Rotten Sound
« Consume to Contaminate »
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1 | Decay 02:20
 | 2 | Loss 01:48
 | 3 | Crime 01:13
 | 4 | GDP 03:02
 | 5 | CTC 02:24
 | 6 | Flesh 00:58
 | 7 | Fear 01:42
 | 8 | Time 01:48
 | | Total playing time: 15:15 |
   Sami Latva - Drums
Mika Aalto - Guitar
Keijo Niinimaa - Vocals
Toni Pihlaja - Bass, Backing Vocals |
Produced by Rotten Sound during April 2006
Co-produced by Janne Saksa
Recorded and mixed at Sound Supreme Studios by Janne Saksa
Mastered at Tonteknik Studios by Pelle Henriksson
Design and layout by Mush Design - http://www.mush-design.com
Cello arranged and performed in CTC by Ilari Autio
Organ arranged and performed in CTC by Heikki Järvi |
 | Decay
You can own a gun for your protection
But you can't drink on the streets
You can shoot anyone passing through your yard
And it's unsafe to walk outside alone
Synthetic Social Safety
Of your mindless society
Will collapse one day
By corruption and decay
Fear makes people ready to ser |
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 …За эти 15 минут Rotten Sound стремятся показать все, на что способны (и не только экстенсивно). Это и жужжащие гитары, и подобный граду барабанный стук, и все это сваливается на нас так неожиданно... Нет, честно сказать, таких парней надо загонять в клетки и вешать соответствующие предостерегающие знаки, вроде "Не влезай, убьет!". Пусть название этой уже немолодой группы не вводит вас в заблуждение – она производит поток нисколько не "гнилого", а, напротив, свежайшего звука, насыщенностью которого не уступит самим Pig Destroyer. Этот экстремально звучащий грайндкоровый массив постоянно вызывает в голове картины наводнений, оползней и прочих стихийных бедствий, которые за сравнительно небольшой промежуток времени успевают смести все на своем пути, а вокал, утопающий в инструментах, иллюстрирует сокрушительные эмоции находящегося в этом водовороте. По персоналиям. Гитарист Mika Aalto прокладывает путь своими скоростными режущими риффами на манер Napalm Death, а в медленных пассажах закрепляет произведенный эффект сладжеподобными запилами (…кабы ему еще при таком темпе с грайндовых мотивов на более прогрессивные структуры перейти, цены бы не было музыканту, а пока радует то, что есть, с самобытным звучанием). Ударник Sami Latva, который совсем недавно пришел в группу, с удвоенными усилиями демонстрирует свое искусство размашистого эмоционального или методичного бластового драмминга. Завершает картину сильный вокал Keijo Niinimaa, скрим-гроул на пару с бэковым скримом, насколько я расслышал.
Среди всей массы яростных грайндовых опусов (в которых затрагивается вечная тема безмозглого, коррумпированного общества, своими законами толкающего к гибели массы) с предельно лаконичными названиями, безусловно, белой вороной выглядит инструментал “CTC”. Механизм привлечения внимания следующий: скорости снижаются, гитарная игра становится тягучей, а последующее непродолжительное затишье окрашивается в подлинно финские меланхолические тона… чем? да виолончелью, чем же еще?! Кстати, еще о национальности... Обложкой EP что-то очень напомнило мне кавер альбома «Noir» финской же группы Callisto…
Итак, скандинавский грайндкор жив и после распада Nasum, и если вам хочется услышать его обобщенный образ, не лишенный некоторых новых, недостаточно сильных, чтобы говорить об экспериментаторстве, но все же, безусловно, прогрессивных тенденций, Rotten Sound будет отличным выбором. А получить достаточное первоначальное впечатление о творчестве команды можно уже из этого хищного на цвет и вкус мини-альбома, благо он самодостаточен и не оставляет ощущения недосказанности (песня “Fear” заканчивается словами “Now it’s the time to shut up and die”…). (Диск предоставлен компанией ФОНО) |
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просмотров: 6104 |
Against other fools praising other false gods
When your safety is endangered
Take your gun and make sure their safety is gone
Synthetic Social Safety
Of your mindless society
Collapses today
To save this historic day!
