделали одну развеселую вещь на 3 с половиной минуты, причем на вокале Ханси помог знаменитый продюсер, имевший дело еще с Хэллами - Калле Трапп. Мелодичнейшая песня Манфреда Манна "To France" стала просто песней Blind Guardian, а вот "The Wizard" Uriah Heep спета очень близко к оригиналу - а ведь петь за Дэвидом Байроном - испытание для любого вокалиста. Кавер на Queen'овскую "Spread Your Wings" мне понравился значительно меньше - возможно, по причине моей нелюбви к оригинальной версии. Но кавера каверами, а диск не был бы и вполовину столь очарователен, и не удостоился бы от меня рецензии, если бы Blind не включили бы в него новые - акустические - версии своих старых вещей. Тексты их восходят к Властелину Колец ("Lord Of The Rings", "The Bard's Song") и к гораздо менее известному, но не менее великому сюжету - "Morte D'Arthur", легендам о Короле Артуре и рыцарях Круглого стола. Это "Mordred's Song", "A Past And Future Secret". Первая из них написана от лица Мордреда, преступного сына короля Артура; вторая - пророчество волшебника Мерлина о пришествии Артура, "короля прошлого и грядущего". Избранный группой саунд как нельзя лучше гармонирует с высокой поэтикой текстов, рождая чудесную медиевальную гармонию, пронизанную архаичной грустью и красотой...Гвардии просто нет равных в этом. Интересно, что артуровская тема получила свое развитие в альбоме проекта Demons & Wizards. Оставшиеся трэки - "Black Chamber", "Bright Eyes" - возможно, самые темные, самые мрачные песни Гвардиан, повествующие о человеческой жизни, разрываемой внешним и внутренним злом, об обратной стороне бренного бытия…Надо сказать, что "Bright Eyes" в таком варианте намного красивее альбомной версии. И завершает альбом грандиозная инструментальная композиция "Theatre Of Pain", торжественная и мрачная симфония казематов смерти, гимн отчаяния, торжество Тьмы. Повторюсь, альбом - шедевр, редчайший случай гармонии всех составляющих, внутреннего и внешнего, это - само совершенство. 10000000 из 10. P.S. Тексты некоторых вещей значительно изменены по сравнению с альбомными версиями - я склонна и в этом увидеть скрытый смысл, но постичь его пока не смогла. :)) |
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Первый сборник в дискографии Блайндов получился интересным, но несколько сумбурным. Что-то из него вы могли слышать до этого, что-то услышите впервые. На диске представлено несколько каверов, и несколько своих переделанных песен в акустическом варианте. Ну, про содержание альбома было сказано достаточно, так что скажу своё субъективное мнение: акустические вещи хороши, кавера в электричестве тоже хороши, но вместе как-то это не сочетается... Хотя это же сборник - значит всё дело в моём неприятии таких вещей =) Надо бы ставить 7 баллов за всё это, но уж больно мне нравятся два кавера с этого сборника: "To France" и "The Wizard". Так что... |
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Тут можно долго спорить, но я сразу отметаю крики о Сатриани и Ингви, да люди умеют играть, но вырубите им все эффекты и заставьте играть на чистом звуке - вы услышите какие-то скоростные проигрышы гамм, да и те вам будут казаться с ошибками. Ладно хватит об этом. На мой взгляд этот акустический альбом - самый лучший альбом группы. Да, да. Не надо гневных возгласов, что тут нет металла. Ведь, металл - это некая атмосфера, порою мрачная, порою не очень, но именно эта атмосфера делает песню металлической. Примером этого может послужить Bright Eyes, вещь сыгранная на акустике, но от этого ничего непотерявшая, а даже наоборот, ее звучание стало более трогательным и впечатляющем. Вот вам настоящий метал, дело не в звуке, а в умении создать такую песню. Остальные личные перепевки своих вещей группа выполнила в том же стиле. Остается отметить Theatre Of Pain, который не был включен в Somewhere Far Beyond, но попал на этот альбом + очень хорошие каверы на уже старые, но очень хорошие, песни другие групп. Кстати, если почитать, рецензию самого Ханси на этот альбом, то вырисовывается очень странная картина - их тогдашний менеджер Флемменг Рассмусен был более чем против этого альбома и подобных перепевок, но как видно, зря. |
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просмотров: 27542 |
Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
Make it the cutest that I've ever seen
Give her the word that I'm not a rover
Then tell her that my lonesome nights are over
Mister Sandman, I'm so alone
Don't have nobody to call my own
Please, turn on your magic beam
Mister Sandman, bring me a dream
Mister Sandman, bring us a dream
Give her a pair of eyes with a congeal of gleam
Give her a lonely heart like Harlehatschi
And not so wavy hair like Liberatschi
Mister Sandman, someone to hold
Would be so peachy before we're to old
So please, turn on your magic beam
Mister Sandman, brings us
Please, please, please
Mister Sandman, bring us a dream
Surfin' USA
If everybody had an ocean
Across the USA
Then everybody'd be surfin'
Like California
You'd seem'em wearing their baggies
Huarachi sandals too
A bushy bushy blonde hairdo
Surfin' USA
You'd catch'em surfin' at Del Mar
Ventura county line
Santa Cruz and Trestle
Australia's Narabine
All over Manhattan
And down Doheny Way
Everybody's gone surfin'
Surfin' USA
We'll all be planning that route
We're gonna take real soon
We're waxing down our surfboards
We can't wait for June
We'll all be gone for the summer
We're on surfari to stay
Tell the teacher we're surfin'
Surfin' USA
Haggerties and Swamies
Pacific Palisades
San Anofree and Sunset
Redondo Beach L.A.
