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11 янв 2021 : Видео с текстом от EWIGKEIT
15 авг 2019 : Песня из переиздания EWIGKEIT
5 янв 2019 : Новое видео EWIGKEIT
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« Battle Furies »

Ewigkeit "Battle Furies" Год



CD Album

Dark Progressive Metal

N Название
1Jewel Of My Empire
2Wonder Of The Cosmos
3Christenom Falls
4Dragons Burning
5Kingdom In The Clouds (My Astral Journey)
6Time Reborn
7Gods Of Ages Awakened
8"O Elbereth"
9Keshara Arise
10As Shadows Dance...
All the arrangments and compositions of "Ewigkeit" have been possible utilising
Ibanez, Yamaha, Roland, Marshall, Fostex, Atari, and Vestax musical equipment.

Produed, mixed and remixed and mixed again (!) at Anzak recording studios
In the summer '97 by Simon and J. Fogarty
All music composed, arranged and recorded by Krvin Fogarty
Artworking by Andy Warwick

This album is dedicated to: Bridget Bishop, George Burroughs, Joan Upney, Agnes
Waterhouse, Elizabeth Clarke, Girodano Bruno, Dietrich Flade, Ursula Kempe, Joan
Cony, Jacques de Mola, Fran schuler, Angele de la Barthe, Joan Prentice, and
more than 200 000 other forgotten victims suspected of "heresy" by the church
that were burned alive, drowned or hung in the name of "Christian values". May
their executioners and tortureres burn in the deepest lakes of sulphur in their
Тексты песен
1. Jewel Of My Empire

I travel beyond the forlorn stars to my mystic
queen's lair,
my soul is enlightened, my craft it is
Jewel of my empire, armies cannot fight her.
Our strenght is as one, epress of the night.
I lay my life down for thee.
Blood soaked battle fields, lit by Скрыть/показать


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