« Grace of God »
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1 | Grace Of God
 | 2 | Stance
 | 3 | Walls Of Freedom
 | 4 | Warzone
 | 5 | In Death
 | 6 | Conspiracy
 | 7 | Brittle
 | 8 | Loreto |
 | Grace Of God
The last resort -- arch enemy
I turn to You in desperation
To understand, to set me free
Because I know You feed on desolation
And if you hear me, and I think You do
Won't You just grant me one thing?
To see the stars just one last time
And then go back to silent waiting  |
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 Puissance и раньше-то считались элитой стиля martial-industrial, но их "Grace of God" превзошел даже самые смелые ожидания. Большинство представителей этого направления поражает одна характерная болезнь, ее признаки сводятся к играм с рациями и злоупотреблению сэмплами, а в погоне за атмосферой горе-мартиальщики часто забывают о самом главном – собственно, о музыке.
На этом весьма неутешительном фоне "Grace of God" выглядит, как новый автомат Калашникова в куче ржавых мечей и топоров. Первая же песня демонстрирует всю разрушительную мощь шведов: маршевая мелодика с неоклассической синтовой подкладкой, помноженная на формулу куплет-припев (мы все еще говорим о martial-industrial), впечатляет, и еще как! А живое пение, где-то суровое и повествовательное, а где-то по-человечески трогательное, только усиливает общий эффект. Ближе к середине альбома уже правит бал умиротворенность, песня "Walls of Freedom" обманчиво расслабляет и настраивает на лирический лад…Потом уже догадываешься, почему музыканты решили так сбавить обороты. Все лиричность разрушается огневым шквалом "Conspiracy", которую я бы назвал лучшей песней Puissance, как раз в ней и появляется множество сэмплов, удивительно в тему... Слушая это эпическое и по-настоящему величественное полотно, понимаешь, что создать его могли только люди, влюбленные в свое дело и упоенные образами, которые сами рисуют. Верящие в них так сильно, что эта вера передается и тем, кто их слышит. Апокалиптические картины здесь поданы не с предостережением или укором, а с наслаждением и предвкушением, поданы так, что ими нельзя не проникнуться. К альбому в целом применимо довольно странное (учитывая стиль) понятие хитовости, все песни запоминаются с первого раза и совсем не хотят надоедать. Все это закрепило группу на самой-самой высоте и позволило перешагнуть полутысячные тиражи локальных лейблов. Тем лучше, ведь этот альбом достоин самого широкого признания и быть показательным для стиля. Оформление не отстало, оно удивительно стильное и лаконичное. Браво, Puissance! |
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Предыдущие альбомы "Total Cleansing" и "State Collapse" подняли PUISSANCE на столь головокружительную высоту, что даже отечественный металлический лейбл Irond смог не только разглядеть потенциал шведского дуэта, но и подписать его на лизензирование обозреваемого диска. Очень точная характеристика пластинки, между прочим... тем не менее, в центре внимания - "Grace Of God".
В процессе прослушивания альбома создалось впечатление, что PUISSANCE с означенной в самом начале рецензии высоты решили окинуть взглядом свое прошлое. Modern apocalypyic industrial - именно такая сентенция приходит на ум для описания музыки "Grace Of God". Материал действительно вполне может показаться переработкой архивных и нереализованных пьес дуэта в новом, идеально отточенном звуке. Саунд работы, к слову, действительно совершенен - объемный, плотный, отчетливый и многогранный, он вполне может посостязаться в уровне с мастерами звукозаписи от пост-индастриала вроде BAD SECTOR.
