 С Финляндией лично я ассоциирую в музыкальном плане нечто прилизанно-вазелиновое (независимо от «тяжести» продукта) и культ натужного алкогольного веселья. Но явление это относительно современное. И было это так, очевидно, не всегда. Stone своим альбомом 1989-го года в состоянии доказать, что Суоми когда-то могла выдать на гора что-то более интересное и интригующее, чем Children of Bodom. (Хотя банды всё же связаны друг с другом через гитариста Роопе Латвала). Интересные риффы между сложностью и всё же доходчивой простотой и запоминаемостью, соло балансируют между минорными банальностями и искромётной оригинальностью, композиции между тру-трэшевым примитивом и прогрессивностью. Хриплый голос – Крис Эстли?! Нет, конечно: это некий Янне с трудновыговариваемой фамилией. Но теперь все части сложены вместе и напоминают ни что иное как знаменитый опус Xentrix 1992-го года «Kin». Однако, это не просто «ещё один Xentrix». «No Anaesthesia!», всё же, более железен и напорист, чем тот же «Kin».
Посему, я думаю, что назойливые рекомендации и настоятельные просьбы ознакомиться будут излишни. Ведь всё ясно и так, несмотря на страааашно оригинальную обложку, не правда ли? |
In blood you're battleship floats
Absurd violence - absurd violence is what you wanna see
Exterminator is what you'd like to be
Good night - Close your little eyes
Sleep tight - Dream of something nice
Don't let the bed bugs bite
Your wife sleeps next to you
But she don't know what you're going through
Killed - Nice raper - Sweet
In dreams you don't have to be neat
[Lead: Jiri, Roope]
Your dirtiest dreams about disciplin
You wanna smell the burning skin
You wanna woman with swollen lips
And teach her with your whips
Torture really turns you on
Best way to have a hard on
Bloody bottock, beaten bitch
This channel you wouldn't switch
Good night - Close your little eyes
Sleep tight - Dream of something nice
Don't let the bed bugs bite
3. Empty Corner
Ain't I so nice, mother you're so wice
I'll satisfie your will
You've tied me tight but I won't fight
Because I don't dare to try
A holy place disgrace, after having been
A bad bad boy
You like to see me cry, fact you can't deny
Mother I ask you why?
If I hurt your honour, you push me back into my corner
You want to protect me from the wicked world outside
you keep me in your empire of glass and i'm your pride
I dream of breaking the glass and stepping into unknown
But do I have strength to pull myself over
The wall of fear
What would happen to my mother
Would I hurt your feeligns
Would you still take me back if I missed you too much
[Leads: Roope, Jiri]
Spoke up my mind, mother you're not so kind
I'm back in the corner
I'm begging thanksgiving, "you must be kidding"
Guessed I did dissapoint you, oh mommy, I'm so sorry
A holy place for disgrace, after having been
A bad bad boy
To this white sheep, raising stuck cuts too deep
I think I'm done
The cuts will bleed 'cos you don't have
What they really need
You wanted to protect me from my dream wolrd outside
Kept me in your empire of glass, say bye bye to your pride
4. Back To The Stone Age
No rain but thick shells
Two rhinos are having a good time
Don't ever get in their way, you're an ant
They'll roll over you
Now you will see what it's like to be
When we are going back to the stone age!
Rhinos rule what you do, your life depends on them
Be quiet and build your hill
Or you'll begin to feel quite ill
The celebration has no ending
They fight and roar screams of joy
Lands gone through vast destruction
Now the land is just a useless toy
Lick their wounds, say you enjoyed the show
The world is like a raging beast
We've gone back to the stone age!
Rhinos rule what you do, your life depends on them
Be quiet and build your hill
Or you'll begin to feel quite ill
[Lead: Jiri]
Now there's no rhinos, died after the final feast
But strong ants will survive, build up a better world
[Lead: Roope]
Back to the stone age!
5. Concrete Malformation
If the tough guys call you chicken shit
And you are scared to death
If you are so lonely that
You can't even see yourself in the mirror
Where'd you find so many friends and become
As man as man can be
There is just one right answer - Join the army!
They know how to cure your king
No more you feel ill
"Search and destory" that's the spirit
All that moves you kill
Think about the great feling when a
Concrete face general yells at you
Yes sit! May I lick your boots or
Do your highness use dry cleaning
When you play war he can play god and
Let repressed feelings out
Feel the satisfaction of that crooked
Speech disordered soul
[Leads: Roope, Roope & Jiri, Jiri]
Isn't it fun to cherish a big gun!