All over La Jolla
At Waimia bay
Everybody's gone surfin'
Surfin' USA
Everybody's gone surfin'
Surfin' USA
Everybody's gone surfin'
Surfin' USA
Bright eyes
Fool just another
Fool just another
Fool just another
Fool just another
I've been waiting
For signs of god
Create - enslaved - behaved
Everything is out of control
Leave me alone, isolation bears hope
There's something else waiting
A promised destiny
Freezing me
I feel restless and low
These days full of sadness
Had joyfully changed into fear
My freakshow will start tonight
Don't miss the right time
Bright eyes - blinded by fear of life
No Merlin is by my side
Everything is out of control
Everything is out of control in my future plans
Everything is out of control
No one's left to hurt
Everything is out of control
Sorrow's gone away
Broken memories, walking upstairs
Step by step, I see the whole world burning
The poet dies in Neverland
How it burns
Hey, mother stubborn, I really hate you
If you say yes I will say no
Ashes to ashes but dust won't be dust
If you go there I will go back
Bright eyes - blinded by fear of life
Betrayed by sunrise
Bright eyes - blinded by fear of life
No Merlin is by my side
Hey, father stubborn, you're young and I'm young
I feel alone, who really cares?
Born into ashes to lose all the games
With a smiling face
Bright eyes - blinded by fear of life
And dark dragon's rise
Bright eyes - blinded by fear of life
No Merlin is by my side
So I sit still in my room today
Winter's here in summer's season
Shall I say I was wrong if I'm right?
A farewell to my last hope
Lord of the rings
There are signs on the ring
Which make me feel so down
There's one to enslave all rings
To find them all in time
And drive them into darkness
Forever they'll be bound
Three for the kings of the elves high in light
Nine to the mortal which cry
I'll keep the ring full of sorrow
I'll keep the ring 'till I die
I'll keep the ring full of sorrow
I'll keep the ring 'till i die
Slow down and I sail on the river
Slow down and I walk to the hill
And there's now way out
Dark land under Sauron's spell
Threatened a long time
Threatened a long time
Seven rings to the gnoms in their halls made of stone
Into the valley, I feel down
One ring for the dark lord's hand sitting on his throne
In the land so dark where I've to go
I'll keep the ring full of sorrow
I'll keep the ring 'till I die
I'll keep the ring full of sorrow
I'll keep the ring 'till i die
Slow down and I sail on the river
Slow down and I walk to the hill
Slow down and I sail on the river
Slow down and I walk to the hill
Lord of the rings
The wizard
He was the wizard of a thousand kings
And I chanced to meet him one night wandering
He told me tales and he drank my wine
Me and my magic man kinda feeling fine
He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire
And as he spoke I felt a deep desire
To free the world of its fear and pain
And help the people to feel free again
Why don't we listen to the voices in our hearts?
‘Cause then I know we'd find we're not so far apart
Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing
For we know the joy of life, the peace that love can bring
So spoke the wizard in his mountain home
The vision of his wisdom means we'll never be alone
And I will dream of my magic night
And a million silver stars that guide me with their light
Spread your wings
Sammy was low, just watching the show
Over and over again
Knew it was time he'd made up his mind
To leave his dead life behind
His boss said to him: "Boy, you'd better begin
To get those crazy notions right out of your head"
Sammy, who do you think that you are?
You should've been sweeping up the Emerald bar
Spread your wings and fly away
Fly away, far away
Spread your little wings and fly away
Fly away, far away
Pull yourself together 'cause you know you should do better
That's because you're a free man
He spends his evenings alone in his hotel room
Keeping his thoughts to himself, he'd be leaving soon
Wishing he was miles and miles away
Nothing in this world, nothing would make him stay
Since he was small had no luck at all
Nothing came easy to him
Now it was time he'd made up his mind
"This could be my last chance"
His boss said to him: "Now listen, boy! You're always dreaming
You've got no real ambition, you won't get very far"
Sammy, boy, don't you know who you are?
Why can't you be happy at the Emerald bar?
So honey, spread your wings and fly away
Fly away, far away
Spread your little wings and fly away
Fly away, far away
Pull yourself together 'cause you know you should do better
That's because you're a free man
Come on, honey!