Титульный трэк открывает перед слухом эпическое звуковое полотно с яркими эсхатологическими оттенками. Песенная структура композиций, выработанная еще на "Tolal Cleansing" и доведенная до гармонического совершенства в "State Collapse" не осталась в прошлом, связка "куплет-припев" периодически появляется и на "Grace Of God". "Stance" превосходно отражает мнение самих PUISSANCE о характеристике своей музыки - "микс из PORTISHEAD и симфониями Вагнера". Чилл-аутом и перерывом между боями являются спокойные сочинения "Walls Of Freedom" и "In Death", состоящие из тех же музыкально-боевых элементов, но в иной, спокойной и умиротворенной расстановке. Настоящий холокост вступает в действие с первых секунд звучания "Conspiracy" - поистине грозный барабанный гром и объемный клавишный фон (гармоническими связками напоминающий мелодии, встречанные в творчестве SUMMONING) в совокупности с голосовыми сэмплами, вырезками радиограмм и человеческими воплями создают устрашающее предчувствие неизбежного приближения Апокалипсиса... эпилог - две масштабные батальные картины "Brittle" и "Loreto" - недвусмысленно дают понять: сдавать занятые плацдармы и складывать оружие PUISSANCE не намеряны. |
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просмотров: 7551 |
The sky is clouded by Your grace
Your sacred earth we desecrate
Supreme above it all, You reign
Please wash away this human stain
The time to crush, to overtake
The very end is still at stake
Won't You end this pointless quest?
And kill the world, then lay to rest?
Whatever I have done, I know that You forgive
This rotting world, ridden with infection
My biggest crime: I really don't want to live
Too much time is spent, on mere deflection
So if you hear my prayer, set the fields ablaze
I only want to gaze upon the sun
You have the power to end the human race
Just one simple wish, let it all be gone
The sky is clouded by Your grace
Your sacred earth we desecrate
Supreme above it all, You reign
Please wash away this human stain
The time to crush, to overtake
The very end is still at stake
Won't You end this pointless quest?
And kill the world, then lay to rest?
Now for the first time, I have heard your call,
and rest assured, you won't go out alone.
But it is time, to leave once and for all.
Too many lies have turned your God's heart into stone.
And I will leave you in fury and with rage
The earth lay sterile, for a while
So will the shadows fall and then it is too late
To think I do all this for a single smile
So the shadows falls...
So the shadows falls...
So the shadows falls...
The sky is clouded by Your grace
Your sacred earth we desecrate
Supreme above it all, You reign
Please wash away this human stain
The time to crush, to overtake
The very end is still at stake
Won't You end this pointless quest?
And kill the world, then lay to rest?
The sky is clouded by Your grace
Your sacred earth we desecrate
Supreme above it all, You reign
Please wash away this human stain
The time to crush, to overtake
The very end is still at stake
Won't You end this pointless quest?
And kill the world, then lay to rest?
Where do you stand?
And what do you belive in?
The rise and fall of an empire?
Picking up speed...
The winds of change.
To send you hurling back into the fire...
It�s a sad fact that you never heard the call.
Say it�s a tragedy but we�ll forget it all.
Walk along the edge of a broken razor?
See it all wiped not a single trace and?
Left to be found in the layers of ashes.
Waiting for the final slashes.
Say it won�t happen to you? and so?
History will prove you wrong, off you go...
So here we are...
Another futile attempt.
To rebuild and shape the future.
But what can we do?
That hasn�t been tried before.
Mother knows, there�s nothing new to her...
Why not face the facts now give up and submit?
It�s not worth the effort you put into this.
To give your life for pointless cause.
and it only leeds to even more pointless wars,
in the name of all that is wrong with your life.
You will misunderstand, then fight, then die.
And no one will even remember you lived,
and they�ll blame someone else for the wrongs that you did.
And now it�s obvious.
You made the wrong choice.
all through your life as expected...
So it brings us to a point,
we can clearly see,
that all the facts were neglected.
Well it wasnt really like you ever had a choice.
You�re too in love with yourself and the sound of your voice.
And it�s a real shame that we all must end the same,
almost makes you think it�s an evil game,
that we all play wether we want or not.
We all play as we all loose and finally rot
in the grand curse, since dawn of time.
Somehow it�s beautiful, yes sublime.
Wall Of Freedom
Stand before the gates of hell my friend.
Brace yourself before the degradation.
Open your eyes slowly now, they will show you when and how.
Trust me they dont lack tools of persuasion.