Leading you to subjective
Oppressive, offensive freedom
Turning you From a thinking being
Into ignorant Obeying moron
You can own a gun for your protection
But you can't drink on the streets
You can shoot anyone passing through your yard
And it's unsafe to walk outside alone
Synthetic Social Safety
Of your mindless society
Will collapse one day
By corruption and decay
Fear makes people ready to server in wars
Against other fools praising other false gods
When your safety is endangered
Take your gun and make sure their safety is gone
My senseless and worthless life
Pitiful journey to die
Losers of my time
Exploiting weakness
Died every single day
We died once again
On our way to obey and to bow
Worthless usage of our time
There's no unseen obscurity
We're bound to belong
To this selfish community
Money is earned and used to live
To suffer and suffocate our lives
We shall only lose
Our creativity
This total and complete
Internal Misery
Is feeding and filling
My depravity
Until it's time to die
To give up this trial to fight
Removal of our
Free will
to think
Worthless time to belong
To this world causes this
Internal, External
Total and complete
Loss of humanity
Loss of creativity, democracy
Loss of our precious insanity
Bombing red cross is a crime
Killing sick is not desired
Slaughter is the name of the game
Winning (is) based on the casualties
War is not a crime, but people die
Murdering heroes are praised nationalwide
Arrogance of the armies
Ignorance of living beings
Countries declare a war
Poorest fight the other poor
War is not a crime, but people still die
Murdering heroes praised nationalwide
Rise Of War
Who creates the laws for the wars?
Who made human kind so raw?
How measure the war crimes?
When do we learn to live civilized lives?
Torture is unhuman
Genocide, highest of crimes
Murder in the name of your laws
We are born to earn, they are waiting us to serve
We will be part of the machines raising the GDP
LEader ruling our world are unable to learn
Social health, eating wellbeing to death
Insane leaders, insane rules
Invented system in the government
Slavery is pushed down our throats
Approved lies
Living up to the social rule book, it gives your life away
Join this army of fools, retire in misery
Rules by our leaders (are) fed to us since we were born
This system is the only accepted way to live until we die
We are born to learn how to earn, they are waiting us to serve
We will be part of the machine raising the GDP
Leaders ruling our world are unable to learn
Social health, eating wellbeing to death
Insane leaders, insane rules
Invented system in the government
Slavery is pushed down our throats
Approved lies
Invented rules, invented leaders
Are fed to our minds Since we were born
Until we die
Until we choke
Rules are being pushed
Down our throats
Masses of meat
Serving the fattest beings
Carnivores consume
Just for their pleasure
Eating without knowing
the sickening ways...
The product lived to die to feed
all those selfish needs
New breed of bacteria
Shall rule this place
Viruses transform to kill
The strongest of all
Eating all the living
Even "superior" human race
Tearing apart all we have built
Deserting the woods, decaying cities
Corpses lying on the streets
Dead bodies rot to contaminate
Diseases from the air, water and skin
Butchering every single living thing
Inflected and completely destroyed
Watching the news evert single day
Seeing (how) next door has been emptied
Horrified by the cold fact
That the family could have been killed
Fear of getting killed
Fear of getting robbed
Losing reality, fear takes (over) your life
Advertised safety, trust nobody in sight
Losing reality, fear takes (over) your life
Trust nobody in sight
When are you getting picked?
How to prepare to get robbed?
Distressed when you know
That some day it will be your turn
Living your life in constant fear
Of loosing wealth to the poor people
Invest to protect your home
From the evil thieves in your town
Fear of getting killed
Fear of getting robbed
Losing reality, fear takes (over) your life
Advertised safety, trust nobody in sight
Losing reality, fear takes (over) your life
Tustt nobody in sight
Drive-By shootings
Madmen on highways with guns
Killings haunt your mind
And your pitiful life
Loosing your mind
Fear takes over your life
Choosing the advertised safety
It's time of being sorry
Time to leave your money
Time to ask (for) forgiveness
Time to forget your life
Time to open your eyes
Time to wonder why
Time to feel the truth
It's time to be afraid
We wish to live long enough
To die a natural death
Before intestines start to melt
From the environment we live in
Fear of drinking
Fear of eating
Fear of breathing
Fear of living
We wish to see enough of this place
Before it falls apart
Storms caused by the pollution
Will take down the world of today
Fear of drinking
Fear of swimming
Fear of eating
Fear of tasting
Fear of breathing
Fear of smelling
Fear of living
Fear of being
Time of being sorry
Time to ask (for) forgiveness
Time to forget your life
Time to open your eyes
Time to leave clean profit
Too late to ask (for) forgiveness
Now it's the time to shut up and die