Fly with me
Mordred's song
I've lost my battle before it starts
My first breath wasn't done
My spirit's sunken deep into the ground
Why am I alone?
I can hear my heartbeat
Silence's all around
See hat will rise
So don't come closer, fear your child
Born with a king's heart
But fate fooled me and changed my cards
No one asked if I want it
If I like it
Pain inside is rising
I am the fallen one
A figure in an old game
No joker's on my side
I plunged into misery
I'll turn off the light
And murder the dawn
Turn off the light
And murder the dawn
Nothing else but laughter is around me
Forevermore, no one can heal me
Nothing can save me
No one can heal me
I've gone beyond the truth
It's just another lie
Wash away the blood on my hands
My father's blood, in agony we're unified
I never wanted to be
What they told me to be
Fulfill my fate then I'll be free
God knows how long I tried to change fate
Pain inside is rising
I am the fallen one
A figure in an old game
No joker's on my side
I plunged into misery
I'll turn off the light
And murder the dawn
Turn off the light
And murder the dawn
I plunged into misery
I'll turn off the light
And murder the dawn
Turn off the light
And murder the dawn
Black chamber
I am lost in the black chamber
There's no way to turning back
The still line in a different world
It takes me down forevermore
And death would be so sweet
A dancing gnome in an empty room
A cruel and painful game
I'm possessed by the old creature
Who had planned all to take my soul
Too late for me
In my hands it lies, I thought
But I failed
Now he's in me
My soul is lost
In his black chamber
I'm gone
The bard's song: In the forest
Now you all know
The bards and their songs
When hours have gone by I'll close my eyes
In a world far away we may meet again
But now hear my song
About the dawn of the night
Let's sing the bard's song
Tomorrow will take us away
Far from home
No one will ever know our names
But the bard's songs will remain
Tomorrow will take it away
The fear of today
It will be gone
Due to our magic songs
There's only one song left in my mind
Tales of a brave man who lived far from here
Now the bard songs are over
And it's time to leave
Noone should ask you for the name of the one
Who tells the story
Tomorrow will take us away
Far from home
No one will ever know our names
But the bards songs will remain
Tomorrow all will be known
And you're not alone
So don't be afraid in the dark and cold
'Cause the bards songs will remain
They all will remain
In my thoughts and in my dreams
They're always in my mind
These songs of hobbits, dwarves and men
And elves, come close your eyes
You can see them too
Barbara Ann / Long tall Sally
Barbara Ann
A bar bar bar bar, Barbara Ann
Bar bar bar bar, Barbara Ann
Bar bar bar bar, Barbara Ann
Barbara Ann, take my hand
Bar bar bar bar, Barbar Ann
Barbara Ann
Bar bar bar bar, Barbara Ann
You got me rocking and a rolling
Rocking and a reeling, Barbara Ann
Bar bar bar bar, Barbara Ann
Long tall Sally
I'm gone
Gonna tell aunt Mary
'Bout uncle John
He says he has the blues
But he has a lot of fun
Some fun tonight
We're gonna have some fun tonight
We're gonna have some fun tonight
Everything's alright
We're gonna have some fun tonight
We're gonna have some fun
Some fun tonight
A past and future secret
Oh, I haven't been here for a while
In blindness and decay
The circle's been closed now
My song of the end
I've seen it all
Listen crowd, I'll tell you everything
Though I have to say I don't know much
Talking about a past and future secret
Most called him once and future king
Far back in the past I saw his ending
Long before it started I knew his name
He's the one who took the sword out of the stone
It's how that ancient tale began
I hear it in the cold winds
My song of the end
I had seen it in my dreams
My song of the end
I can't stop the darkening clouds
I feel cold when I cry out for the bark
Take him back to Avalon
Dwell on for a new age so long sleep well, my friend
Take him back to Avalon
I will wait and guard
The future king's crown
My song of the end
It was nice but now it's gone
My song of the end
It was fixed the whole time
My song of the end
I saw it all
To France
Taking on water, sailing a restless sea
From a memory, a fantasy
The wind carries into white water
Far from the islands, don't you know?
You're never going to get to France?
Mary, queen of chance, will they find you?
Never going to get to France
Could a new romance ever bind you?
Walking on foreign ground like a shadow
Roaming in far off territory
Over your shoulder stories unfold
You're searching for sanctuary
You know you're never going to get to France
Mary, queen of chance, will they find you?
Never going to get to France
Could a new romance ever bind you?
I see a picture y the lamp's flicker
Isn't it strange how dreams fade and shimmer?
Never going to get to France
Mary, queen of chance, will they find you?
Never going to get to France
Could a new romance ever bind you?
I see a picture by the lamp's flicker
Isn't it strange how dreams fade and shimmer?
Never going to get to France
Mary, queen of chance, will they find you?
Never going to get to France
Could a new romance ever bind you?
Never going to get to France
Never going to
Never going to get to France
Never going to
Theatre of pain
Instrumental track