Tear down the walls of freedom now.
Let likes of ceasar show us how.
Just like the emperors of past has lead the way,
better to burn alive then fight another day.
A storm of greed that took away your children.
The winds of freedom swept away your home.
Even though they crushed your dreams, just to fit their thieving scheme.
You will be greatful or alone.
Tear down the walls of freedom now.
Let likes of ceasar show us how.
Just like the emperors of past has lead the way,
better to burn alive then fight another day.
One day you will praise their foul persistance.
Say your prayer inside your precious cage.
You�ll submit to market rules, just another feeble tool,
forgetting all the decades spent in rage
Tear down the walls of freedom now.
Let likes of ceasar show us how.
Just like the emperors of past has lead the way,
better to burn alive then fight another day.
There is no way back now, pointless to return,
lead us into victory, not a field unburned.
As you walk the path of lies, we will follow you,
blind mice on our way to hell, if we only knew.
Your crusade a futile one, just like the ones of Rome,
to build a holy empire, that you can call your own,
just a small glitch in the plan, one minor detail.
The holy warriors of the past, all they did was fail.
Stay with me.
Fight and die.
Stay with me.
Fight and die.
The fire�s stirring now, you�re whipping up the flames,
accusations all around, someone new to blame.
Another pretext, for another war to come,
a pack of lies prepared, we all know where it�s from.
And so the next day comes, another list of dead,
to give a passing glance, names you never read.
True heros stand among their men and not behind,
but you�re not even close you�re nowhere to be found.
Stay with me
Fight and die
Stay with me
Fight and die
A final conflict, you�re the one to lead the way,
to save the world from ruin, and moral decay.
No matter that your conscience is blacker than the night,
you stand in safety and let others children fight.
No price is too high just as long as you dont pay.
We will stand firm, we will stand tall, we will prevail.
And so we bend the rules of freedom once again.
History will judge you, in the pages that you stain
Stay with me
Fight and die
Stay with me
Fight and die
Stay with me
Fight and die
Stay with me
Fight and die
In Death
I left before I should have
I failed to follow through
But venture to the fields of death
And I will walk with you
Together in a tight embrace
We'll cross the bridge of light
Into the land of never-was
Where echoes rule the night.
And all the things you fight for, and the things you hold for true
Won't change the fact we walk towards the end, and so do you
The steps you take so carefully may be big or small
But leads you to the edge and then eventually you fall
I really wish you could have come
But you must stay behind
In a world of dying flesh
Memories in your mind
One last thing I leave you
I really must persist
The hope of a better world
Where death does not exist
And all the things you fight for, and the things you hold for true
Won't change the fact we walk towards the end, and so do you
The steps you take so carefully may be big or small
But leads you to the edge and then eventually you fall
And so I cross the river
Move to the other side
No one left to hold my hand
As is for all who died
But finally I'm not afraid
There's nothing left to fear
And rest assured I won't forget
A single of your tears
And all the things you fight for, and the things you hold for true
Won't change the fact we walk towards the end, and so do you
The steps you take so carefully may be big or small
But leads you to the edge and then eventually you fall
A voice now from the other side
Wishing all the best
For everything and everyone
Eventually we rest
I walked as blind for all my life
Until the veil was cast
That life is truly beautiful
And death will never last
And all the things you fight for, and the things you hold for true
Won't change the fact we walk towards the end, and so do you
The steps you take so carefully may be big or small
But leads you to the edge and then eventually you fall
And all the things you fight for, and the things you hold for true
Won't change the fact we walk towards the end, and so do you
The steps you take so carefully may be big or small
But leads you to the edge and then eventually you fall
Hiding in the shades of grey,
sheltered by the white noise I see you.
Finding just a single strand,
reel you in and make you see the truth.
Blending in so perfectly,
underneath the layers of disbelief.
Sharpening the claws again,
Cutting out the patterns on demand.
I�m gathering momentum...
Stalking in the shadowlands,
always looking out for number one.
Deep inside the neverland,
factories are cooking lies for you.