Reminds you about someting you have small
Eating corn flakes every morning
Makes you strong and grow so tall
If you wanna be a good boy
You will kill enough
You got yourself a piece of iron
Reputation you're tough
That goes on in your mind
No decisions for you to make
You're not here to serve your native country
Just one pervert fruit cake
6. No Anaesthesia
A white bodybuilding man looking for a delicate boy
Who wants to get submited and be treated
As a cheap toy
Looking for a real adventure? I'm all that boy needs
I got rubberboots, leatherwhip, everything!
Balls full of seeds
C'mon fear me boy, taste my fire, I'm gonna give it to you
WIth no anesthesia!
You read this in one of those magazines
And begin to feel really tight in your jeans
At once you know this one is for you
You're change to be loved and shown your love too
Get down, down on your knees
Make it slippery with greace
This dreams been going on every night
You're sure he loves you 'cos you got it so tight
How do you want it?
No anesthesia!
He's the dentist, you are a patient in pain
No anesthesia!
You're a special client so he locks the door
PLease dear doc, drill my hole with
No anesthesia!
Let's see what you can take 'cos he's no fake
Obey what he says!
Take off you clothes and he'll tie you to the floor
He'll give you a lesson that
You couldn't have dreamed of before
Fear what he says!
Cry you're hurt, beg mercy, yell your
Skin is burning!
For him this is just a start, wait till
You see his little dog
How do you want it?
No anesthesia!
He's the dentist, you are a patient in pain
No anesthesia!
You're a special client so he locks the door
PLease dear doc, drill my hole with
No anesthesia!
Let's see what you can take 'cos he's no fake
[Lead: Jiri, Roope]
How do you want it?
No anesthesia!
He's the dentist, you are a patient in pain
No anesthesia!
You're a special client so he locks the door
PLease dear doc, drill my hole with
No anesthesia!
Let's see what you can take 'cos he's no fake
7. Light Entertainment (Good Old Times)
The great show is here tonight, such has none seen before
People are gathered around, the first act begins
Conjurer takes his top hat and whispers magic words
A white rabbit jumps out of there
The audience is getting bored
But to audience's pleasure the rabbit's eyes are bleeding
And it has a pig's snout, atrophic paws
Blinded by the success he asks for a volunteer
To join the famous saw trick, but now a little changed
Rejoising is at it's best when the conjurer saws
The beautiful and smiling lady into three pieces
So fun - Light entertainment, after a hard working day
Enjoy - This is really something
The audience sits excited and quiet
The conjurer performs his last number
He takes a big gun, puts it into his own mouth
Pulls the trigger, applause never seems to end
The next artist is a nigger clown dressed in a monkey suit
Laughter is loud when he tells nigger jokes
With his mouth full of banana
And now comes the highligt of the show
A living hunchback russian is to be stoned
And the audience can join the act
Everytime you hit the man he cries blasphemies
In russian
[Leads: Roope, Jiri]
So fun - Light entertainment, after a hard working day
Enjoy - This is really something
Everybody's going back home smiling
Children's faces covered with chocolate ice cream
Mommy and daddy have a good reason
To be happy again
Happy again!
8. Kill The Dead
9. Meat Mincing Machine
You have big muscles, a long black hair
Play guitar in the cellars, you want out at any cost
This manager here will make you a star
She'll create an image for you
One of those spitting ones...
Kill - While others play, you kill
Praise - Praise yourself, the king of heavy metal
[Lead: Roope]
That piece of advice got you into the charts
You think your fans fear and respect you now
"But I want them to fear me more"
[Lead: Jiri, Jiri & Roope]
I think you are ridicilous and silly
Is this all because of the size of your willie
You play macho man to a 13-year-old chick
You'd love to explore her porcelain with your prick
You dress like if you lived in the iron age
Your intelligence quotient is pretty much the same
Head full of LSD, acting gorilla on stage
Or are you acting at all?
You're a meat mincing machine, "it's so fucking fun!"
You wanna be as sharp and lethal as an x-ray gun
And be as famous as ex-president Reagan
Well done!
The wide wall between your role and true yourself
Is fading away, so you have to choose which way to go
Fear me more!
You gotta go further and further
Fear me more!
Or wake up from this bad dream
Wake me up!
Please, mrs nice manager
Wake me up!